Not ready: "Do you speak Lojban?" course
The Gleki's
"Do you speak Lojban?" course
xu do se bangu la .Lojban.?
Speak Lojban! is a course of Lojban based on everyday phrases. The inspiration for this course is Gleki's Nizami project,, and different phrasebooks.
This course was supposed to teach students the same style of Lojban as used in The Crash Course in Lojban.
Short expressions
As an example of what you need to master at the very early stages of developing your basic vocabulary, here is the list of 20 everyday expressions:
(interjection of expressing pity)
At an early stage it's better to use the possibly shortest expressions. The easiest way is to use one word. Of course, there are various more common and elegant ways to sy the same, but if you say only one appropriate word, it will be what you need. Here is a small list of such primitive expressions consisting of a single word. They are very useful to you - of course, if you have mastered them "by heart".
Short version - Long version
cmene Name? |
ma cmene do What is your name? |
judri Address? |
ma judri do What is your address? |
gugde Country? |
do xabju ma poi gugde What country do you live in? |
cuntu Occupation? |
do se cuntu ma What is your profession? |
- Job ? = jibri (Where do you work ?)
- School ? = ckule (What school do you go?)
- Language ? = bangu (What language do you speak?)
- Wife ? / Husband ? = speni (Are you married? / Are you married?)
- Children ? = panzi (Do you have children ?)
The next step is to add the word of politeness - .e'o (request).
For example: The name, please? = e'o cmene |- || Please || bonvolu || pe'u |- || thank you || dankon || ki'e |- || you're welcome || nedankinde || |- || that/they/them | colspan="2" | |- || How much? || kiom || |- || English || angla || la .inglic. |- || yes || jes || go'i |- || no || ne || na go'i |- || I am sorry || mi bedaŭras || .u'u |- || I don't understand || mi ne komprenas || mi na jimpe |- || Where is the toilet? || kie estas la necesejo? || |- || (generic toast) || Je via sano || |- || Do you speak English? || Ĉu vi parolas la anglan? || do se bangu la .inglic. |- || Excuse me, I do not speak Lojban well || Pardonu min, mi ne bone parolas Loĵbanon || |- || I don't know || Mi ne scias || mi na djuno |}
Japanese (language)
Good afternoon!
Good evening!
Good morning!
Hello? (on the telephone)
Good bye! (farewell)
Good bye! (I’ll be back.)
Good bye! (Come back soon.)
See you later
Please give me [...] / Please do [...]
Please. (Go ahead. / Be my guest.)
Please [...] (request)
Thank you.
Excuse me.
Sorry. (informal)
I’m sorry. (formal)
That one. (near you)
That one. (over there)
How much? (price)
English (language)
Do you speak English?
Bon appétit! (corresponds to the humble form of “I receive” in Japanese)
Thank you for the meal.
Where's the bathroom?
Cheers! (toast)
Bob arrives from Montreal to Moscow and enters an hotel.
The doorman says
fi'i do do nerkla e'u
Welcome, do come in, please.
Bob goes into the vestibule to the reception.
coi Hello |
coi / vanci coi / cerni coi / donri coi
Good morning/afternoon.
xu da kunti kumfa Is there a room free? |
No, there isn't.
xu da sepli zdani Is there a free apartment? |
Yes, there is.
do surla litru xu
Are you a tourist?
je'unai i nai mi surla litru No, I'm not a tourist. |
i mi canja I'm a businessman. |
ma cmene do
What is your name?
zo djon smit John Smith. |
Repeat please.
zo djon smit cu cmene mi John Smith is my name. |
do klama fi la britain
Are you from Britain?
je'u Yes, I am (English). |
e'o lo jaspu pe do
Your passport, please.
ti Here it is/Here you are/There you go. |
Thank you.
je'e Not at all/Don't mention it! |
Answer the questions
- Is there a free apartment?
- Is there a free room?
- (Give your own name.)
Correct the sentence if it is false and translate to Lojban. Bob says:
- I am English
- I am a tourist
- I am a businessman
Greetings in Lojban usually include coi. And coi itself or coi do = Hello you are most frequent.
kunti means empty. To ask are you free? we use cando.
xu la bob cu zvati la moskov Is Bob in Moscow? |
xu da rirxe bu'u la london Is there a river in London? |
- Together with the two words for thank you - ki'e and mersi (as in the French!), and the word for there isn't (na zasti) - they are what for you will probably be the five most important words in the Lojban language.
vanci coi Good afternoon. |
vanci coi
Good afternoon.
xu da kunti jubme Is there a free table? |
je'u fi'i
Yes, you are welcome.
banli gusta i xu da skoto uiski Nice restaurant. Is there Scottish whiskey? |
je'u i pei sodva
Yes, there is. Soda?
ienai i kunra te runta e'o No, mineral water, please |
Roads and shops
In many cases, one word is enough to explain to us in an important situation. For example:
- Toilet? = vikmi kumfa (Where is the bathroom?)
- Station? = tcana (Where is the train station?)
It would be appropriate to ask the question with the word ta'a showing interruption. In English it would be "excuse me".
If you want to buy a card, then in this case, one word would be enough: karda or mrilu karda (literally "mail card").
- Card? = karda (Can I buy a card? / Do you have any cards ?)
Our time is a time of rapid movements and lightning purchases. So in fact, to know one keyword is enough for many other types of purchases. For example, if you are running late somewhere, sitting in the car in a strange city, it is unlikely that you will ask a long question like: "Excuse me, could you tell me what is the shortest route to the city center ?"
It is likely you'll simply ask: centero = "Center?"
Similarly, hurrying to the airport, it will be enough just to ask: vinji foldi = Airport ? (literally "airplane field").
In today's supermarket there are trolleys, cashiers, and so on. So it's reasonable to follow the same way there. As for longer and more polite expressions, you will gradually master them over time by reading this textbook on and by reading the full grammar.
3-4 words
It's easy to say such sentences as: lo tcana cu zvati ma = Where is the station?
where you fill in verb places with nouns or pronouns. ma is a question word corresponding to "what?" or "who?"
For yes/no question put xu in the beginning:
xu do kanro = Are you healthy?
xu do vitke ca lo bavlamdei = Will you visit tomorrow?
For yes say je'u. For no say je'unai.
"I can", "I should" and "I have to"
- "I can" = e'e
- "I should" = ei
- "I have to" = e'i
El pequeño diccionario cariñoso Маленький ласковый словарь
Cariño - дорогой (ласковое обращение к любимому человеку любого пола) Cariñoso- ласковый Acariciar - ласкать Caricia- ласка
Querer - любить Querido- любимый,дорогой El querer- любовь Queridísimo - любимейший, дражайший (иногда ирон.)
Amar - любить (более высокий стиль) Amado- любимый Amante - любовник, любящий Amor- любовь Amoroso- любовный Enamorarse - влюбляться Enamorado - влюбленный Enamoramiento - влюбленность
Sentir - чувствовать Presentir - предчувствовать Sentimiento- чувство Sensible- чувствительный Sensibilidad- чувствительность
Ternura- нежность Tierno - нежный
Dulzura - нежность, сладость Dulce- нежный, сладкий
Abrazo - объятие Abrazar - обнимать
Beso- поцелуй Besar- целовать Besarse - целоваться
Toque- прикосновение Tocar- прикасаться
corazón - сердце alma- душа espíritu - дух cuerpo - тело ojos - глаза labios - губы
Tener una cita - иметь свидание Encontrarse- встретиться Salir con alguien - встречаться с кем-то (иметь отношения) Ser novios - встречаться (иметь отношения), быть женихом и невестой Estar comprometidos - быть помолвленными Regalar un ramo de flores - подарить букет цветов Ir de la mano- ходить за руку Charlar- болтать Mirarse- смотреть друг на друга Pasar una tarde romántica - провести романтический вечер Invitar a comer/cenar en un restaurante - пригласить на обед/ужин в ресторан Servir el desayuno en la cama- подать завтрак в постель Ser uña y carne ("быть ногтем и плотью") - быть неразлучными
TQM - я тебя люблю
Learn expressions
1. Learn everyday expressions in a foreign language , on the basis of what we would say in their native language .
2 . For each typical situation remember only one expression , but " by heart ."
3 . No need to learn a lot at once expressions.
4 . Tried to teach short expressions (if possible - one-word ) , remembering that "the choice - half the battle ."
5 . To start trying to avoid expressions containing more than 3-4 words. But if they can not be avoided , it is necessary to spend as much time as you need to remember these expressions firmly .
6. At initial training auditory memory is more important than shape . So we try to learn expressions to the extent that they instantly " heard " in the head .
7. Tried to use learned expressions as often as possible . Write them on a sheet of paper and carry with them , to be repeated as often as possible.
8. The ultimate goal - an expression so remember to play it at the right time is automatically.
Figurative speech
is usually absent in Lojban
Use tanru to quickly express new concepts.
Bad language
Vowels as in Spanish. sumti is soohmteeh.
Frequent words in songs
- risna = heart
- kanla = eyes
Stages of learning
- "Mini- level" ( "threshold" level of reading): 800-1000 words .
- Easily cope with plain text using a dictionary.
- "Medi - level" (the basic level of reading ) :
- 1500-2000 words.
- Begin to read satisfactorily , ie understand most of what is in the texts of the specialty , as well as quite a lot of what is written about in newspapers or magazines .
- "The level of reading literature on specialty " :
- 3000-4000 words.
- At this level, we are easy to read literature in their specialty, and understand most of what is written about in the press.
- "The level of reading fiction " :
- 8000 words .
- We can read in this language almost anything , including fiction.
Vocabulary Percentage
80 most frequent words cover about 50 % of the normal text;
200 words cover about 60 % ;
300 words - about 65 % ;
400 words - not less than 70%;
800 words - about 80 % ;
1500-2000 words - about 90 % ;
Words 3000-4000 - 95 % and, finally,
8000 words cover about 99 % of the text.
From my perspective, if a certain foundation has been laid, the verbal communication should not be afraid. This foundation we call "active minimum." Recall that it consists of the following components:
1. Pronunciation satisfactory or at least understandable.
2. Memorize the most important about 200-300 words.
3. 25-50 to learn everyday expressions.
4. Grammar mastered at a level sufficient for the simplest dialogue.
- without - без - cau. Without a ticket - cau lo pikta
- безопасный
- беспокоиться (о)
- ticket - билет - lo pikta. Without a ticket - cau lo pikta
- близко
- brother - брат - lo bruna
- болит
- боль
- больной
- больше
- большой
- бояться
- боюсь, что
- буду
- бумага
- бы
- быстро
- быстрый
- быть
- в (внутри)
- в (внутрь)
- важный
- везде
- великий
- верить
- верный
- вероятно
- верх (сверху)
- веселиться
- веселый
- вечер - evening - lo vanci
- вещь - thing - lo dacti
- взять - take - lebna
- видеть - see - viska
- вниз - down - fa'a lo cnita
- внизу - at the bottom - bu'u lo cnita
- во время - during - ca lo nu ...
- вода - water - lo djacu
- воздух - air - lo vacri
- возможно - possible. It's possible that ... - cumki falonu
- возможный - possible - cumki. Possible situation - lo cumki tcini
- вопрос - question - lo se retsku
- вред
- время
- весь, вся
- все
- всё
- всегда
- вспомнить
- встретить
- вчера
- высокий (что-либо)
- высокий (кто-либо)
- выше (по лестнице)
- газета
- где?
- глаз
- глупый
- говорить
- год
- голова
- голодный
- голос
- город
- готов, -а
- грязный
- да
- дама
- дать
- девочка
- делать
- день
- деньги
- держать
- дешевый
- длинный,-ая
- для
- до (перед)
- до (вплоть до)
- добрый
- доволен, довольна
- довольно (вполне)
- должен, должна
- дом (жилище); домой
- дом (строение)
- (я –) дома
- дорога
- дорогой
- (Дорогая Мария)
- дорогой (по цене)
- достаточно
- дочь
- друг (подруга)
- другой
- думать (о)
- еда
- если
- есть (кушать)
- ехать
- еще
- жаркий
- ждать
- жена
- женат (на) / замужем (за)
- женщина
- жизнь
- жить (существовать)
- жить (проживать)
- за (сзади)
- забыть
- завтра
- закрыть
- звук
- здесь
- земля
- знать
- значит (итак)
- значить
- и
- играть
- идти
- из
- известный
- изменить
- изучить
- или
- иметь
- имя
- иначе
- иногда
- иностранный
- интересный
- искать
- использовать
- к
- к сожалению
- каждый
- как
- какой(-ая)-нибудь
- карандаш
- картина
- квартира
- ключ
- книга
- когда; когда?
- комната
- конечно
- кончить
- короткий
- который
- красивый
- кроме
- кто?
- кто-нибудь
- купить
- кусок
- левый
- (слева)
- легкий (нетрудный)
- легкий (не тяжелый)
- лежать
- лечь
- лучше
- лучше всего; лучший
- любить
- люди
- магазин
- маленький
- мальчик
- мать
- машина
- медленный
- между
- мертвый
- место
- месяц
- минута (Одну минуту!)
- мир (земля)
- много (нельзя сосчитать)
- много (можно сосчитать)
- молодой
- мочь (например, физически)
- мочь (например, иметь разрешение)
- муж
- мужчина
- мыть
- на
- наверх
- наверху
- над
- надеяться
- назад (2 дня назад)
- найти
- наконец
- налог (НДС)
- народ
- наружу
- начать
- не
- неверный
- невозможный
- неделя
- немедленно
- немного
- необходимый
- несколько
- несчастный случай
- нет
- низкий
- никогда
- никто
- ничего
- но
- новый
- новости
- нога
- ночь
- нравиться
- нуждаться
- о
- оба, -е
- обеспокоен (из-за)
- обещать
- обучить
- обычно
- обычный
- одежда
- одинокий
- однажды
- одолжить (кому-либо)
одолжить (у кого-либо)
- около (примерно)
- опасный
- опять
- особенно
- оставить
- остановить
- остановиться
- остаться
- от
- ответить
- отец
- открыть
- охотно
- очень
- ошибка
- первый
- переводить
- перед (домом)
- петь
- печальный
- писать
- пить
- письмо
- плакать
- платить
- плохой
- по меньшей мере
- по направлению к
- погода
- пробовать
- под
- позволить
- поздний
- пока нет
- показать
- полный
- положить
- получить
- полчаса
- помочь
- понять
- послать
- после
- последний
- постепенно
- потом
- почва
- почему?
- почти
- прав, -а
- правый
- (справа)
- предложить
- прекрасный
- прибыть
- привезти
- привык, -ла (к хорошей еде / к полетам)
- прийти
- принести
- причина
- приятный
- продолжить
- пробовать
- проверить
- продать
- против
- пустой
- путешествие
- путешествовать
- работать
- рад, -а
- раз
- различный
- ранний
- ребенок
- родственник, -ица
- рот
- рука
- ручка
- с
- с тех пор
- свет
- свободный
- сегодня
- семья
- сердитый (на)
- сердце
- сестра
- сильный
- сказать
- сквозь
- сколько? (можно сосчитать)
- сколько? (нельзя сосчитать)
- скоро
- скучный
- следовало бы
- следующий
- слишком
- слово
- слушать
- слышать
- смешной
- смеяться (над)
- смотреть (на)
- сначала
- собрать
- совершенно
- согласно
- солнце
- сорт
- спать
- спокойный
- способ
- спросить
- срочный
- старый
- стать
- сторона
- стоять
- страна
- страница
- странный
- сумка
- сухой
- счастливый
- сын
- сюрприз
- так
- так как (поскольку)
- так как (потому что)
- также
- такой
- там
- твердый
- теперь
- теплый
- терять
- тогда
- только
- только что
- тот, та
- те
- тот же самый (та же самая)
- точно
- трудный
- тяжелый
- у
- уверен
- удивлен
- ужасный
- уже
- улица
- упасть
- употребить
- уронить
- усталый
- утро (утром)
- учитель
- хлеб
- холодный
- хороший
- хорошо
- хотеть (я хочу видеть; я хочу книгу)
- хотя
- хранить
- худший (наихудший)
- цвет
- целый
- цена
- час
- часто
- часть
- часы
- чем
- человек
- чемодан
- чистый
- читать
- что
- что?
- что-нибудь
- чувствовать
- чудесный
- школа
- шум
- шутить
- этот, эта,
- это
- эти
- язык
- ясный
- Цвета
- черный
- синий
- зеленый
- красный
- белый
- желтый
- Страны света
- восток;
- к востоку от
- запад;
- к западу от
- север;
- к северу от
- юг;
- к югу от
- Дни недели
- понедельник
- вторник
- среда
- четверг
- пятница
- суббота
- воскресенье
- Времена года
- весна
- лето
- осень
- зима
- Местоимения
- личные
- я / меня, мне
- ты / тебя, тебе
- он / его, ему
- она / ее, ей
- оно / его, ему
- мы / нас, нам
- вы / вас, вам
- они / их, им
- притяжательные
- мой, моя, мое
- твой, твоя, твое
- его (от «он»)
- ее
- его (от «оно»)
- наш, -а, -е
- ваш, -а, -е
- их
- личные
- Числительные
- количественные
- восемьдесят
- сто
- тысяча
- порядковые
- 1-ый
- 2-ой
- 3-ий
- 4-ый
- 12-ый
- количественные
«Минифраз» для трех языков
Простите за беспокойство, но… - Sorry to bother you, but… -
Не обращайте (на это) внимания - Don't bother (about it)
Сколько ему (ей) лет? - How old is he (she)? -
Ему (ей) 30 лет – He (she) is thirty
(За меня) не волнуйтесь - Don't worry (about me) -
Ничего страшного («Нет проблем») - No problem
У меня есть вопрос - May I ask you something? -
Пожалуйста - Of course
Который час? - What's the time? -
Половина третьего – It's half past two
У меня нет времени - I haven't time
Я занят - I'm busy
Когда мы встретимся? - When shall we meet? -
Входите (пожалуйста) - (Please) come in -
Вы говорите по-английски? - Do you speak English? -
Да, немного – Yes, a little
К сожалению, нет – I'm afraid not
Не могли бы вы говорить немного помедленнее - Could you speak a bit more slowly
Да - Конечно -
Да, спасибо -
Да-да -
Ну да? -
Вы не могли бы дать мне газету - Could you give me the paper -
До свидания - Goodbye
Пока - Bye-bye, See you later
Добро пожаловать - Welcome!
Этого достаточно - That's enough -
Я так думаю - I think so -
Я так не думаю - I don't think so
Как ты думаешь? - What do you think?
Мне очень жаль - I'm sorry to hear that -
Жалко! - What a pity!
К сожалению, я не смогу прийти - I'm afraid I can't come
Где вы живете? - Where do you live? Where are you staying? (в гостинице и т.п.) ЗАБЫТЬ
Я забыл(а) - I've forgotten it -
К сожалению, я [сейчас] очень занят(а) - I'm sorry I'm very busy [just now]
Я это запишу - I'll write it down -
Здравствуйте (Привет) - Hello -
Доброе утро - Good morning
Добрый день - Good morning (до полудня). Good afternoon (после полудня)
Добрый вечер - Good evening
Доброй ночи - Good night
Я не знаю - I don't know -
Что это значит? - What does it mean? -
Извините - Sorry (I'm sorry) -
Не за что – That's all right
Что вы имеете в виду? - What do you mean by that?
Как вас зовут? - What's your name? -
Меня зовут Петер Андерсон - My name is Peter Anderson
Вы очень любезны - That's very kind of you -
Вы любите кофе? - Do you like coffee? -
Да, но чай я люблю больше – Yes, but I prefer tea
В какую сторону? - Which way? -
Как добраться до порта? - How do I get to the port?
Прямо - Straight on -
Направо - То the right
Налево - То the left -
Минутку! - Just a moment!
Можно (мне) еще чашку чая? - Could I have another cup ot tea? -
Надеюсь, что да - I hope so -
Надеюсь, что нет - I hope not
У Вас есть открытки? - Do you have picture postcards? -
Боюсь, что нет - Sorry, we haven't
Это неважно - It's doesn't matter -
Мне все равно - I don't care
Нет - No -
Вовсе нет - Not at all
Нет, спасибо - No thank you
Ничего не поделаешь - It can't be helped -
Мне нужны марки - I need some stamps -
Это не обязательно - That isn't necessary -
Осторожно! - Look out! -
Когда вы уезжаете? - When are you leaving? -
Я уезжаю завтра - I'm leaving tomorrow
Напишите это здесь - Write it here -
Не могли бы вы повторить это? - Could you say it again? -
Какая погода? - What's the weather like? -
(Погода) хорошая - It's good (day)
(Погода) плохая – It's bad
Пожалуйста - Please -
(Садитесь, пожалуйста) - (Please sit down)
Пожалуйста (в ответ на «спасибо») - You're welcome
Поздравляю(-ем)! - Congratulations! -
С днем рождения! - Happy birthday!
Не помню - I don't remember -
Помогите! - Help! -
Вы не могли бы мне помочь? - Could you help me?
Вам нужна помощь? - Can I help you?
Разрешите вам помочь - Let me help you
Вы понимаете по-шведски? - Do you understand Swedish? -
(Совсем) немного – (Only) a little
Я не понимаю по-французски - I don't understand French
Я потерял(а) бумажник - I've lost my wallet -
Передайте привет вашим родителям - Give my regards to your parents -
Самые добрые пожелания - Best wishes
Откуда вы приехали? - Where do you come from? -
(Я) из Швеции - (I'm) from Sweden
Кто вы по национальности? - What's your nationality?
(Я) швед(ка) - I'm Swedish
Приходите сюда (Идите сюда) - Come here -
Иду - I'm coming -
Где вы работаете? - What's your job?
Чем вы занимаетесь на работе? - What [sort of work] do you do?
Рад(а) слышать это - I'm glad to hear that -
Рад(а) познакомиться с вами / Рад(а) вас видеть – Glad to meet you (при знакомстве) /
Нам было очень весело - We had great fun
Извините, я не расслышал(а) - Sorry? (I'm sorry, I didn't hear) -
Какое расстояние до Z? - How far is it to Z? -
Как вы себя чувствуете? - How are you? -
– Спасибо, хорошо. А вы? - Very well, thanks. And you?
Я плохо себя чувствую - I don't feel very well
Я простудился - I've got a cold
Сколько времени вы здесь были? - How long have you been here? -
Сколько времени вы здесь пробудете? - How long are you going to stay here?
Сколько туда ехать на поезде? - How long does it take by train?
Послушайте - Listen -
Смотрите! - Look! -
Он(а) любит смотреть ТВ - He (she) likes watching TV
Не имеет смысла пробовать - There's no point in trying -
К сожалению, мне пора уходить - I'm sorry I must go now -
Спасибо - Thank you -
Спасибо большое - Thank you very much
Большое спасибо за помощь - Thank you very much indeed for your help -
Спасибо, и вам того же - Thank you, the same to you
Спасибо, да - Yes please
Спасибо, нет - No thank you
Надо спешить - It's urgent -
Я спешу - I'm in a hurry
Сколько это стоит? - How much is it? -
Это стоит восемь крон – It's eight crowns
Какой сюрприз! - What a surprise! -
Ваше здоровье! - Cheers! -
Извините, где туалет? - Excuse me, where is the toilet? -
Какая удача! - What luck! -
Какая неудача! - What bad luck!
Vilken otur!
Успехов вам! - Good luck! -
Хорошо - Fine -
Всего хорошего - Have a good day (time)
Что вы хотите? - What do you want? -
На каком языке вы говорите? - What language do you speak? -
Какой у вас родной язык? - What is your mother tongue?
Simple phrases
- Yes.
- .i go'i
- I agree.
- mi tugni
- No.
- .i na go'i
- I do not agree.
- mi na tugni
- Please.
- pe'u
- I request.
- mi cpedu
- Thanks.
- ki'e
- Thank you.
- ki'e do
- Thank you very much.
- ki'e sai do
- That's all right/You're welcome
- je'e do
- I love you.
- mi prami do (or) .iu sai
- What you just said about yourself is true for me too.
- go'ira'o""
In other words, if someone says "I love you" and you want to reply "I love you too", say "go'ira'o".
Situational guide
Getting Around
- Where is...
- ma stuzi ...
- How do I get to...
- mi klama ... fo ma/ma pluta ...
- the train station
- le renytcana
- the bus station
- le sorprekarcytcana
- the airport
- le vijytcana
- the post office
- le mritcana
- the library
- le ckudi'u
- the used bookstore
- le tatpi cukta barja
- a restaurant
- lo gusta
- I'd like a ticket to ...
- .i .au pikta co klama ...
- One way or round trip?
- klama je'i xruti
- One way
- jenai/klama po'o
- Round trip
- je/klama je xruti
- Do I have to change trains?
- .i eipei le trene cu se basti
- What platform does the train leave from?
- .i le trene cu klama fi ma poi tsina
- When is the first bus to ...?
- .i ca ma cliva fa le pamoi sormemkarce poi klama ...
- the next bus
- le bavla'i sormemkarce
- the last bus
- le romoi sormemkarce
- Please let me off at the next stop.
- .i .e'o ko livycru mi bu'u le bavla'i ke nunde'a tcana
On a bus stop
(On a bus stop)
- Petro: Hello, do you know what is the next bus to the square?
- Johano: I don't know, but I've got a map with the schedule of the buses. A minute.
- Petro: Thanks.
- Johano: What's the name of the square where you want to go?
- Petro: I want to go to the Green Square, in the north of the city.
- Johano: I'll see... Well, the bus 314 arrives in two minutes, and it goes to the Great Street.
- Petro: Is that street next to the Green Square?
- Johano: Yeah, yeah, you'll simply have to walk for a hundred metres!
- Petro: A hundred meters? Thanks!
- Johano: You're welcome, do you need something else?
- Petro: No, thanks. Bye!
- Johano: Bye!
Hello, I'm ... coi mi'e ...
I come from ... mi se krasi ...
I live in ... mi xabju ...
America la mergug / le mergu'e
France la fasygug / le fasygu'e / la frans
Germany la dotygug / le dotygu'e'
Goodbye co'o
What's your base? dofoxo kancu or (in La Xagvar) zo'eco'eno'oju'uxo where does zo'eco'eno'oju'uxo come from?('One does the usual {count} to the typical number in what base?')And isn't the obvious answer that it is belong to us? (ro ledo zbepi cu tutra mi'a?)
I count by tens mi foli pano kancu/zo'eco'eno'oju'ulipano
...twelves li'o li gai
...sixteens li'o li paxa (or, if you are a chauvinistic
hexadecimalist, li'o li rau)
(How about li'o li su'ovai?)
...sixties li'o li xano
...twos li'o li vei pasu'ipa
No matter what the time of day, in Lojban the word for "hello" is coi and the word for "goodbye" is co'o.
- Do you speak ...
- .i xu do se bangu ...
- Lojban
- la lojban.
(In some places you may also hear "le jbobau")
- English
- le glibau
- French
- le fasybau
- German
- le dotybau
- Spanish
- le sanbau
- Italian
- le bangrtalia
- Chinese
- le jugbau
- Japanese
- le ponbau
- Hindi
- le xinbau
- Russian
- le rukybau
- Arabic
- le rabybau
- I don't speak Lojban
- .i mi na se bangu la lojban.
- Where is the phrase in this book?
- .i ma jufra gi'e se vanbi le vi cukta
- Just a minute. I'll see if I can find it in this book.
- i .e'o ko denpa .i mi troci co tolcri fi le vi cukta
- I understand.
- je'e / .i mi jimpe
- I don't understand
- je'enai / .i mi na jimpe
- Could you talk more slowly please?
- .i .e'o ko skusno
- Do you understand me?
- je'epei / xu do jimpe fi mi - xu do jimpe fi tu'a mi (??) le se cusku be mi
- I am hungry
- mi xagji
- I am thirsty
- mi taske
- Where is the bathroom?
- ma stuzi le djacu kumfa
- Where is the toilet?
- ma stuzi le vimku'a
Some common words
- big
- barda small cmalu
- quick
- sutra slow masno
- early
- clira late lerci
- cheap
- tolkargu expensive kargu
- near
- jibni far darno
- hot
- glare cold lenku
- full
- culno empty kunti
- easy
- frili difficult nandu
- heavy
- tilji light linto
- open
- kalri shut ganlo
- right (of a person)
- tolsre wrong srera
- right (of a fact, etc.)
- drani wrong jitfa
- old
- slabu new cnino
- old
- tolci'o young citno
- beautiful
- melbi ugly tolmle
- good
- xamgu bad xlali
- better
- xagmau worse xlamau
- a lot
- mutce a little milxe
- sufficient
- banzu insufficient tolbanzu
Presenting yourself and some others...
Before reading what follows, please take note that talking about the age of someone in lojban is essentially discussing birth dates.
- I am ...-years-old (bad translation)
- .i tu'a mi nanca li ...
- (duration of life)
- .i mi renvi fi li ...
- I was born in ... (date)
- mi jbena fi li ...
- I was born in ... (place)
- mi jbena fo ...
- I am ... tall (speaking about your height, unit unspecified)
- li ... cu ni mi clani
- I am ... meters tall
- mi mitre li ... le ni clani
- I speak english.
- mi se bangu le glibau
- I can speak french.
- mi ka'e se bangu le fasybau
- I would like to visit ...
- mi djica le nu mi vitke fi ...
- I work as ...
- mi se jibri ...
- My mother is called ...
- zo ... cu cmene le mamta be mi
- Alice is my mother.
- la alis mi mamta
- My favorite color is ...
- mi zmanei le ka ... (insert color verb)
- I prefer the blue one over the red one.
- mi zmanei le blanu le xunre
- What's happening?
- .i mo
- I'm lost
- mi djuno noda le se zvati be mi
- I practice sport
- mi xadgu'a
- I'm ...
- mi ...
- Spanish
- spano
- Hispanic
- xispo
- French
- fraso
- Chilean
- tci'ile
- Czech
- tce'exo
- Breton
- bre'one
- Hungarian
- magjaro
- Basque
- skalduna
- Russian
- rusko
If you want to say "I'm French by birth but German by nationality", you can say "mi fraso le ka jbena gi'e dotco le ka se natmi".
- I'm French by ...
- mi fraso le ka ...
- birth
- jbena
- nationality
- se natmi
- citizenship
- selgugycmi
- ancestry
- se dzena
- language
- se bangu
- ancestry
- se dzena
- language
- se bangu
Beware, the following words are verbs. For example, "this is orange" is "ti narju" - no "is" required. The word "cu" (which does not mean "is" but is a predicate marker, like "i" in tok Pisin) may be used before the verb.
- xekri
- black
- blanu
- blue
- bunre
- brown
- cicna
- cyan
- manku
- dark
- kandi
- dim
- grusi
- grey
- crino
- green
- nukni
- magenta
- narju
- orange
- zirpu
- purple
- xunre
- red
- labyxu'e
- rose
- xunblabi
- pink
- blabi
- white
- pelxu
- yellow
Asking others about themselves and you
- When are you born ?
- .i do jbena fi ma
- What is your size ?
- .i ma ni do clani
- Where do you live ?
- .i do xabju ma
- What are you doing ?
- .i do mo
- Where do you work ?
- .i do se briju fi ma
- Can you speak language ... ?
- .i xu do ka'e tavla bau ...
- What is your father's name ?
- .i ma cmene le patfu be do
- Have you already been to place ... ?
- .i xu do pu zvati ...
- How much do you earn ?
- .i do jerna li xo
- Where are you going to ?
- .i do klama ma
- Where do you come from ?
- .i do klama fi ma
- Did you know that ... ?
- .i xu do pu djuno fi le du'u ...
- What do you want me to do ?
- .i do djica le nu mi mo
- Can you help me ?
- pei sidju mi
- Do you find me pretty ?
- xu mi do melbi
- Do you live with someone ?
- xu do da kansa le ka xabju
- Are you married ?
- xu do speni
- Do you have (a) lover(s) ?
- xu do prami selpe'o
- Have you caught that Unicorn yet?
- pavyseljirna kavbu ba'oxuku
Dates and Times
The Gregorian calendar is used in Lojbangug. There are two systems of naming months of the year, one based on numbers and one on signs of the zodiac, and two systems of naming days of the week, one based on numbers and one translated from Japanese or Korean. Some of the names have variants.
January pavma'i kanbyma'i
February relma'i jaurbeima'i
March cibma'i fipma'i
April vonma'i lanma'i
May mumyma'i bakma'i
June xavma'i matsi'uma'i
July zelma'i jukma'i, mlajukma'i
August bivma'i cinfyma'i
September sozma'i xlima'i
October pavnonma'i ci'urma'i, laxma'i
November pavypavma'i jukrskorpio masti, rebjukma'i
December pavrelma'i celma'i
The days of the week are most often numbered. There are at least two systems in use for the days of the week. One starts from Sunday and one from Monday. Since this situation causes great confusion, the Lojbanistanis are working hard to rectify it.
Sunday nondei,zeldei soldei pamoi djedi
Monday pavdei lurdei remoi djedi
Tuesday reldei fagdei cimoi djedi
Wednesday cibdei jaurdei vomoi djedi
Thursday vondei mudydei mumoi djedi
Friday mumdei jimdei xamoi djedi
Saturday xavdei tedydei zemoi djedi
The place structure is:
- x1 is January autc. of year x2
- x1 is Sunday autc. of week x2
The format of a fully spelled-out date is:
- le djedi xamoi be le mlajukma'i be le panonomoi nanca be'o be'o noi jimdei
- Where is a doctor?
- le mikce cu zvati ma (seems kind of formal. Maybe for quick questions, just mikce vi ma? and so on for others here)
- Where is a hospital?
- le spita cu zvati ma
- Where is a nearby pharmacy?
- le vi zarci be le velmicyxu'i cu zvati ma
- It hurts here
- cortu ti
- My head is too hot.
- le stedu be mi cu kelvo du'eda
- I am sick
- mi bilma
- I have a stomach ache
- mi cortu le betfu
- Do I need doctor's permission to use this medicine?
- xu mi nitcu le nu le mikce ku curmi kei le nu mi pilno le velmicyxu'i
- I have a cold.
- mi vaxybi'a
- Take this three times a day for the next two weeks.
- ko cimoi citka/pinxa/je'erse'a ti di'i lo djedi ca'o lo ze'aba jeftu be li re
Medicines and Nutrients
- aspirin
- slamrsalike
- antibiotic
- (ledyselkra) jumcatra
- herb
- velmicyspa
- pau d'arco / lapacho / taheebo (the inner barks of various trees)
- ricrtabebu'i
- protein
- lanbi
- carbohydrate
- satleixu'i
- starch
- jalna
- fat
- grasu
- unsaturated fatty acid
- dronalclu rasyslami
- saturated fatty acid
- droclu rasyslami
- vitamin A
- abumoi mivytcuxu'i
- vitamin B3
- by.cimoi mivytcuxu'i / xumrniacine
- vitamin C
- mivytcuxu'i / slamrskorbuti
The unit of money in Lojbangug is the rupnu, which is divided into 100 fepni. The exchange rate is currently about 15 Lojbo rupnu to the American dollar. How come ? Who decided this ?
Lojbo have the odd habit of referring to everyone else's monetary units as rupnu too. To distinguish them, one can say merko rupnu or meryru'u for the American dollar, ponjo rupnu or ponru'u for the Japanese yen, etc. (ropno rupnu sounds especially fine!). To be absolutely clear, the Lojbanic rupnu can be known as a jboru'u or lojru'u.
The coins are:
fepni 1 fepni
mumfei / zinsi'i 5 fepni
dekfei / decru'u 10 fepni
niksi'i 20 fepni
xabru'u 50 fepni
rupnu 1 rupnu
cibru'u 3 rupnu
dekru'u 10 rupnu
(Boring. How about coins in powers of 2 fepni? Then you can always make change, never needing more than one coin of any denomination. What a great idea! Or for real laughs, have the denominations in Fibonacci sequence, which would also require at most one per denomination for any number, just a lot harder to work out.) The sequence 1 2 3 5 10 20 30 50... also works this way, and would be much easier to work out.
(let me know if anyone misses the confused, pointless discussion that was here, most of which was my fault -- rab.spir)
Incidentally, if the exchange rate really is 15 rupnu to 1 meryru'u, anything less than a rupnu would be an amount of money most people wouldn't even bother picking up off the street - less than a nickel. Not exactly worth making coins for it. Given that the phrasebook describes fepni coins, was it perhaps supposed to be the other way around?
- What's the price of this?
- ma jdima ti / ti rupnu li xo
- That costs 13
- rupnu ta rupnu li paci
- Where should I pay?
- .ei mi pleji vi ma
- I'm looking for something less expensive
- mi sisku lo'e kargu mleca
- I would like to buy ...
- mi djica le nu te vecnu ...
- Where is the nearest bank?
- le jbirai banxa cu zvati ma
- I would like to exchange American dollars for rupnu.
- mi djica lenu canja lo meryru'u lo jborupnu
- What is the exchange rate of the euro against the rupnu?
- ma canja parbi lo ronru'u lo jborupnu
-> Phrases that differ only in stress
Where is a ... restaurant? lo gusta be le ... cu zvati ma
Chinese jungo
Japanese ponjo
kosher broselcru/cidjrkacera
halal musyselcru/cidjrxalalu
American merko
vegetarian stagi/recycau
I'd like ... mi djica tu'a ... (probably ko fimi dunda is better.) Or, best of all: ".au"
beef lo bakyrectu
pork lo xajrectu
lamb lo lanrectu
rabbit lo ractyrectu
mouse lo smacyrectu
dog lo geryrectu
peas lo boldembi
beans lo dembi
peanuts lo derdembi
eggs lo sovda
cabbage lo kobli
broccoli lo kobli rulstani
cauliflower lo kobli xrula
lettuce lo laktuka
tomato lo tamca
salad lo salta
pepper (black/white) lo tsaprpiperi
pepper (green/red/bell/hot) lo kapsiku
bread lo nanba
eggplant lo mlongena
orange najnimre
lemon pelnimre
grapefruit/pomelo/shaddock branimre
lime ri'ornimre
cantaloupe lo najyzme
kimchee gugrtcosanykobli
Asking for things / marketing
Unlike many other languages, it is not necessary in lojban to turn orders into polite questions ; politeness words are completely optional, and it is not rude to omit them.
Can you give me that ? ko ti mi dunda
(same as I'd like you to give me that.)
I want to buy that. ko ti mi vecnu
(same as Please sell me that.)
How much does this cost ? ti se jdima ma / ti se vecnu fo ma
How much do you want to sell this ? ma ti fo do jdima
Who sells this ? ma vecnu ti
It is too expensive. li du'e cu jdima
I offer ... (amount of money) for this. mi te vecnu ti fo ...
Please, I'd like you to lend this to me. pe'udo'u mi jbera ti do
How long can I borrow it ? ma ve jbera
I don't have enough money. mi ponse le rupnu be li mo'a
Give me some more. ko ti mi zmadu'a
I would like to buy some cigarettes. mi na te vecnu ti poi snacukyvei .i se sraku
In general, numbers in Lojban are expressed by reading off the digits from left to right, with a few exceptions. Three zeros can be said ki'o instead of nonono, and there are special words for some powers of ten, which aren't always used.
In some parts, an entirely different system based on lesi'o foli paxa kancu exadecimal is used, though as a foreigner your numbers will probably be understood if you say them in decimal. These parts are easy to recognize--everything is much more advanced. Those using decimal are vaporized quickly and painlessly. tinkit
Small integers
zero no
one pa
two re
three ci
four vo
five mu
six xa
seven ze
eight bi
nine so
ten pano
eleven papa
twelve pare
twenty reno
thirty cino
forty vono
hundred panono
thousand panonono / paki'o
million paki'oki'o
When counting, you don't say pa, re, ci, as that would be taken as the number 123 said slowly. To separate the numbers, you can say .i pa, .i re, .i ci, or li pa, li re, li ci. Or paboi reboi ciboi...
one half pimu / fi'ure xadba
one third pira'eci / fi'uci
two thirds pira'exa / refi'uci
one fourth piremu / fi'uvo
three fourths pizemu / cifi'uvo
one seventh pira'epavorebimuze / fi'uze
3+1/7 / 22/7 vei cisu'ifi'uze / cipira'epavorebimuze / rerefi'uze
Some powers of 10
10^-12 piki'oki'oki'oki'opa vei gei ni'upare picti
10^-9 piki'oki'oki'opa vei gei ni'uso nanvi
10^-6 piki'oki'opa vei gei ni'uxa mikri
10^-3 piki'opa vei gei ni'uci milti
.01 pinopa centi
.1 pipa decti
10^0 pa vei gei no pamei
10 pano dekto
100 panono xecto
10^3 paki'o vei gei ci kilto
10^6 paki'oki'o vei gei xa megdo
10^9 paki'oki'oki'o vei gei so gigdo
10^12 paki'oki'oki'oki'o vei gei pare terto
Note that the words kilto etc. are verbs. kilto means "is a group of a thousand", as in mi viska lo kilto be loi manti, I see a thousand ants.Note also that it is not ten but the radix being used in whatever your base is, with ten the most common by far (though hex and occasionally duodecimal are used), so kilto is not one thousand but paki'o, which to a hexist is over four times as many. This is why we are lucky in that some areas use hex and some decimal, but the borders are clearly defined. Only one region is in dispute, and that is the jboste, where base is a source of conflict. Elsewhere in jbotut the bases don't mix, with La Xagvar ne exeption.
- A ki'o does not mean 3 digits in hexadecimal, which tinkit calls the default base. Either 2 or 4--probably 4 (this is often defined as a "word"). Dekto, xecto, centi, and denti either need to be removed or add 2 more to fill up the extra digit. mi'e tinkit
- It's okay when you make your misinformative statements on the list, where we are free to ignore them, but it's possible that someone new to Lojban might come across the Wiki and believe you, or worse, believe that features such as ki'o are not yet decided. Hexadecimal is supported in Lojban (as it should be, being the largest base that has some real-world usage), but it is false (contradicted by the Book itself) that it is the default. --rab.spir
- The book says ki'o just means a comma. That can be interpreted as anything--including 4 digits which is what is most commonly used in the (9+7) base.
- The book also says the default base is 10, so I hardly think you can refer to it authoritatively here. (Incidentally, I don't disagree that a comma could represent 4 places in hex - what I take issue with is your outright, false assertion that hex is the default and that as a result (since falsehood implies everything) the metric words are all of indeterminate meaning.)
- The book says ki'o just means a comma. That can be interpreted as anything--including 4 digits which is what is most commonly used in the (9+7) base.
- -) (contempt) ui
- Ahem, contempt is ga'i, you meant content, I believe ? mi'e greg.
- -) (amusement) u'i
- -D u'isai
- -) zo'o
- -( uinai
- -o ue
- -O uesai
8-) (voyeurism) a'usairo'o / a'usairo'u
- -* (kiss) iu
- -% (puzzlement) oiro'e
- -/ (embarassment) oiro'a
- I use this one for disappointment or annoyance. -- mi'e bancus.
- '-P (physical fatigue) o'u.a'ero'o
- '-( (sadness) uinai.oiro'i
- '-D (amusement to tears) u'icai
>:-( (disapproval w/ complaint) i'enai.oi
- -| (neutral) ... cu'i
What do you feel? pei
What do you feel about the fact that ... ? pei du'u ...
While many lojban chatters know about smileys and use them instead of the lojban words, it is good practice to write the words instead in e.g. more formal texts.
Is it smileys or smilies? --Skorgu
Meeting and greeting
Meeting and greeting.
Deatta toki no aisatsu.
Phrases to practise.
Please (lit: do this humble request).
Thanks. (casual)
Thanks. (casual, a bit more polite)
Thanks a lot. (even more polite, but still casual, lit. Thanks very much!)
Thank you. (polite)
Thank you very much. (very polite)
Thank you very much (for what you have done). (very polite, past tense)
You're welcome/Don't mention it/Not at all.
The pleasure is mine./It's me who should say that./Same here. (lit: my side for sure!)
Excuse me./Thank you. (can be both an apology or a "thank you".)
I'm sorry (apology).
Good morning (used till about 10am).
Good evening.
Good night (used when going away and about to sleep soon).
Can you speak English?
Is there anybody here who can speak English?
I can speak only a little Japanese.
What is your name? (polite)
My name is Kaori. (very polite)
I am Kaori/It's Kaori.
How do you do? / Nice to meet you. (only at first meeting, lit: "We have started...", usually followed by stating ones name)
It's nice to meet you. (lit: please, be good to me)
How are you? (polite, Lit: are you healthy?)
How are you feeling? (casual)
Yes, I'm fine. (Lit: yes, I'm healthy.)
I don't understand.
I understand.
What did you say?
Please speak more slowly.
I understand very well.
Mr. Smith walks into a shop.
Smith: Good morning. Can you speak English?
Salesperson: I'm sorry. I can't speak English.
Smith: I can speak only a little Japanese. (lit: I can't but speak a little Japanese)
Salesperson: That's ok. I understand.
Akira-san is introducing his friend Satou Hiroko-san to his other friend Naoka-san.
Hiroko: Hello.
Akira: Hello. Have you already met my friend Naoko?
Hiroko: No. I haven't yet met (her).
Akira: Naoko, this is Mrs. Hiroko Satou.
Hiroko: How do you do. My name's Hiroko.
Naoko: How do you do. I'm Naoko.
Hiroko: I'm very pleased to meet you.
Naoko: Same here (lit: my side for sure). I'm very pleased to meet you.
Other dialogues
conversation guide
From Chinese course:
this, that
here, there
this coffee, that tea
I want this. I want that.
I don't want this. I don't want that.
I want this coffee. I want that coffee.
I want cold water.
The bill.
Thank you.
I want to go here.
I want to go to this restaurant.
1) Привет! Меня зовут Таня. Мне 30 лет и я живу в Москве.
2) Он - ученик. Он высокий, красивый, умный и энергичный.
3) МЫ - друзья. Учимся в школе в 5-ом классе.
4) Москва - столица России. В Москве много памятников, музеев, театров, галерей и парков.
5) Где ты живёшь? Я живу в Санкт - Петербурге.