Lojban timeline

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Personal stories of how people discovered Lojban

Loglan (1954-1987)


  • Loglan development started by James Cooke Brown (JCB). James Cooke Brown, Assistant Professor of Sociology at University of Florida, Gainesville, decides to test the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis. Brown, a social psychologist with a degree from U/Minnesota, was well trained by second generation Logical Positivists (e.g. May Brodbeck) and so thought to use something like a logically perfect language, that is the First Order Predicate Logic, for the test.


  • The details of the progression here are hazy, but during this period most of the basic guidelines of the language were developed as well as some of the details:
    • The shape of predicates, names, and little words, little word vocabulary and some predicate vocabulary were developed.
    • Speech stream uniquely segmented into words, word stream uniquely parsed into sentences (from the language of logic).
    • Metaphysically neutral (for the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis).
    • Grammatically simple, for easy learning (practical).
    • Vocabulary derived from major languages for easy learning (practical)
    • The technique for deriving predicates was also at least outlined and some predicates derived by hand.
  • Sometime in this period, Brown invented the game of Careers, which was marketed by Milton Bradley Co. and eventually provided Brown with a decent living, independent of the usual academic jobs.


  • Brown had an NSF Grant to cover the computer time to develop the primitive predicates according to his algorithm (with some handwork at the end). This resulted in the first edition of Loglan 4 and 5, the dictionaries between Loglan and English, work done with his wife Lujoye Fuller Brown.
  • There was apparently a group of people around Brown who worked on the language: learning it, using it, discussing it and revisions. It is not clear who all was involved, though some names have turned up in various contexts. For them, at some time, was written the first draft of Loglan 1, the general description of the language. Also during this time or shortly thereafter a longer version of L1, the only finished versions of L2, the explanation of the language, and L3 a (very restricted) primer were written and “published” by University Microfilms.


  • June - the famous Scientific American article by James Cooke Brown
  • There was a flurry of responses to this article from a range of people: linguists, philosophers, logicians, artificial language buffs. The mail was largely unanswered, though a few letters, e.g. from Quine, were saved for later use. A later examination of those letters shows that many people who later played some role in Loglan were already inquiring about it (John Clifford sent from RAND Corp. asking about the use of Loglan as an intermediate language in machine translation, for example).


  • JCB gets small grant for developing Loglan materials from NIMH, which then funded linguistics research.


  • A dark period. Brown’s (second?) marriage ended in divorce and he fled with his infant daughter (?) to Europe, first England and eventually Ibiza. Apparently various people managed to track him down in these places and discuss Loglan with him. He worked on it some, eventually producing the (third edition of) L1 and getting it published just prior to his return to the US.
  • In the US before his return (exact date unclear) some friends of Brown set up an organization, The Loglan Institute, to deal with Loglan related matters. This was not a non-profit organization and was, in fact, a DBA for Brown, though his friends were listed as officers of the organization. (I am unsure whether the organization was even incorporated at that time.)
  • Sometime in here JCB wrote The Troika Incident, which Lyman Sargeant called the best utopian novel of the period. In it Loglan is talked about under the name Panlan, but the samples, e.g. ai mi betgo, are recognizable as the Loglan of the period. The novel also contains a description of another of JCB’s projects, the Jobs Market (seen by some as a practical application of Careers), on which he worked for many years.
  • Brown eventually came to the US to take over, settling eventually in San Diego. There he began teaching the language to several interested people: Bob Jenner from York, ME, first of all, John Parks-Clifford (his pseudonym - pc)at the end of 1976, and other soon thereafter, forming a group in San Diego.


  • Loglan is mentioned by name in Robert Heinlein's "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress" but there are no samples, indeed no evidence that Heinlein knew anything about it other than the name.


  • Loglan books published in microfilm; Loglan 1: language description; Loglan 2: technical justification of design; Loglan 3 partial programmed primer; Loglan 4/5 bi directional English/Loglan dictionary. Linguist Arnold Zwicky reviewed Loglan 1 in a linguistics journal.


  • Revised edition of Loglan 4/5 published as hardbound and paperbound dictionary; advertised in Scientific American.


  • Revised edition of Loglan 1 published in hardbound and paperbound.
  • Loglan 1 was announced with fanfare in an ad in the August 1975 Scientific American. A couple hundred orders for the book were submitted, but the addresses given for the orders was not quite correct and so there was some delay in shipping. The address for contacting Brown on the back of the book was also incorrect and so the considerable body of mail that resulted was delayed and largely went unanswered.
  • In the fall of 1975, Brown visited John Parks-Clifford in St. Louis (a letter had gotten through to him and he had replied, with a dialog ensuing). In the course of the visit or soon thereafter, John was asked to edit a journal of Loglan and accepted.


  • In "The Loglanist" there was a considerable amount of discussion of a sort (and indeed on topics) that are familiar from the Lojban List and wiki of the present. In some cases these convinced JCB to make changes in the language, mainly adding new words or, in one case, a new letter, h, and then reconstruct a few words as a result. There were also a number of translations of short passages. The changes were summed up in a special issue of The Loglanist in the fall of 1980.
  • During this period interested people met in informal get-togethers, Logfests, at various places in New England, usually in July (pc was in Maine for estivation, Jenner and several other participants lived in ME, MA or close enough). Some proposals, both about the language and about the Institute arose from these meetings.
  • Along with the discussion of the issues there developed of course people who held different opinions about how things should be done from those that were the official choice. For the most part this was confined to constantly raising the issues, though at least one regular discussant also set up his own alternate language (not directly in competition with Loglan, however) and another was (more or less jokingly) accused of setting up a competitor that did everything backwards of Loglan, so Nalgol.
  • Three larger issues had come in for discussion and had moved JCB into action during this period: unambiguous grammar, creating compound words, and the organization of The Institute. The grammar had always been said to be unambiguous, but that claimed had never been proven and the first few attempts to prove it showed it not to be true as matters stood. This was partly due to the fact that the grammar given was not well formalized beyond the pieces that were directly borrowed from the (demonstrably unambiguous) grammar of the language of logic. JCB, guided by Jeff Prothero and others, set about to write a formal grammar. The target was to get a parser by using YACC, since that would guarantee the language was LALR1 and so (from other considerations) unambiguous. This project continued for several years, with various successes being announced along the way but each failing to be a complete grammar.
  • The issue of compound predicates, built up from the primitive predicates of the language became pressing as more text was developed and new words were needed. Loglan 1 had left the method of forming such words up in the air and, as a result, several techniques had been used, mainly just ramming (what were taken to be significant or easily identifiable) parts of two (or more) primitives together in a way that seemed likely to be recognizable. So, in the example above, betgo for an English speaker in the context of use pretty clearly means, “go to bed” and is derived from betpu, “bed,” and gotso, “go.” Other cases – particularly those by speakers of languages other than English – were less clear to the usual audience. And some cases were just perverse: the Jenny method, for example. And people were also coining words from non-Loglan sources but also fitting as closely as possible into the CVCCV and CCVCV formats. JCB became convinced that this could not continue and so reworked the whole morphology of the predicates, giving many of them special reduced forms to be used in constructing compounds and insisting that all compounds be made using these forms where possible and full forms where not. This project took a while, being announced finally in 1983.


  • August - "The Loglanist" first published. The first issue of bore the nominal date of 1976 (when the editing was mostly done) but actually appeared early the next year. The first issue was largely pc and Brown though there were already some reader- supplied pieces, with responses from JCB and pc.


  • first NSF proposal rejected
  • first partial machine grammar of Loglan using YACC by Doug Landauer
  • first extended Loglan "conversation" (mostly pauses while people looked up words)


  • JCB wanted to make the Institute tax-exempt and most of the participants in the Loglanist wanted it to be a membership organization. In 1979, then, the Institute was reorganized as a membership organization and tax-exempt status as a research organization was applied for. Once the Institute became a membership organization, the board urged JCB to copyright (or whatever turned out to be the appropriate protection) the material: name, lists, examples and so on. He refused to do so at the time (though he did eventually do a part of it).
  • Nora Tansky (now Nora LeChevalier) becomes first "member" of TLI. By 1981, there were several members and TLI became nominally a "member-controlled corporation". Lognet started in 1981 as a communications vehicle for the membership.
  • Great Morphological Revolution work starts. Completed in 1982


  • The Loglanist was slow to appear usually and so a new publication was started to carry intermediate news, including social events, personal information, and business of the Institute that needed membership input. It soon came to also include some discussion of issues.


  • The first election by the members of the board of The Loglan Institute was held in 1980, JCB still as President but the rest of the board being drawn from the members.
  • gathering of New England Loglanists with JCB visiting - this was the first Logfest


  • In 1982, for the second TLI election, JCB stepped down as President but took the office, Chairman of the Board – ultimate control but freedom from day-to-day matters; pc was President.
  • First "complete" machine grammar of Loglan completed by Scott Layson after significant contributions from Jeff Prothero


  • Dissent within the TLI membership over GMR and other technical issues causes JCB to reassert full control of TLI
  • Jim Carter publishes several variant Loglan materials independently of TLI; this work is labeled Nalgol by pc because "it got everything in Loglan backwards". Debates over Carter's work turn JCB's reassertion of control into a major political fight. Most active Loglanists beome inactive over the next year, and The Loglanist ceases publication.


  • JCB turned to completing the Great Morphological Revolution – already pretty much done – of getting all primitives equipped with affixes to build compound word and of fixing the form for such compounds as well as some rules about borrowings. He also sought legal protection for all of the elements of the language: the YACC grammar, the whole vocabulary and many of the other programs, which were used (not Logflash, a computerized version of his flashcard routine, which had been created by Nora Tansky and never given to the Institute).


  • The third TLI election was 1984. For whatever reasons (apparent loss of control?) JCB decided to return to a Board of cronies, but was late in getting his slate out and did not inform the rest of the board that he was preparing one. The board cobbled together a slate drawn entirely from members and presented it simultaneously with JCB presenting his slate. JCB persuaded the membership slate to withdraw and declared that the slate had been presented too late under the bylaws. His slate was elected. He then attacked the people who had put together the other slate in a variety of ways (though never actually accusing them of betrayal). They quit the organization.


  • Sometime around 1986, Robert LeChevalier came to aid JCB with computer related projects, tidying up the YACC grammar and computerizing the very haphazard membership and book-order files of the Institute. When LeChevalier moved to the Washington DC area, he took some of the membership data with him to continue trying to bring some order out of it. In Washington LeChevalier started a local Loglan group, which produced some discussion, and eventually a newsletter, which was sent to all the Loglanists in LeChevalier’s database (The Loglanist was still being published with a new editor and joined with the old Institute newsletter to offer a more regular – though less meaty – periodical).
  • July - "me la uacintyn loglytuan" (the future "ju'i lobypli") #1 published as an attempt to create a Washington DC area Loglan Users group and reactivate the membership.
  • August - "me la uacintyn loglytuan" #2 published.
  • September - Bob LeChevalier restarts the annual gathering of Loglanists at Logfest. Joel Shprentz creates a Loglan area on a BBS, with downloadable Logflash and Loglan wordlists. JCB perceives lojbab's efforts as an attempt to take over TLI, threatening legal action when lojbab refuses JCB's authority and TLI claims of ownership of his and Nora's work.
  • Though the members of the Washington group were for the most part also member of the Institute, JCB took the position that the group was unauthorized and was trespassing on Institute business (though the Institute had no other local groups, even in San Diego). He further held that mere membership in the Institute did not entitle a person to make use Loglan material – all under copyright – and so even citing Loglan words was forbidden as were definitely writing Loglan sentences or citing bits of the grammar

Lojban (1987-present)


Lojban is forked from Loglan. The Logical Language Group (LLG) is formed. The mailing list is founded. Sixteen issues of "ju'i lobypli" are published. Loglan's trademark is canceled. The Great Rafsi Reallocation. The Glasgow Conversation.


  • In response to JCB's hostility as well as the accumulated suggested additions and “corrections” to the Institute’s language, the Washington group – with some remote adherents – decided to create a new version of Loglan from scratch. The outlines were thrashed out in a series of Logfests at LeChevalier’s house in Fairfax VA; the details – the derivation of new primitives from a revised list of the most widely used languages, the reorganization of the phonology and morphology, the revision of the grammar were done by LeChevalier and John Cowan with a variety of helpers in one area and another. The result was launched in 1987 as “Lojban, a realization of Loglan.”
  • April - "me la uacintyn loglytuan" became "hoi loglypli" with the publication of issue #3.
  • May - on Memorial Day weekend, Lojban (then called Loglan-88) is started by Bob LeChevalier, Nora LeChevalier (still Tansky at that point), Gary Burgess, and Tommy Whitlock. At this point, it is intended merely as an alternative gismu list and phonology to evade copyright claims by JCB.
  • July - The Logical Language Group founded
  • October 23 - lojbab and Nora married in a ceremony with vows in primitive Lojban.
  • December - initial gismu list completed


  • January - Lojban publicly announced as Loglan-88 at Evecon science fiction convention
  • February - "hoi loglypli" became ju'i lobypli with the publication of issue #4.
  • February - JCB registers trademark for Loglan, threatens to sue lojbab and Nora. The Logical Language Group sues for cancellation of the trademark a year later after negotiations have failed.
  • May - Issue #5 of "ju'i lobypli" is published. The Logical Language Group incorporated as a non-profit organization.
  • June - work on Lojban machine grammar starts
  • June - "Lojban - A Realization of Loglan" adopted as the name of the language
  • August - Issue #6 of "ju'i lobypli" is published.
  • October - earliest complete cmavo list and machine grammar; Grammar Synopsis written for review intending eventual publication. After severe criticism, shelved in favor of a textbook and dictionary as higher priorities. The Complete Lojban Language by John Cowan (1997) was the completion of the Grammar Synopsis.
  • November-December - Issue #7 of "ju'i lobypli" is published.


  • August 31 - September 4 - lojbab, Nora and Athelstan present lojban at Noreascon 3, the 47th World Science Fiction Convention, held in Boston. On the way back from the conference, a discussion of Laadan indicators at Art Wiener's house in New Jersey inspires an overhaul of Lojban's indicator system.
  • November 17 - Article in Washington Post, "An Artificial Language Seeks Status as the Lingua Franca" published; reproduced in JL11 (3/90).
  • November/December - "The Open Window" by Saki appears, translated by Athelstan, in issue #10 of "ju'i lobypli", as well as two articles on Lojban poetry. issue #11 of "lojbo karni" is published.


  • March - Issue #11 of "ju'i lobypli" is published.
  • May - Issue #12 of "ju'i lobypli" is published.
  • May 12 - Mark Shoulson and Jerry Altzman announce the "Planned Language Server", a file server by email, which becomes an important and early repository for Lojban materials.
  • June 15-18 - Logfest draws about 18 attendees.
  • June 17 - Second annual members meeting of LLG. A preliminary grammar baseline is approved. "Amicable Settlement Offer" from James Cooke Browne which would require handover of mailing list is rejected.
  • August - Issue #13 of "ju'i lobypli" (and lojbo karni #13) published, including preliminary grammar baseline and machine grammar.


  • Beginning of the 'Tweeners generation of Lojbanists, and of substantial growth of community online.
  • February 4 - Loglan trademark cancelled. The Loglan Institute appeals.
  • March - Issue #14 of "ju'i lobypli" published. Guy Garnett's design is announced as having received the most votes and is adopted as The Lojban Logo.
  • June 10 - lojbab posts the official gismu list to the Planned Languages Server.
  • June 21-24 - 17 people attend LogFest.
  • June 23 - Third annual LLG members meeting passes motion to prioritize the production of a "reference-manual/dictionary". Also moved and passed was a resolution discouraging the expenditure of resources towards reconciling with The Loglan Institute.
  • July - ziryroi published
  • August - Lojban mailing list outgrows snark!cbmvax reflector and moves to a Columbia University LISTSERV
  • August-September - Issue #15 of "ju'i lobypli" published.


  • ckafybarja project initiated.
  • February: Athelstan injured.
  • April 28 - United States Court of Appeals upholds trademark cancellation in "Loglan Institute v. Logical Language Group".
  • June: First baselining of the gismu list. Issue #16 of "ju'i lobypli" announces place structure changes.
  • August 16 - Fourth annual members meeting of LLG.
  • October: lojbab promotes Lojban in Russia while visiting Moscow. First international promotion of the language.



  • First baselining of the machine grammar.
  • May 30 - Veijo Vilva publishes the Lojban WWW server, which eventually became www.lojban.org.
  • July 7 - Issue #18/19 of "lojbo karni" (dated May 1994) is announced.
  • July 15-17 - LogFest
  • July 17 - Sixth annual LLG members meeting
  • July 26 - Announcement that lojban mailing list surpassed 100 subscribers.


  • August - First reported fluent Lojban conversation, "The Glasgow Conversation"
  • August 18-20 - LogFest
  • August 20 - Seventh annual meeting of the LLG.
  • December 7 - lojbab, responding to a debate on the conlang listserv, posts the "finprims" document, detailing the etymology of gismu.
  • December 28 - xorxes and Jose Ramon Gallo Vazquez translate the gismu list into Spanish.


  • February 15 - Veijo Vilva sets up European mirror of lojban FTP archives.
  • August - Wired magazine publishes an article about artificial languages that makes prominent reference to lojban.
  • August 10-11 - LogFest
  • August 11 - Eight annual meeting of the LLG. With the news that John Cowan had completed writing the reference grammar, a motion is passed to "baseline the contents of the Reference Grammar as of December 31, 1996, and all else as of June 30, 1997".


"The Complete Lojban Language" (CLL) is published and the language design is baselined and frozen for five years. The popular albeit unofficial parser, "jbofihe", is developed. JCB passes away. "jbovlaste" and the Lojban wiki are started. The LLG Baseline Policy is proposed and ratified. Lojban IRC is logged by the vreji bot.


  • January 10 - Electronic publication of the reference grammar is announced: "The Lojban language design is baselined and frozen for a minimum period in excess of 5 years".
  • July 3 - Announcement that the lexicon baseline, which had been schedule for release on June 30 per the January announcement, had been postponed.
  • November 28 - Publication of The Complete Lojban Language by John Cowan announced.
  • Of course, publication of an official guide to the language did not stop discussion of what the language should be, starting with disputes about what the official text actually meant and then what it should have meant – or said. However, the guide did open the way for a number of large-scale translations: xorxes did Alice and The Little Prince and a number of other works, including game scripts were made. There was also a serious and growing amount of spontaneous communication in Lojban over IRC, generating another large corpus of usage.


  • July 11-12 - LogFest
  • October 5 - John Cowan posts machine grammar version .300.
  • December 3 - lojbab announces acquisition of the "lojban.org" domain.


  • luryri'e published (online only edition).
  • Jan 12 - Lojban WWW server moves to www.lojban.org.
  • Feb-Nov lapoi pelxu ku'o trajynobli serialized on la jboste.
  • March 9 - lojbab publishes revised gismu source language weights.
  • May 7 - YACC parser .300 and Nora's glosser released as beta software.
  • June - Richard Curnow begins work on "jbofihe", a parser that, although never officially recognized, would come to replace the YACC grammar as the de facto standard
  • June - A review of "The Complete Lojban Language" is published in the "Journal of Linguistics", Vol. 35, Issue 3.
  • July 16-18 - LogFest
  • mi terpa by Steve Furlong. First children's book in Lojban.


  • The "Elephant" is proposed by John Cowan: An IBIS (Issue-Based Information System) implementation to manage the documentation of discussion around points of contention in lojban. Although never implemented, it would continue to be discussed through 2006.
  • February 13 - James Cooke Brown died. Dr. James Cooke Brown, inventor of Loglan and founder of the Loglan Project, died in February while on a cruise around South America. He was 78. On behalf of LLG, Bob LeChevalier expressed personal and official sorrow at his passing. While Lojban and LLG were founded as a result of substantive disagreement with JCB over several issues, he was a creative genius who will be greatly missed. There have been some soundings taken as to the possibility of rapprochement between the TLI Loglan and LLG communities. Both communities seem strongly in favor of the idea, though it is uncertain what types of moves could be made. Discussions will continue over a longer period of time.
  • April 29 - Lojban attracts Attention - Lojban was mentioned as a discussion item on Slashdot. The result was an enormous volume of hits on the Lojban website: More traffic than had been seen in two years in the course of a single day, comprising about 1 gigabyte of bandwidth. But the web host CAIS Internet (www.cais.net) stayed up and presumably a lot more people now know about Lojban. After the first week, traffic died down somewhat, but ran for a time at about double the traditional levels.
  • May 9 - first Russian Lojban web page created by Evgenii Sklyanin
  • August 5-6 - LogFest 2000: The annual meeting celebrating Lojban, as well as the annual meeting of The Logical Language Group, was held at lojbab's house.


  • "tremendous apparent growth" - Many Lojbanists create web pages
  • April - Jay Kominek (jez) announces the development of a web dictionary, "jbovlaste"
  • June 13(?) - the first lojban wiki based on phpwiki engine started by jez
  • August 2001 - jboske ("lojbanology") group created to discuss technical language issues
  • August 7 - John Cowan registers "art-lojban" as ISO 639-2 code with IANA.
  • August 24 - Jay Kominek starts the lojban-beginners email mailing list. Initially housed on yahoo groups, it later is moved to google groups.
  • alt.language.artificial.lojban (?) created.


  • 4 January 2002 - jezrax started this timeline, little realizing what it would become...
  • 10 January 2002 - The minimum freeze period for the original 1997 language design baseline expires.
  • 18 April 2002 - The first draft of the Alice In Wonderland translation was completed, or nearly so.
  • 1 July 2002 - There was a major (several day) downtime of the Lojban web site, due to bad RAM, which in turn caused file system corruption. The server was upgraded with a much faster processor, a new, larger hard drive, as well as a completely new operating system (NetBSD 1.5.2), and moved into a co-location facility with a connection to the internet that is close to 300Mb/s.
  • 26-29 July 2002 - LogFest, the annual gathering of lojbanists, was held at lojbab's house in Fairfax, VA, USA, including the 2002 Annual Meeting of the Members of the LLG, at 1030AM EDT on Sunday July 28, 2002
  • October 2002 - Discussion heats up on jboske ("lojbanology") mailing list, peaking in December. Much of the discussion concerned practical problems that turned up in translation and chat. Some discussion threads will eventually contribute to the definition of xorlo and the formation of BPFK (baupla fuzykamni – the committee responsible for a language plan) to amend CLL to remove doubts or uncertainties, to fill gaps and, if need be, to alter bits to deal better with perceived problems.
  • 21 October 2002 - The Lojban FAQ was updated and moved and revamped and such, mostly by Dalton Graham.
  • 28 November 2002 - The new Official Baseline Statement, from the LLG was posted, thus lifting the language freeze. BPFK instituted to sort out contradictions and clarify under-defined issues in the Lojban baseline
  • 30 December 2002 - An IRC logging system was set up. See The Lojbanic Forums page.


BPFK begins work. The Camxes parser is implemented. BPFK adopts xorlo. XKCD name checks Lojban.


  • Robin Lee Powell started creating camxes, a new parser for Lojban which will eventually become a new standard.
  • 21 February 2003 - lojban-fr, a French mailing list, is started.
  • 3 March 2003 - phpBB forum installed to capture BPFK discussions and record polls.
  • 29 March 2003 - BPFK opened for business.
  • 7 April 2003 - The Level 0 book was added to the web site and a Request Tracker was set up to help manage future changes to the site.
  • 11 May 2003 - Some bylaw changes from 1992 were incorporated. Split off of Old Projects into a seperate page, many changes (mostly minor) to the projects and committees pages. Markup changes all over the place. The full changes list can be found at the Aegis change page for change number 144.
  • 15 May 2003 - Original deadline for completion of cmavo definitions per 2002 baseline statement. To date (2014), the definitions have not been deemed as completed.
  • June 2003 - After fourteen years, lojbab steps down as LLG president. John Cowan, elected by the Board of Directors, becomes president. Nora also resigns her position as secretary/treasurer, and is succeeded by Robin Lee Powell. Bob remains on the Board to satisfy requirements of the State of Virginia.
  • September 2003 - Robin Lee Powell installs tiki wiki, replacing phpwiki and phpBB
  • 2 September 2003 - John Cowan registers "jbo" as ISO 639 alpha-3 code, deprecating "art-lojban".
  • 10 September 2003 - "What is Lojban?" was published.
  • 27 October 2003 - Nick Nicholas (nitcion) resigns his position as chair of BPFK. Robin Lee Powell is appointed by the Board of Directors to fill his place.


  • Large influx of new users on the #lojban IRC channel
  • 17 Dec 2004 xorxes started working on implementing morphology for camxes.
  • 25 Dec 2004 Announcement that the gadri proposal (better known as "xorlo") was passed by BPFK


  • 5 Sep 2005 - Lojban web site overhaul. Most lojban.org content was moved from a set of static HTML pages to the TikiWiki content management system.
  • 15 Nov 2005 - Nomination of the LLG board at the annual meeting culminates in the election of LLG's third president, Arnt Richard Johansen. Arnt succeeds John Cowan in this position.
  • 9-11 Dec 2005 - Logfest 2005 was held at PhilCon in Philadelphia.


  • 21-23 Apr 2006 - The first session of jbonunsla 2006, a celebration of the Logical Language, was held in Michigan at Penguicon, the science fiction convention and open source software expo.
  • 20 July 2006 - samxarmuj ("computerized imaginary universe"), the Lojban MOO, was launched.
  • 12 September 2006 - Lojban was mentioned in in an article in the Wall Street Journal, "How Hartmut Pilch, Avid Computer Geek, Bested Microsoft", by Mary Jacoby. An excerpt: "BRUSSELS -- A proposal here to create a new European patents court has the support of Microsoft Corp., Siemens AG and many other giants of Western industry. But can it survive an attack from Hartmut Pilch? A 43-year-old linguist from Munich, Mr. Pilch speaks Chinese, Japanese and an artificial language called Lojban intended to eliminate ambiguity and promoted by some programmers. He is the unlikely leader of a movement of self-styled computer geeks out to sink a patents plan they say would stifle software programmers. "Patents on software mean any programmer can be sued at any time," says Mr. Pilch, ...
  • 3 October 2006 - A feed from the Lojban community blog on Livejournal was added to The Lojban homepage per previously discussion.
  • 17-19 November 2006 - The second session of jbonunsla 2006 was held at Philcon in Philadelphia. In attendance was Arika Okrent, who was researching the book published in 2009 as "In the Land of Invented Languages".
  • 30 November - 1 December 2006 - XKCD mentions Lojban.


LLG passes zasni gafyfantymanri (ZG, "temporary baseline") policy. "In the Land of Invented Languages" published. Original artistic productions in Lojban by guskant and selpa'i. New Lojban tech.


  • 14 May 2007 - Timo and Cizra released their animation short, "lai citno melbi pinped". If that title sounds familiar, you may have seen this comic strip before.
  • 10 Nov 2007 - Annual meeting. xorlo, a new rule in Lojban that clarifies the use of some articles, was given official status.


  • Jan - Feb 2008 - Matt Arnold is elected by the LLG Board of Directors as the fourth president of LLG, succeeding Arnt Richard Johansen.


  • 1 Aug 2009 - jbotcan, the lojbanic "channel", featuring anonymous imageboards, an rss feed that collects news from all over, was brought back on line.
  • 19 May 2009 - "In the Land of Invented Languages", a book by Arika Okrent, details Lojban and its history
  • 30 Nov 2009 - The Complete Lojban Language by John Woldemar Cowan was made available to buy from Amazon.com.


  • 5 Jan 2010 - BBC Radio 4 aired an episode of its Word of Mouth program discussing Lojban and other constructed languages.
  • 3 Feb 2010 - Work started on making Smart.fm, an adaptive flashcard learning tool, available to students of Lojban vocabulary. A review can be found here. If you already have a basic knowledge of lojban pronunciation and know how gismu work, and would like to contribute to this project, contact Jon "Top Hat" Jones.
  • 19 Feb 2010 - An invitation was posted to The Sporum, the official Spore forum, to discuss Lojban. Spore is a popular multi-genre single-player metaverse god game published by Electronic Arts.
  • 2 Mar 2010 - "lo do ckiku ma zvati", a "Where are your Keys?" web site focused specifically toward learning Lojban, was unveiled. "Where are your Keys?" is a language game that rapidly builds fluency in a language by making the techniques used to teach language transparent. Contact Alan Post for more information.
  • 10 Mar 2010 - Students at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland started a Lojban Society. Hosting weekly meetings in a local pub, the group had 12 members after its first month.
  • 23 Mar 2010 - All of Lojban's root words ('gismu') were added to smart.fm, alongside 3,500 derived words ('gismu sumti') in three lessons. Development continued on lessons for learning over 600 structure words ('cmavo').
  • 11 Apr 2010 - Matt Arnold resigns as president of LLG. The board of directors elects lojbab to a second, non-consecutive term as president.
  • 30 Apr - 2 May 2010 - The Lojban community's annual convention, Logfest (known in Lojban as jbonunsla) was held at Penguicon 2010 in Troy, Michigan in the USA. Nine serious Lojbanists attended, and we attracted 3 or 4 newbies.
  • 3 May 2010 - The popular children's story book The Berenstain Bears Get in a Fight was translated into Lojban by Andrew Piekarski and reviewed by Michael Turiansky. An audio recording was made, as well as a Tengwar script edition. Michael Turiansky also did the first translation of "The Berenstain Bears and the Prize Pumpkin".
  • 22 June 2010 - All of Lojban's approximately 1300 'gismu' (root-words), along with their 'rafsi' (short versions of the root-words) were added to the Quizlet flashcard memorization website.
  • 4 July 2010 - Lojbanists Jorge Llambias and Leo Molas proposed complete sets of Lojban words for all countries, languages and currencies based on ISO codes. A systematic approach to the use of the codes enabled a virtually automatic process for producing such words.
  • 19 July 2010 - Over 600 of Lojban's structure words ('cmavo') were added to smart.fm.
  • 27 July 2010 - Lojban enthusiasts in the San Francisco area of the USA began meeting together in the home of Stephen Weeks in Mountainview to communicate in and about Lojban.
  • August 2010 - timo forms Lojban Coder's Group on Github.
  • 16 August 2010 - Leo Molas gave a presentation on Lojban at the "Jornadas del Sur" convention on Monday, August 16, in Bahia Blanca, Argentina. The subject of the convention was free software and free culture. Leo's presentation covered: -What is Lojban? -History -Sapir-Whorf Hyphothesis -Why learn Lojban? -Basic grammar.
  • 21 August - 12 October 2010 - The 2010 Annual Meeting of the Logical Language Group Inc was held on the llg-members list. Bob LeChevalier (USA), Arnt Johansen (Norway) and Robin Powell (USA) were re-elected to the LLG Members board, and joined by two new board members: Timo Paulssen (Germany) and Veijo Vilva (Finland). To get access privileges to the llg-members list, non-members should contact LLG Secretary Robin Powell, preferably on IRC Chat.
  • 9 September 2010 - le lunra jo'u le mapku, a translation by Remo Dentato of The Moon and the Cap, an Indian children's book, was published on-line.
  • 1 October 2010 - Polish lojbanists, including Marek Rogalski, started a mailing list, lojban-pl.
  • 5 October 2010 - Alan Post announced support for play-by-email in "lo do ckiku ma zvati" ("Where are your Keys?"), making it easier for students in different time zones to participate. A google group was also formed to discuss the game. Willem Larsen, one of the creators, published a blog entry called "The Playful World of Conlangs" to the "Where are your Keys? blog, making special reference to Lojban.
  • 18 November 2010 - A mind map of Lojban word types was published on the cheat sheet page of the Lojban website.
  • 25 November 2010 - Jan Szejko (ianek) gave a short presentation on Lojban to students at the renowned Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics of the University of Warsaw in Poland.
  • 18 December 2010 - "If I had a Pet Dinosaur" by Gil Robles was translated by Remo Dentato.


  • 6 January 2011 - All four Lojban Wave lessons were translated into Polish.
  • 20 January 2011 - In an effort to broaden the appeal of Lojban in India, home pages in the Hindi and Kannada languages were added to the Lojban web site. Hindi is one of two official languages of India and is spoken by close to 200M people worldwide. Kannada is the official language of the state of Karnataka which is the location of Bangalore and the centre of India's burgeoning IT industry.
  • 3 February 2011 - A funny story with wrong mailing happened on Haskell beginners mailing list.
  • 5 February 2011 - A French-language home page was added to the Lojban web site.
  • 12 February 2011 - A Finnish version of the home page was added to the Lojban web site.
  • 5 March 2011 - The first anniversary of the inauguration of the Japanese-language Google Group "lojban-soudan". At the end of its first year, it had about fifteen members. A lojban study group at Tokyo University also began work on a partial translation of the Lojban Reference Manual (CLL). There is also a Lojban Club at Osaka University, one of whose members updated the Japanese pages of the Lojban wiki.
  • 12 April 2011 - An Arabic version of the home page was added to the Lojban web site. This was the last of the world's major languages (the six used for creating "gismu" - Lojban's root words) in which the home page was translated.
  • July 2-3 2011 - The Lojban community's annual convention, Logfest (known in Lojban as jbonunsla), was held on Saturday July 2 and Sunday July 3 at the Holiday Inn in San Mateo, California, USA. Lojbanists from all around the country conversed and gamed in Lojban.
  • 23 August 2011 - "Introductory Lojban" was offered by Joe Anderson (djandus) at Rice University in Houston, USA as a student-run, 14 week course. Each lesson lasted 1 hour.
  • The first working draft of the new textbook for newbies Lojban Wave Lessons Continued was presented.




  • French definitions of gismu earlier translated by Jonathan Derque have been checked by Pierr Abbatt allowing their import into jbovlaste.
  • March 5 - la selpa'i releases his second original song, «lo mi jufra»
  • March 23 - Wu Pan translated gismu definitions to Chinese and la mukti imported them to jbovlaste.
  • March 27 - "Simple English", a new language in jbovlaste. Simplified definitions of gismu were imported into it.
  • April 5 - danr announces the release of "korpora zei sisku", a new corpus indexing and search system.
  • la mukti makes fixes to jbovlaste dictionary to match the contemporary grammar.
  • The mw.lojban.org wiki has a lot of improvements, it posts its changes to Twitter and Facebook.