Powell's Principle of Non-Gluteality
Put your name and contact information here if you're interested in getting together with other lojbanists in your area.
i ko jmina le cmene e lei tcila va'o le nu do se cinri le nu penmi loi drata jbopli vi le se xabju be do
Information on LojbanClubs.
lo mergu'e (USA)
- Lojbab & Nora are in Fairfax VA, near DC, and that's where Logfest is always held.
- Jay Kominek, (near) Boulder, Colorado
- the Edward Blevins, thedward@barsoom.net (la austin vi la texas (Austin, TX)) / 512.796.6661
- .kreig.daniyl. lives in North Carolina.
- la .pier. abat. ji'a xabju la bertikarolinas.
- In NYC are xod and John Cowan.
- Mark Shoulson is in New Jersey, so should see more of xod and John Cowan... but doesn't.
- Ted Reed (rizen/bancus) is in Ontario, Southern California.
- pc is around St. Louis, MO
- djin.meiz. lives in Tidewater/Hampton Roads, VA. [1]
- Robin Lee Powell is in Northern California, in the Silicon Valley area.
- xavier schools in Rochester, NY, but is from Newton, MA.
- stevo lives near Cincinnati, OH (email: MorphemeAddict@wmconnect.com)
- Matt Arnold lives near Detroit/Ann Arbor, Michigan (e-mail matt d o t mattarn a t gmail.com)
- Bjoern Gohla's home page: http://www.digitalkingdom.org/~bjoern/
- Lindar Greenwood lives in Hollywood, California and is willing to travel to (almost) any part of LA county for meetings. (email: lindarthebard at yahoo dot com)
- rem.klajis is in Phoenixville, Chester County, pa
- la .alyn.post. xabju lo la'o .gy. Rio Grande .gy. rirxe ma'arbi'i pe la'o .gy. New Mexico .gy.
- Mike Fairhurst is looking for lojbanists around Portland, Oregon (email michaelrfairhurst@hotmail.com or facebook me)
- Twitch is learning lojban in Montpelier, Vermont, and would love to work with others. sirrustemplar(put an 'at' symbol here)madriver(period)com.
- cizyprijev can be contacted at osiris_hades_deathland@hotmail.com or https://twitter.com/#!/cizyprijev
lo sralygu'e (Australia)
lo brogu'e (Israel)
- Adam Raizen, araizen@softhome.net
- Avital Oliver, olivera@macs.biu.ac.il
- Alex (Sasha) Gontmakher, gsasha@cs.technion.ac.il
lo gugdrnorge (Norway)
lo fasygu'e (France)
- Raphaël Poss, r.poss@online.fr
- jexOm.
- la .ilmen.
lo gentygu'e (Argentina)
- Jorge Llambías, jjllambias@hotmail.com
lo kadnygu'e (Canada)
- Viktor Medrano .i mi zvati le lulus. zei daplu
- la tsani lives in Montreal
lo rukygu'e (Russia)
- la gleki
- Russian Lojban community
- Cyril Slobin, Moscow
- ilya nikokoshev, Moscow
- Evgenii Sklyanin, St. Petersburg, now in York (UK)
- Yanis Batura], Novosibirsk
lo dotygu'e (Germany/Deutschland)
- A. W. Tüting((.aulun.), [3]
- Björn Gohla, b.gohla@gmx.de
- Philip Newton, Hamburg; [4]
- Jens Gutzeit (.iens.), Berlin, [5]
- .iesk., berti dotygu'e; [6]
- la selpa'i cu xabju la berlin
lo ritygu'e (UK)
- And Rosta, London & Preston. (No point meeting me if you want to practice Lojban conversation! I have never really got round to learning such conversationally vital stuff as gismu, BAI, tense, UI... That doesn't mean I'm not willing to try a bit, tho.)
- Colin Fine
- Evgenii Sklyanin, York, eks2@york.ac.uk
lo gugdrxelveto (Switzerland)
- Gregory Dyke greg., Gryon, gvd@easy.com
lo gugdrsuomi (Finland)
- Veijo Vilva (veion), Porvoo/Borgå, veijo.vilva@gmail.com
lo gugrsferie (Sweden)
- Martin Norbäck, G?org, norpan on irc (lojban beginner), d95mback@dtek.chalmers.se
- ShaeErisson, Boden, shae@ScannedInAvian.com
- Roger Norling, Sundsvall, r_norling@bredband.net
- la cein. po'u le lojbo cilre
- la .kreig.daniyl. joi la .maiky'elsym. cu te pemci bau la lojban.
- la rab.spir finti le JbozgiMusic bozgi.
- la ojbab cu lobja'a
- Robin Lee Powell aka camgusmis
- Matt Arnold aka epkat
- Arnt Richard Johansen aka Broca
- Mark Shoulson aka clsn
- Adam Lopresto aka Eimi
- John Woldemar Cowan author of The Complete Lojban Language
- Stephen Weeks aka Tene
- John Schock aka djancak
- Adam Cooper aka komfo,amonan
- Theodore Reed aka bancus
- Viktor Medrano aka viktor aka nonong
- aionys aka eyeonus
ko ji'a viska Info about individuals (mostly lojbanists) i