Lojbanic Software

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Runs on: 828.sip - Android, 804.sip - iPhone, 831.sip - Linux, 830.sip - Mac, 829.sip - Windows, Gnome-globe.svg - in browser or universally.

Learning Lojban

Sounds of Lojban

Flashcard Programs

  • Gnome-globe.svg Memrise - Memrise (main page). MemriseConventions
  • 829.sip 830.sip 831.sip Gnome-globe.svg 828.sip 804.sip Anki is a free and open source program for "spaced repetition", an effective learning technique. It has a built in system for sharing "decks" where you can get Lojban word lists for training: File / Download / Shared Deck, search for "lojban". If this fails for some reason, you can also download and open the deck manually: gismu-frequency.anki. A deck with cmavo is also available (or you can download it from here: Lojban - cmavo.anki), as is a deck with basic number cmavo (lojban-namcu-cmavo.anki). Anki also has a web-interface that can be synchronised with a local deck.


  • Gnome-globe.svg The Lojban dictionary project, jbovlaste, is now in full swing. There are complete or near-complete dictionaries for Spanish, Esperanto, and English, and the Lojban-in-Lojban dictionary is progressing rapidly.
    • Brammo created a program to create a dict database out of a database generated by jbovlaste, dict program. "Dict" in that sentence is not an abbreviation but connotes a type of software which creates "dict databases." Using this download involves prerequisites of a technical nature.
  • Gnome-globe.svg vlasisku is an easy-to-use online Lojban <-> English dictionary. It is a convenient way to browse and search the definitions from the jbovlaste database.
  • 831.sip 829.sip 830.sip 828.sip A GoldenDict distribution for lojban is available now. It has numerous dictionaries suitable for everyone. The best offline choice.
  • 831.sip 829.sip 830.sip 828.sip fricukt supports any operating system where Chrome, Firefox, Opera or Safari browser can run on. The list of supported devices includes iPads, most Android devices and Chromebooks. Download the app (which is in fact just a sophisticated web-page) using corresponding link there or use it online. Touchscreen-friendly. Also contains some useful tables of cmavo etc.
  • 829.sip QuickDict is a fairly simple autoit script that sits in the windows tray waiting to be needed. It uses system copy/paste (preserving the original clipboard contents) so anywhere that you can highlight text, you can get a definition of that text. Also supports asking jbovlaste if it does not know the selected word itself. It can also deconstruct lujvo into their component gismu/definitions.
  • 830.sip 829.sip Lojban dictionary is a gismu dictionary used to learn Lojban.
  • 828.sip vlaci'e - an associative wordlist navigator. The backend is a perl script which can be downloaded.
  • There are ideas on better flashcard programs


  • Gnome-globe.svg If you have a dict client, you can set it to www.lojban.org, port 2628. Dict clients allow you to quickly look up the definition of a word. For Linux, try kdict or gdict (usually installed by default). For windows, have a look at dict.org.
  • 831.sip 829.sip Quick reference dictionary software
  • Gnome-globe.svg you can also seach the Word Lists using a text editor which might be useful for smartphones or tablets.
  • 831.sip 829.sip 830.sip here are dictionary files suitable for Stardict. The Stardict file format is also used by ColorDict, a dictionary program for Android mobile devices.


  • Gnome-globe.svg macmavo - A glossing program (using gci). doesn't look like it works -- mi'e.aleks.
  • Gnome-globe.svg pikmin - Another glossing program (using cgi).


Word lists


  • 831.sip 829.sip Nick Nicholas translated the text of Colossal Cave in 1991. Robin Lee Powell has heroically translated that translation into a working game - see Colossal Cave for that, and also for the Inform Localisation files needed to create your own Lojbanic IF.
  • 829.sip Colour Bind is a physics platform-puzzler set in an abstract world where gravity is determined not by mass, but by colour. It features a full Lojban translation by Lindar. The game is available on team.


  • 831.sip A vim filetype plugin for convenient word-list lookup, auto-lujvoification, and other useful things.
  • 831.sip Lojban-mode syntax highlighting and other support code for emacs
  • 831.sip jbofacki is a jbofihe/camxes CLI shell with Tab-completion of valsi and rafsi, colorized word lookups by literal name or string, etc. Intended for increased fun in exploring the construction of Lojban texts/sentences; also useful as a aid to memory (mi'e la kampu). Requires Python 2.5+, and currently also makfa-cli for generation + update of dictionary data.

Ubuntu/Debian specific

jbofihe - A Lojban parser This is available in Debian simply by installing the jbofihe package through apt-get. Ubuntu users might first need to enable universe. Google knows how. lojban-common - Lojban word-lists This package installs the standard Lojban word lists into /usr/share/lojban-common. It's available about the same way as jbofihe above. camxes - A better Lojban parser, written in Java This package isn't yet available from Debian/Ubuntu. However, it is available via apt.

Add the following lines to your /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb http://www.lojban.org/debian/ custom main

deb-src http://www.lojban.org/debian/ custom main

Then apt-get update and install away.

Note: That apt-repository is signed by Ted Reed's GnuPG key. You may get warnings about it. In order to tell apt that you trust Ted, do the following: gpg --recv-key D18C1C64 --keyserver wwwkeys.pgp.net

gpg -a --export D18C1C64 | sudo apt-key add -


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