proga:LMW - Lojbanic MediaWiki
This web site is called Lojbanic MediaWiki (LMW), or (within its content) le uitki. It integrates
- a wiki and thus can be edited by you, the user
- a web forum system
- quizzes
- audio/video hosting
- FAQs
LMW is being developed by the Lojban community. Right now there are 2,249 articles in LMW. As of now LMW is running on Mediawiki 1.38.7.
The Logical Language Group
This site is an official repository of materials from The Logical Language Group (LLG), the non-profit corporation which has led Lojban development since 1987.
As part of the LLG's commitment to the community, this site attempts to reflect a cross section of the Lojban community outside of the LLG. Some of the material on this site isn't officially sanctioned, but what is official is explicitly stated.
How to contribute
The wiki uses the same engine as Wikipedia called MediaWiki. So if you have technical problems with improving this wiki you can search for the necessary information applied to Wikipedia or MediaWiki.
If you want to contribute the basic recommendations are:
- fix formatting of any broken page you find, add necessary hyperlinks, if the page is too hard to understand add {{jbocre/en}} in the beginning of the code on each of such pages.
- Create new pages, add hyperlinks to other pages on the wiki in them, and add hyperlinks in other pages to your page.
- Feel freedom. The wiki is made for you too, not for just one person.
Basic Wiki Editing
To edit a Wiki page, you first need to register (use the link in the upper right corner), then after your account is approved you need to log in.
You should then see a tab that says "Edit", in the upper toolbar. Click that to enter the editing interface.
You should be able to mostly just type whatever you want, but if you want to do anything complicated, open this Mediawiki help guide. Note that paragraphs are separated by two blank lines, so you can hit return once anywhere you like.
To create a new page, just link to it from another page.
If you are creating or editing a page please consider the following conventions:
- Text in Lojban (and nothing else) should be in bold. .i dei lojbo jufra
- Alternatively, individual Lojban words can be wrapped like: coi as {{jvs|coi}}, .i as .{{jvs|i}} etc.
- Translations to other languages (and nothing else) should be in italic. This is an English sentence.
- Glossing text (showing its structure) is done by wrapping the gloss in <code>...</code> tags.
This -is-an-example-of a text-structure.
- Words are emphasized by underlining them.
- You can receive e-mail notification on any wiki page change by placing the page to your watchlist by checking the Star (
) button.
- Discussions related to pages are in the "Discussion" tab in the toolbar
- Page titles should not contain the symbol ")" (right parenthesis) since many online resources trim links with ")" out. Page contents may have ")" of course.
- You can see the last n pages changed, pages changed in last m days, difference charts (click on "diff" or use "History" tab) of what was changed in any page.
Prefixes to pages
Pages can start with a prefix:
- proga (like this very page) is for stuff related to technical issues of this wiki
- jboske and BPFK are for pages related to BPFK work
- Official LLG pages
How to add the interface for a new language
- Translating wiki interface elements - can be done on with a few LMW-specific strings in the "Mediawiki:" namespace of this wiki.
Managing LMW
If you are in charge of LMW ...
If you are seeking admin help, try the Lojban IRC channel.
Discussions of how to develop Lojban wikis
ToDo and the future of le uitki
This section is a central place in coordinating what needs to be done on the wiki. This is a list of things that still needs to be added to it or are under consideration.
Please add anything you feel is missing or needs fixing. When a feature is already added, delete the string with it, or move it to a "Done" section below.
- Improve Lojbanic Software page.
- Split all the content using pages prefixes: "proga", "jboske"/"BPFK". Add templates to the top of pages where needed. E.g. add {{jbocre/en}} to the code of pages that describe rants and tricky questions regarding Lojban not usable by lo nintadni (i.e. new users). This produces the following block:
This page contains discussions of experimental/scientific/philosophical/logical aspects of Lojban that are
non-official and not for everyday usage. You've been warned.- Some pages are imported from the old tiki, those are a subject to move to other categories or deleted if they are of no use.
- "Stub:" - pages to be developed and moved to the first category.
- Fix all links on te gerna la lojban page. Add missing texts. At least one copy of each text must be inside the wiki in mediawiki format (you may still post additional links to texts in other formats). No need in localizing this page to other languages. Write in in Lojban
- Check if the links that lead from the main page always end in well-formatted pages without missing hyperlinks.
- check whether old and outdated translations exist
- nicer layout, for the front page, toolbars.
- la gleki:
- la selpa'i wanted a newspaper in Lojban.
- Write up a page for Crash Course, L4B, similar to What Is Lojban?, The Book or The Complete Lojban Language
- The Contribute page needs expanding. Preferably showing the various ways one can contribute to the Lojban collective e.g. via Jbovlaste, the Wiki,, jboselkei, etc.
- Port the whole of CLL to the wiki
- wikify CLL
- Update the CLL draft with the CLL, aka Reference Grammar, Errata
- Maybe produce an online version of Lojban for Beginners
- la gleki: No need. I'm working on The Crash Course which is heavily based on L4B.
- rlpowell:
- It would be nice if people monitoring a page were sent copies when someone was discussing it.
- Automatically report broken links
- Some sort of automatic translation from Lojban, for example button 'link all words to dictionary entries'
- One should have possibility to change names of users. Then, clicking on username could lead directly to his user page, where standard information (email/country) can be inserted.
- ilya:
- Maybe search should get you right to the page if there is only one found.
- la gleki:
- Translate Extension is completely useless in a multilingual wiki since every language differs from lojban in a different way and thus requires special treatment. Thus im against literal translation of CLL to other languages. they must be adapted
- The shoutbox needs to be removed. It's rarely used and nothing comes of it. Imo, people should be able to use the forums, mailing list or IRC channel to voice anything. If they are unable to do this we've done something wrong. The shoutbox just takes up space and adds yet another channel of communication which further partitions the concentration of focus for lojbo. All in favour of its removal? Let's not be sentimental, btw. — chrisdone
- .kamymecraijun.:
- .ie.i'esaisai .i .a'o ma'a spocatra ti loi ba'e fagri
- .kamymecraijun.:
- mi'e la guskant:
- News page is multilingualized. You can complete the localization by creating and translating the following pages for each language on LMW. See jbo or en version(s) for what to be written in the pages.
MediaWiki:Lo cinri ckupau/[language code] MediaWiki:Lo piro ckupau/[language code] MediaWiki:Nelti'i lo ckupau/[language code] MediaWiki:Xu do djuno/[language code] MediaWiki:Nelti'i lo cnino/[language code] MediaWiki:Xokau ckupau/[language code] MediaWiki:Cecmu nuzba/[language code] MediaWiki:Kibro nuzba/[language code] MediaWiki:Tu'iter/[language code] MediaWiki:Redit/[language code] MediaWiki:Guglgirzu lojban/[language code] MediaWiki:Guglgirzu lojban-beginners/[language code] MediaWiki:Guglgirzu bpfk-list/[language code] MediaWiki:Guglgirzu lojban-soudan/[language code] MediaWiki:Guglgirzu ponjo_lojbo_citno_girzu/[language code] MediaWiki:Nelti'i lo nuzyfle/[language code] MediaWiki:Ko sidju/[language code] MediaWiki:Visualeditor-help-label/[language code] MediaWiki:Ko te pinka/[language code]
Create also the following page that should include not a translation but an address of a news page, nuzba or nuzba/en (if not, nuzba/en is selected as default):
MediaWiki:Nuzba-url/[language code]
Similarly, the following page should include a url of a news feed, or
MediaWiki:Nuzba-nuzyfle-url/[language code]
- Localizing's_featured_article/August,_2015 still not supported
- not developed in LMW. Look at those fancy welcome pages at or We need something like that.
- Lojban timeline must be either in Lojban only or localized.
- mi'e la guskant:
- It is partially done on the nuzba page. Please insert news articles to the nuzba page in Lojban and to the nuzba/en page in English, and they will appear on some other pages like the multilingualized news page or English top page. Don't forget to move an old article to the ba'o nuzba/Archives section.
- the news section is not very good advertisement imo. when i read it as a newbie, with one 10sec clip released in 2007, and two news in 2008, i think the community is almost dead. so, maybe add some news?
- la selkik:
- The problem is that there is LOTS of new news. There's plenty of news. I don't see any reason to rewrite that ancient text with some recent news and leave it on the front page though. It's weird. It's as if by adding some particular thing that happened I'm sanctioning the erroneous impression it gives that hardly anything ever happens in jbogu'e. So I say we just archive that news to an article called "News That Used To Be Up On The Main Page For Ages Even Though After A Little While It Wasn't News And Started To Give The Wrong Impression" (except shorter, probably) and forget about it. Who's in?
- la selkik:
- mi'e la guskant:
Missing Extensions
- Flow extension, a replacement of Talk tabs should be available in beta version in 2014. Please install it when it's ready to use.
- AWC Extension for LMW. It has been discovered that AWC extension no longer works for MW 1.22 wmf11. So la gleki patched it by replacing all deprecated functions with new ones or commenting out some strings that had deprecated functions. The patched extension can be downloaded here. If a file is patched it is backuped in the same folder with suffix @@@. For now uploading user avatars from AWC itself doesn't work. Use [[File: ...]] links or urls instead.
- Clicking on the flags on the welcome screen changes the interface (e.g. the left sidebar) accordingly.
- An instruction on how to add the interface for a new language if you have Lojbani stuff in the language not present on the main page with flags.
- .au la'au lo cinri ckupau li'u .e la'au xu do djuno lo du'u go'o li'u .e la'au lo cecmu nuzba li'u cu gubgau rysysy .i va'i pilno la'o zoi Extension:WikiArticleFeeds zoi mu'o mi'e la guskant de'i li 2015-05-29 ti'u li 03:03 UTC
- mo'u se jmina