jbocradi cimo'o
Hello, and welcome! This is Lojban Radio! coi fi'i .i ti jbocradi
I'm your host Matt Arnold, mi'e mat.arnold
known to the Lojban community as Eppcott. poi la .epkat cmene mi le lojbo cecmu
This is a computer audio periodical .i ti skami sance karni
for speakers and enthusiasts fo lo tavla je se cinri
of Lojban, the logical language. po la lojban po'u le logji bangu
December 30, 2005. detri li gai pi'e cino pi'e renonomu
This episode will feature:
Robin Lee Powell's Tale of Woe, Part One
The Moon Song
Logfest 2005 was held at Philcon, a science fiction convention in Philadelphia, USA. I attended this three-day event, Friday December 9 through Sunday December 11, and we recorded enough audio for several podcasts! Also in attendance were Stephen Weeks, Mark Shoulson, and Adam Cooper, as well as Bob and Nora LeChevalier, all of whom can be heard in the recording I am about to play. But at first no one knew where our fearless leader was. Robin Lee Powell arrived so late he missed all of Friday. I was pretty worried about him, and as it turned out, it was with good reason. He was determined to tell us the story of his fearsome oddessey entirely in Lojban. Here's part one of:
Robin's Tale of Woe.
(Adam and I transcribed this. The frequent errors are my fault. Please help Lojban by listening to the podcast and transcribing what you hear!)
So. I'm gonna start with an introduction in English, just on principle. So I had a really interesting time getting to Logfest this year. It really starts before Logfest somewhat, but it really was quite special. I've been referring to it as my "Tale of Woe". And I've been promising all weekend to regale people with my tale of woe, in Lojban, as much as I am capable; and that's what this is. What I'm going to be doing is saying each sentence at whatever speed my brain comes up with, and then probably repeating them slowly and we'll play around with them a bit until everyone feels like they know what the hell's going on. So here we go. (coughs) Oh yes, and you'll have to excuse me because I'm sick. And yes, I am going to be using word-lookup. So:
ni'o sai betri lisri
.i ca ku nondei
.i le lisri cu cfari ca le to mi noroi morji lo djedi lujvo toi cibdei
With me so far? OK - want me to do the whole thing again?
Nora: ke'o
Robin: OK.
ni'o sai betri lisri
"ni'o sai". "ni'o" plus lots of it. "ni'o ni'o ni'o".
Nora: OK.
Robin: OK, which is the whole--
Nora: I hadn't heard that expression.
Robin: OK.
betri lisri
.i ca ku nondei
.i ku'i le lisri cu cfari ca le cibdei
.i ca si u'usai le lisri cu cfari ca
rafsi for re
Nora and others: rel
ca le reldei
.i ca le purlamji reldei
"prulamji." Although I think both are valid?
Lojbab: Yes.
Robin: OK.
mi bilma binxo
.i sa'e mi milxe bilma binxo
.i ku'i mi terpa lo nu'u da'i mi zenba lo ka bilma
.i se ki'u bo mi cliva le briju
.i sa'e mi clira cliva le briju
.i bi'u
Do you all know "bi'u"? Nobody ever uses "bi'u". "bi'u" is new information.
.i bi'u mi terpa lo nu klama fu lo vinji
which I believe is "airplane"
ca lo nu bilma
.i mu'i mutce cortu
.i sa'e mi binxo co bilma lo ka culno nazbi kevna
Ill in the property of full nasal cavities. "culno ke nazbi kevna"-- that is actually more correct.
.i sa ri'a lo no nu vinji xeklama
Actually "vinji klama" would be fine.
lo nu vinji klama cu cortu lo nazbi kevna
.i bi'unai mi terpa
.i bi'unai se ki'ubo
I believe that's legal. Yeah, it's a UI, it can go anywhere.
.i bi'unai se ki'ubo mi clira cliva le briju
.i sa'e a'osai mi ze'u sipna gi'e zenba lo ka kanro
I almost said "kalri".
.i ku'i ii sai mi
Does "ca" work at this point? If I want to say "at the time that I'm talking about in this story", I can use "ca".
Lojbab: "ca".
Robin: That's my belief, that that's how storytelling works.
Nora: Storytelling works-- the same-- "ca" is "at the same time."
Adam: Yes.
Robin: At the same time? If I say "ca bridi"? "ca selbri"?
Lojbab: "ca le nu."
Robin: No, what if it's not "ca le nu"? If I'm telling the story and I say "mi ca klama", is that "ca" in the story?
Adam: Yes.
Lojbab: At the current story time, yes.
Robin: Thank you. OK, having said all that,
.i ku'i ii sai mi ca fuzme lo nu danfu le lerci jibri fonxa
I'm sorry, the place structure for "fonxa" always screws me up. No, I mean I know what it is, and that's what screws me up. What is-- I've got to check the rafsi. Because what I want is "nu fonxa" and apparently there is no relevant rafsi. So,
Nora: { something too quiet to hear }
Robin: No, the event of a phone call, or phone communication, or something. "fonxa se tavla" I guess. "In the event that someone calls me," is what I want. (coughs) OK, starting that whole sentence again.
.i ii sai
.i ku'i ii sai mi ca fuzme lo nu
"danfu" is "answer a question"?
Lojbab: "spuda" is "response".
Robin: That's what I want, thank you.
mi fuzme lo nu spuda le jibri se si si fonxa se tavla
.i sa'e ei sai spuda lo mutce lerci ke jibri fonxa se tavla
With me? So, "I'm on call" was the goal."
Nora: Very late, too.
Robin: Yes.
.i sa'e lo nu mi fuzme lo jibri fonxa se tavla cu cfari lo se tcika be li pa xa
What's the word for-- "ke'unai" is continuing, right? Not repeating. I think that's it.
Someone: (unintelligible)
Robin: "Responsible."
.i ke'unai mi klama le zdani gi'e sipna
.i ku'i mi ca'a fonxa si jibri fonxa se tavla
.i ji'a mi ji'i mu roi jibri fonxa se tavla ca le nicte
.i la'a mi nicte sipna ze'i lo cacra be li xa
.i li'a sai
... which is my personal term for "duh." (Laughs)
ca le bavlam si ca sa
.i li'a sai ca le bavlamdei mi na jibri gunka
.i mi sipna
.i ku'i mi na mutce sipna
.i mu'i bo mi cikna
.i mi djica lo nu co'e gi'e nai jibri gunka
Lojbab: ke'o lo nu
Robin: "lo nu co'e gi'e nai jibri gunka". I have stuff I want to do. I'm awake.
.i ca le nicte to sa'e ca le cibdei nicte toi mi ji'a jibri fonxa se tavla
So faithful to Murphy's Law was this story, that at this moment the hard drive was full and stopped recording. We resumed the recording on another computer, which will be brought to you in our next episode. It gets worse. I warn you, this story contains violence. Oh yes, there will be violence. Robin's perils have not even begun. Stay tuned, true believers!
It has always been my intention to include singing in Lojban on this podcast. In one of our episodes we featured a song recorded years ago. Hopefully I will be able to present a variety of styles and performers on a regular basis. I've translated "Moon After Berceuse" by Fredo Viola into Lojban and performed it over the track available for free download from his site at www.fredoviola.com. The lyrics are "mi pu djuno le ka vlipa po le lunra" "I knew the power of the moon."
Please e-mail new material, questions, or corrections to the Lojban main mailing list at [email protected]. For more information, see the Lojban website at www.lojban.org. Thanks for downloading Lojban radio. Til' next time, this is epkat saying, co'o !