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- ''This grammar classifies words by their morphological class (cmene, gismu, lujvo, fuhivla > ''This grammar classifies words by their morphological class (cmene, gismu,1.9 MB (296,157 words) - 12:45, 26 January 2015
- ...ncluding each individual word of the vocabulary. The Lojban vocabulary and grammar and all language definition materials, by contrast, are public domain. Anyo ...roposed for the dictionary rebaselining, and the revised E-BNF form of the grammar. Articles detail the rationale behind several of the changes, with a focus565 KB (90,076 words) - 03:40, 22 August 2020
- Proposed Lojban Machine Grammar Baseline Changes --67 Enclosures - cmavo change list, Lojban Grammar in E-BNF form441 KB (72,114 words) - 00:44, 18 August 2020
- Lojban Grammar Baselined ...use we didn't have enough money to pay for it. This issue includes the new grammar baseline and the cmavo list as separate enclosures to an over-50 page issue265 KB (44,779 words) - 00:42, 18 August 2020
- ...ncluding each individual word of the vocabulary. The Lojban vocabulary and grammar and all language definition materials, by contrast, are public domain. Anyo ...ures, and a major revision/improvement of the Diagrammed Summary of Lojban Grammar Forms, which is becoming the mainstay of our introductory materials. Some o289 KB (46,480 words) - 05:22, 19 August 2020
- ...ting of an overview of the language's grammar, a diagrammed summary of its grammar basics, and a discussion of linguistic issues relevant to Lojban. It may be **[[#ch2|Chapter 2. Overview of Lojban Grammar]] was originally written by Bob LeChevalier in 1989, and updated in 1990 (i450 KB (65,465 words) - 09:45, 12 March 2016
- ...ncluding each individual word of the vocabulary. The Lojban vocabulary and grammar and all language definition materials, by contrast, are public domain. Anyo Language Development Status - gismu, lujvo, Grammar, Morphology, rafsi462 KB (78,745 words) - 18:34, 20 August 2020
- *Institute News: LogNet, MacTeach, Word makers Council, Grammar, NB3 and NB4, L1 Update, Paid Workers LogNet, MacTeach, Word makers Council, Grammar, NB3 and NB4, L1 Update, Paid Workers243 KB (42,050 words) - 13:59, 17 December 2014
- ...and Development - Grammar, Parser Status, pc to Visit DC, Transformational Grammar --6 Grammar, Some Proposed Logos245 KB (40,437 words) - 09:21, 11 June 2023
- '''Lojban Grammar Completed''' ...chure into other languages,including at least German, French, Spanish, and Russian (for whom we have identified linguists). We seek linguists to translate the117 KB (20,860 words) - 01:49, 15 November 2014
- *Status of Public Domain Loglan (Lojban): Primitive Remaking, Grammar, LWs, MEX, LogFlash, Dictionary, Textbook and Teaching Aids ..., at the next LogFest meeting. The Little Words (LWs) that constitute the grammar controls of Loglan will be baselined by June, and frozen by the end of the175 KB (29,145 words) - 14:59, 23 March 2014
- ...ncluding each individual word of the vocabulary. The Lojban vocabulary and grammar and all language definition materials, by contrast, are public domain. Anyo ...ted, revised, and corrected from the original. Included are discussions of grammar points, some more on Lojban and linguistics, and a LOT of Lojban text. I ha336 KB (55,342 words) - 10:07, 18 August 2020
- ...links to other platforms. The "lojban" channel on the 27th for me has our Russian LLG member listed as "lagleki" at the 2nd entry, as "gleki" in numerous rep report. the bridge also reached russian vk. com and the russian activity is non zero521 KB (87,367 words) - 21:48, 22 November 2022
- a minimal grammar, about eight hundred words in its vocabulary, and only six parts of the northwestern Russian Empire as well, and in the Hohenzollern177 KB (29,087 words) - 11:51, 26 September 2014
- Research and Development - Lojban Parser Status, Grammar Changes Proposed, serve the user as a resource book on the grammar, morphology, and usages of the109 KB (18,457 words) - 15:43, 19 July 2014
- I too am unsure what to make of them, but the grammar allows them. but the current grammar forbids it.)4.12 MB (665,740 words) - 16:32, 2 March 2020
- I too am unsure what to make of them, but the grammar allows them. but the current grammar forbids it.)2.07 MB (380,774 words) - 07:40, 7 March 2020
- ...wever, it seems to me that it would be mighty odd to find a language whose grammar revealed a categorical system that was otherwise unused by speakers, either ...-a-fish, all X which is-a-man, X loves Y". Presumably, a transformational grammar of Lojban would derive both of these surface structures (with and without p175 KB (28,521 words) - 11:27, 28 July 2014
- *Lojban Status: Primitives (gismu), 'Little Words' (cmavo), Grammar, Textbook and Teaching Aids, MEX, Revised Schedule Introductory Grammar Pronunciation130 KB (20,488 words) - 14:51, 23 March 2014
- .... You will find that with a few hundred words vocabulary and a very little grammar that you will pick up easily, you will be able to write or say a variety of ==Other status: grammar work, cmavo list, teaching materials, Lojban classes, current schedule==262 KB (45,389 words) - 13:42, 23 May 2014