Word Lists
Alphabetical order with definitions: English, Spanish, Japanese, Esperanto, all languages on the jbovlaste, some languages on the jbovlaste
gismu - root verbs
- keyword order with definitions: English
- oblique keywords: English
- semantic classes of verbs
- Roget's thesaurus codes: English
- Ordered by draft textbook: English
- Thesaurus (ignore links): html (en), LaTeX (en)
- Synonyms: English
- Grouped by rhyming
- vim Help Format: English
- official and experimental gismu list in tsv and html formats extracted from jbovlaste with definitions in several languages
Note: Format of gismu lists (en)
See also: gismu at Wiktionary (en)
cmavo - particles
- alphabetical order with definitions: English
- grouped by selma'o: English, Spanish
- official and experimental cmavo list in tsv and html formats extracted from jbovlaste with definitions in several languages
lujvo - compound verbs
Can't find a lujvo in the above lists? You can guess its meaning from its component rafsi using this list
Reference documents to help memorize different aspects of Lojban.
The aim of these documents is not to explain each concept in details but, rather, to provide a quick way to recollect memories about lojban concepts.
General concepts
- Lojban grammar words. A mind map of lojban words commonly used when discussing about lojban grammar. It can be handy when you get confused about all those lojban-specific concepts that are described with lojban words (bridi, seltau, ...) PNG, PNG (hi-res), source (Tony Buzan's iMandMap)
- UI and BAI: Attitudinals, Evidentials, Discursives, and Modals. a printable cheat sheet
particles (cmavo)
- Space/Time tenses. A 4 pages booklet with mnemonic illustration. PDF, source (LibreOffice)
- pro-sumti and pro-bridi. A periodic table of cmavo. PDF, PNG, source (LibreOffice)
- Numerics. A chart of elements of mathematical expressions (mekso). PNG, source (Inkscape SVG)
- Rhetoric. A table with the cmavo most relevant to communicate effectively and persuasively. Attitudinals, Emotionals, Vocatives, ... One page: PDF, source (LibreOffice) Two pages (front back): PDF, source (LibreOffice) Four pages (booklet): PDF, source (LibreOffice)
Word frequency lists
Word lists sorted by usage.
Main lists
How to generate lists yourself
- See discussion for details
- the Lojbanic corpus in a .tar.gz archive.
Older stuff
- Older word frequencies can be found here
- This is a sorted list of "sentence templates" excerpted from IRC. It shows which sequences of selma'o/word types are most common.
Robin Lee Powell's lists
gismu and cmavo frequency ordered word list, based on Lojban IRC, Alice, and a few other large texts. There is also a large selection of intermediary files, including pure frequency lists.
How to say it in Lojban
Lists sorted by topic or devoted to particular situations.
- Dictionaries, Glossers and parsers - tools to use with these lists, and for much larger lists.
- Software assisted learning - flashcard software that can help you learn the words, such as Memrise and Quizlet.