lojban by Choice/LojbanPod newbie lesson A0047
Coffee Time
Finally! JP and Liliana reveal the secret of Leo's coffee: a little bit of leche – milk, which is also our keyword. Moreover, we learn about Mexican coffee culture. Mmm!
- related LojbanPod lessons: A0007: Where are you from?, A0023: Going to the market, A0052: Smells good
- discussion: visit the readers' forum for this lesson to discuss it or to ask questions about it
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Audio Lesson
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LojbanPod_newbie_lesson_A0047.ogg (file info) (mp3 file) |
Title: “Coffee time” noicon Dialogue only (file info) noicon | |
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lo ninmu: ¡Oye! ¿Te apetece un café? noicon lo nanmu: Claro que sí. noicon lo ninmu: ¿Solo o con leche? noicon lo nanmu: Con un poco de leche, por favor. noicon
Dialogue with Translation
lo ninmu: ¡Oye! ¿Te apetece un café? noicon hear (to) you (it) appetizes a coffee woman: Hey! Do you want a coffee?
lo nanmu: Claro que sí. noicon clearly that yes man: Of course yes.
lo ninmu: ¿Solo o con leche? noicon alone or with milk woman: Black or with milk?
lo nanmu: Con un poco de leche, por favor. noicon with a little bit of milk please man: With a little bit of milk, please.
Vocabulary for Dialogue
la mujer noun (feminine) the woman el hombre noun (masculine) the man oír verb (infinitive) to hear ¡(tú) oye! verb (imperative) (you) listen! (informal, singular) te indirect object pronoun (to) you (informal, singular) apetecer verb (infinitive) to appetize (él/ella) apetece verb (present tense) he/she(/it) appetizes un/una article (m./f.) a el café noun (masculine) the (cup of) coffee claro adverb clearly que conjunction that sí adverb yes solo/sola adjective (m./f.) alone o conjunction or con preposition with la leche noun (feminine) the milk un poco phrase a little bit de preposition of un poco de leche phrase a little bit of milk por favor phrase please
Vocabulary for Audio Lesson
negro/negra adjective (m./f.) black café negro phrase black coffee café solo phrase black coffee querer verb (infinitive) to want (él/ella) quiere verb (present tense) he/she(/it) wants Colombia noun (feminine) Colombia café suave phrase smooth coffee México/Méjico noun (masculine) Mexico Chiapas noun (plural, masculine) Chiapas (a Mexican state) Antigua noun (feminine) Antigua (city in Guatemala) Guatemala noun (feminine) Guatemala la parroquia noun (feminine) the parish (church) café de la parroquia phrase coffee of the parish Veracruz noun (feminine) Veracruz (city in Mexico) hasta luego phrase see you later
More Vocabulary
This section includes grammatically related words. Some of them are required by the exercise Dialogue Recast.
oír | infinitive | to hear |
¡(tú) oye! | imperative | (you) hear! (informal, singular) |
¡(usted) oiga! | (you) hear! (formal, singular) | |
¡(nosotros/-as) oigamos! | (let's) hear! (m./f.) | |
¡(vosotros/-as) oíd! | (you) hear! (informal, plural, m./f.) | |
¡(ustedes) oigan! | (you) hear! (formal, plural) | |
me | indirect object pronoun | (to) me |
te | (to) you (informal, singular) | |
le | (to) him/her(/it) | |
le | (to) you (formal, singular) | |
nos | (to) us | |
os | (to) you (informal, plural) | |
les | (to) them | |
les | (to) you (formal, plural) | |
apetecer | infinitive | to appetize |
(yo) apetezco | present tense | I appetize |
(tú) apeteces | you appetize (informal, singular) | |
(él/ella) apetece | he/she(/it) appetizes | |
(usted) apetece | you appetize (formal, singular) | |
(nosotros/-as) apetecemos | we appetize (m./f.) | |
(vosotros/-as) apetecéis | you appetize (informal, plural, m./f.) | |
(ellos/ellas) apetecen | they appetize (m./f.) | |
(ustedes) apetecen | you appetize (formal, plural) | |
querer | infinitive | to want |
(yo) quiero | present tense | I want |
(tú) quieres | you want (informal, singular) | |
(él/ella) quiere | he/she(/it) wants | |
(usted) quiere | you want (formal, singular) | |
(nosotros/-as) queremos | we want (m./f.) | |
(vosotros/-as) queréis | you want (informal, plural, m./f.) | |
(ellos/ellas) quieren | they want (m./f.) | |
(ustedes) quieren | you want (formal, plural) |
Dialogue Translation
Translate from Lojban to English. Click each bar to check your answer. If possible, read the Lojban sentences aloud.
Hey! Do you want a coffee?
Of course yes.
Black or with milk?
With a little bit of milk, please.
Dialogue Recall
Now translate from English to Lojban. Remember to say the Lojban sentences aloud.
¡Oye! ¿Te apetece un café?
Claro que sí.
¿Solo o con leche?
Con un poco de leche, por favor.
Dialogue Remix
Translate this variant of the dialogue from English to Lojban.
¿Te apetece un poco de leche?
¿Café con leche?
Claro. Un café con leche.
Un café solo, por favor.
¿Te apetece un café solo?
Claro que sí.
Dialogue Recast
This translation exercise requires some of the words from the More Vocabulary section.
¡Oiga! ¿Le apetece un café?
Claro que sí.
¿Solo o con leche?
Con un poco de leche, por favor.
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