lojban by Choice/LojbanPod newbie lesson A0001

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Are You Ready yet?


Sometimes people are just too slow! And then they hurry too much! In this lesson JP and Liliana teach us how to create time pressure and how to react to it and—most importantly—to relax. The keyword is tranquila – relaxed (for feminine nouns).

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Audio Lesson

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lo nanmu: Pei do bredi noicon
lo ninmu: Ko denpa ze'i! noicon
lo nanmu: Ko surla. I ku'inai da banzu ditcu. noicon
lo ninmu: Xlali nai. noicon
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Dialogue with Translation

lo nanmu: Pei do bredi? noicon
Question you to be ready
man: Are you ready yet?
lo ninmu: Ko denpa ze'i! noicon
You (imperative) wait (short amount of time)
woman: Wait a moment!
lo nanmu: Ko surla. i ku'inai da banzu ditcu tu'a mi'ai. noicon
You (imperative) relax (new sentence) (In agreement with that) there is enough timespan for us
man: Relax! We still have time.
lo ninmu: xlali nai. noicon
bad not
woman: Good.
lo ditcu – the time

Vocabulary for Dialogue

lo nanmu noun (masculine) the man
lo ninmu noun (feminine) the woman
pei adverb question mark asking attitude
do verb (infinitive) you
bredi adjective (m./f.) to be ready
ko verb (present tense) you (imperative, command or request)
denpa verb (infinitive) to wait
ze'i verb (imperative) small amount of time
surla verb (imperative) to relax
.i article (m./f.) (separates sentences)
ku'inai noun (masculine) (in agreement with that)
da adjective (m./f.) there is something
banzu adverb to be enough
ditcu verb (infinitive) to be a timespan of ... (event)
tu'a verb (present tense) (event related to ...)
mi'ai noun (masculine) we, us
nai adverb not
xlali adverb bad

Vocabulary for Audio Lesson

lo tcima noun (masculine) the weather
ma adverb what?
ma tcima? phrase How is the weather?
surla adjective (plural, m./f.) to be relaxed, calm
ko denpa! verb (imperative) (you) wait!
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More Vocabulary

This section includes grammatically related words. Some of them are required by the exercise Dialogue Recast.

denpa infinitive to wait
ko denpa! imperative (you) wait!
.e'u mi'ai denpa! (let's) wait!
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Dialogue Translation

Translate from Lojban to English. Click each bar to check your answer. If possible, read the Lojban sentences aloud.

pei do bredi?

Are you ready yet?

ko denpa ze'i!

Wait a moment!

ko surla i ku'inai da banzu ditcu tu'a mi'ai

Relax! We still have time.

xlali nai.

Good./Less bad.

Dialogue Recall

Now translate from English to Lojban. Remember to say the Lojban sentences aloud.

Are you ready yet?

pei do bredi?

Wait a moment!

ko denpa ze'i!

Relax! We still have time.

ko surla i ku'inai da banzu ditcu tu'a mi'ai.

Good (= less bad).

xlali nai.

Dialogue Remix

Translate this variant of the dialogue from English to Lojban.

Do we have time?

pei da banzu ditcu tu'a mi'ai?

We still have time.

i ku'inai da banzu ditcu tu'a mi'ai.

Are you ready?

pei do bredi?

Wait a moment!

ko denpa ze'i!

Relax! We still have time.

ko surla i ku'inai da banzu ditcu tu'a mi'ai.

Good (= less bad).

xlali nai.

Are you relaxed?

pei do surla?

Dialogue Recast

This translation exercise requires some of the words from the More Vocabulary section.

Are you ready?

pei do .io bredi?

Wait a moment! (formal)

ko .io denpa ze'i!

Relax! I still have time.

ko surla. I ku'inai da banzu ditcu tu'a mi.

Good (= less bad).

xlali nai.

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