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{{irci|tomoj|why shouldn't morphological gismu that aren't actually gismu be acceptable names?<br/>like '''la tomjo}}'''
{CODE(wrap="1]][[jbocre: 09:07]] <tomoj> why shouldn't morphological gismu that aren't actually gismu be acceptable names?
{{irci|vensa|tomoj: who said you cant?<br/>I'm all for it}}
{{irci|tomoj|uhh<br/>it is not orthodox}}
[[jbocre: 09:07]] <vensa> who said they shouldnt?
{{irci|vensa|tomoj: says who?<br/>maybe nobody thought of it yet<br/>I like it}}
{{irci|lindar|People have.<br/>What if that name ends up getting used?}}
[[jbocre: 09:08]] <tomoj> like {la tomjo}
{{irci|tomoj|then you wind up with a probably interesting description-based name}}
[[jbocre: 09:08]] <vensa> tomoj: who said you cant?
{{irci|selckiku|i'll say it, i don't think that's a sensible thing to do<br/>it slightly confuses me and it's new, so i'm opposed to it}}
{{irci|tomoj|me neither, now that I think about it}}
[[jbocre: 09:08]] <vensa> I'm all for it
{{irci|vensa|just like what if your name ends up being a meaningful rafsi combination<br/>selckiku: you opposed to new things in general?}}
{{irci|tomoj|the grammar says you can stick a selbri after LA}}
[[jbocre: 09:08]] <tomoj> uhh
{{irci|vensa|or just things that confuse you ? :P}}
{{irci|lindar|Like what if Broca actually uses '''la broca''', and then in a year suddenly we start a gismu '''broca''' that means "x1 is a puss/wimp that can't do x2 and licks giant sweaty balls x3 while being sodomised in orifice x4 by big sloppy dong x5.".}}
[[jbocre: 09:08]] <tomoj> it is not orthodox
{{irci|tomoj|if *'''tomjo''' counts as a selbri, then I should be able to use it outside of names too}}
{{irci|vensa|tomoj: you CAN<br/>it just want make SEMANTIC sense<br/>.u'i lindar}}
[[jbocre: 09:08]] <vensa> tomoj: says who?
{{irci|lindar|Then suddenly he's named "the pussy that can't do shit and licks giant sweaty balls while being sodomised by a big sloppy dong.".<br/>That's my only issue, really.}}
{{irci|selckiku|i'm not really opposed to new things, i was kidding or something<br/>but honestly that doesn't make much sense to me... description names are lojban words, not just random lojbanny shaped thingies}}
[[jbocre: 09:08]] <vensa> maybe nobody thought of it yet
{{irci|vensa|lindar: <vensa> just like what if your name ends up being a meaningful rafsi combination}}
{{irci|lindar|Sure, something like that.}}
[[jbocre: 09:08]] <vensa> I like it
{{irci|vensa|lindar: so it can happen to cmevla too}}
{{irci|lindar|''lindar is actually named Lindar, and finds the coincidence hilarious.''}}
[[jbocre: 09:08]] <lindar> People have.
{{irci|vensa|valsi affix: lin}}
{{irci|valsi|no results.}}
[[jbocre: 09:09]] <lindar> What if that name ends up getting used?
{{irci|vensa|valsi affix: dar}}
{{irci|valsi|no results.}}
[[jbocre: 09:09]] <tomoj> then you wind up with a probably interesting description-based name
{{irci|selckiku|half of my name "mungodjelis" was jvocme so i made that lujvo, djelisri}}
{{irci|tomoj|it can't happen to cmevla}}
[[jbocre: 09:09]] <vensa> yep
{{irci|vensa|valsi affix:dar}}
{{irci|valsi|linsi {{=}} x1 is a length of chain/links of material x2 with link properties x3.<br/>darno {{=}} x1 is far/distant from x2 in property x3 (ka).}}
[[jbocre: 09:10]] <selckiku> i'll say it, i don't think that's a sensible thing to do
{{irci|vensa|"chain far"!<br/>heh}}
{{irci|selckiku|lindar, how'd u get a name like "Lindar" anyway?  where's that from?}}
[[jbocre: 09:10]] <selckiku> it slightly confuses me and it's new, so i'm opposed to it
{{irci|lindar|Lord of the Rings. >_>}}
{{irci|tomoj|if it's a cmevla, any meaning you associate to it as a rafsi chain is not fixed by the language}}
[[jbocre: 09:10]] <tomoj> me neither, now that I think about it
{{irci|vensa|tomoj: y not. just showed you}}
{{irci|selckiku|jvocme are a tradition, though... they're not really quite meaningless}}
[[jbocre: 09:10]] <vensa> just like what if your name ends up being a meaningful rafsi combination
{{irci|tomoj|the language doesn't say that cmevla that look like rafsi components have anything to do with the meanings of the valsi for those rafsi}}
{{irci|selckiku|it's not meaningless that camgusmis is named "camgusmis", i think about bright lights and fame every time i say it}}
[[jbocre: 09:10]] <vensa> selckiku: you opposed to new things in general?
{{irci|tomoj|right<br/>it's only by suggestion}}
{{irci|vensa|tomoj: I recall seeing that it does}}
[[jbocre: 09:10]] <tomoj> the grammar says you can stick a selbri after LA
{{irci|tomoj|you can tell that their name looks like a rafsi chain and know that they did this on purpose<br/>but really the language is mute on the subject}}
{{irci|vensa|perhaps<br/>but it is a PLAUSIBLE option}}
[[jbocre: 09:10]] <vensa> or just things that confuse you ? :P
{{irci|selckiku|i tried to get everyone to call them "jvosmicmevla" but people are saying "jvocme" instead b/c they don't like clajvo, o well}}
{{irci|vensa|so would it only be PLAUSIBLE that '''broca''' chose his name according to the gismu of "pussy"}}
[[jbocre: 09:10]] <lindar> Like what if Broca actually uses {la broca}, and then in a year suddenly we start a gismu {broca} that means "x1 is a puss/wimp that can't do x2 and licks giant sweaty balls x3 while being sodomised in orifice x4 by big sloppy dong x5.".
{{irci|selckiku|it doesn't have denotative meaning, but it has some connotative meaning}}
[[jbocre: 09:10]] <tomoj> if *{tomjo} counts as a selbri, then I should be able to use it outside of names too
{{irci|vensa|whatever that means}}
[[jbocre: 09:11]] <vensa> tomoj: you CAN
{{irci|lindar|We're discussing two different things here.}}
{{irci|vensa|I'm putting this in the discussions section later :)}}
[[jbocre: 09:11]] <vensa> it just want make SEMANTIC sense
{{irci|lindar|I was saying that if somebody names themselves $namethatisanundefinedgismu and then we define that gismu... then what?}}
{{irci|vensa|selckiku: yes, but with english font<br/>lindar: what difference is that from '''lindar''' that happens to be a rafsi chain?}}
[[jbocre: 09:11]] <vensa> .u'i lindar
{{irci|tomoj|then there name acquires a selbri meaning, so what?}}
{{irci|vensa|maybe its on purpose, maybe not}}
[[jbocre: 09:11]] <lindar> Then suddenly he's named "the pussy that can't do shit and licks giant sweaty balls while being sodomised by a big sloppy dong.".
{{irci|Broca|If someone calls themselves $namethatisundefinedgismu _in Lojban_, they're doing it wrong.}}
{{irci|tomoj|er, their}}
[[jbocre: 09:11]] <lindar> That's my only issue, really.
{{irci|selckiku|it's so multilingual in here!  next thing you know we'll actually be culturally neutral}}
{{irci|lindar|vensa: Because THOSE names have incidental meaning.}}
[[jbocre: 09:11]] <selckiku> i'm not really opposed to new things, i was kidding or something
{{irci|tomoj|Broca: say '''tomjo}}'''
{{irci|vensa|lindar: IMO a gismu name can be incidental as wel<br/>as long as it's "la selbri"}}
[[jbocre: 09:12]] <selckiku> but honestly that doesn't make much sense to me... description names are lojban words, not just random lojbanny shaped thingies
{{irci|lindar|If I name myself '''donri''' then I'm not going to be an asshole and say, "No, I'm not called 'Day', it's just 'donri' the letters.".}}
{{irci|vensa|maybe I call myself '''la ganxo''' because I like the sound of it :)}}
[[jbocre: 09:12]] <vensa> lindar: <vensa> just like what if your name ends up being a meaningful rafsi combination
{{irci|lindar|Yeah, no.<br/>Please adhere to a policy of non-gluteality.}}
{{irci|tomoj|wait, yeah or no?}}
[[jbocre: 09:12]] <lindar> Sure, something like that.
{{irci|vensa|lindar: some people call their children English names, based solely on the sound, without even knowing the def sometimes}}
{{irci|lindar|If my name was "Shite", it means "Shite".}}
[[jbocre: 09:12]] <vensa> lindar: so it can happen to cmelva too
{{irci|vensa|ctino: he ivrit shelcha metzuyenet}}
{{irci|ctino|selckiku: it's nice isn't it? lojban actually has more people from different cultures than I realized.}}
[[jbocre: 09:12]]  * lindar is actually named Lindar, and finds the coincidence hilarious.
{{irci|selckiku|someday there'll be thousands of jbopre, and all of the gismu will have been someone's name sometime}}
{{irci|vensa|tomoj: I suspect the Yeah was cinical (lindarP) :)}}
[[jbocre: 09:12]] <vensa> valsi affix: lin
{{irci|lindar|If my name is "Rose", then it's fucking "Rose". If my name is "Blue" then my name is "Blue". If your name is '''xalbo''' then your name is actually '''xalbo'''. Do you see what I'm saying?}}
{{irci|vensa|lindar: no}}
[[jbocre: 09:12]] <valsi> no results.
{{irci|lindar|Words have definitions, regardless of whether or not they're also names.}}
{{irci|selckiku|i think a lot about why la xalbo chose "xalbo" and what it means to him}}
[[jbocre: 09:12]] <vensa> valsi affix: dar
{{irci|lindar|You don't get to detach the meaning just because you like the -sound- of the name.}}
{{irci|vensa|lindar: yes}}
[[jbocre: 09:12]] <valsi> no results.
{{irci|selckiku|it's a very interesting choice of name}}
{{irci|ctino|vensa: todah, haha.}}
[[jbocre: 09:12]] <selckiku> half of my name "mungodjelis" was jvocme so i made that lujvo, djelisri
{{irci|lindar|Stop saying no and yes. There's no scale set. It's not a yes or no question.}}
{{irci|vensa|lindar: but that doesnt mean the definition was intended by the name chooser. agreed?}}
[[jbocre: 09:12]] <tomoj> it can't happen to cmevla
{{irci|lindar|>_> In this case, yes it fucking does.}}
{{irci|vensa|what is "this case"?!}}
[[jbocre: 09:13]] <vensa> valsi affix:dar
{{irci|lindar|Ignore all of the old names like "john" and "mary" and shit that have a meaning but not in English. If you name your kid "Crystal", the kid's name is fucking "Crystal".<br/>It's a word in English with a meaning.}}
{{irci|vensa|lindar: someone can call their child "auburn" without knowing it's a color<br/>yes it has a meaning}}
[[jbocre: 09:13]] <valsi> linsi = x1 is a length of chain/links of material x2 with link properties x3.
{{irci|lindar|FUCK those people. They shouldn't be allowed to breed.}}
{{irci|vensa|but some word's meaning are less clear<br/>.u'isai}}
[[jbocre: 09:13]] <valsi> darno = x1 is far/distant from x2 in property x3 (ka).
{{irci|lindar|Bro, Lojban here.<br/>The words are very clear.}}
{{irci|vensa|all I'm saying is that meaning is not always transparent}}
[[jbocre: 09:13]] <vensa> "chain far"!
{{irci|selckiku|i remember when there was hardly anyone named a gismu}}
{{irci|vensa|just like you can have nicknames who's original name isnt clear}}
[[jbocre: 09:13]] <vensa> heh
{{irci|lindar|Dude, your name in English is "Springtime".}}
{{irci|selckiku|i used to wonder "why don't people choose gismu names?  all the gismu are available!"}}
[[jbocre: 09:13]] <selckiku> lindar, how'd u get a name like "Lindar" anyway?  where's that from?
{{irci|lindar|Guess what it means?}}
{{irci|vensa|e.g.: larry is short for lawrence. did you know that?}}
[[jbocre: 09:13]] <lindar> Lord of the Rings. >_>
{{irci|ksion|coi la kucli}}
[[jbocre: 09:13]]  * lindar tells non-geeks it's welsh.
{{irci|ctino|The only reason I use a gismu name is because my alias is Amber Shadow and I didn't want to lojbanize it :3}}
{{irci|ksion|coi rodo .enai la lindar no'u se fanza u'i}}
[[jbocre: 09:13]] <tomoj> if it's a cmevla, any meaning you associate to it as a rafsi chain is not fixed by the language
{{irci|selckiku|"kucli" is a nice gi'ucme<br/>i've always loved the word "kucli"}}
{{irci|tomoj|so some names have associated meanings}}
[[jbocre: 09:13]]  * ctino thinks that is far too awesome.
{{irci|lindar|In Lojban, '''selckiku''' ACTUALLY means means "lock".}}
{{irci|tomoj|why does that mean we shouldn't be allowed to use names with no associated meaning?}}
[[jbocre: 09:13]] <vensa> tomoj: y not. just showed you
{{irci|vensa|lindar: are you disagreeing with me when it comes to lojban only? or in english as well?}}
{{irci|tomoj|cmevla are just that way}}
[[jbocre: 09:14]] <selckiku> jvocme are a tradition, though... they're not really quite meaningless
{{irci|selckiku|as does "stela", so my name is Lock Lock :D}}
{{irci|tomoj|why not also selbri-shaped names?}}
[[jbocre: 09:14]]  * kucli is a friend of elves
{{irci|vensa|yes! tomoj +1}}
[[jbocre: 09:14]] <tomoj> the language doesn't say that cmevla that look like rafsi components have anything to do with the meanings of the valsi for those rafsi
{{irci|ctino|selckiku: I figured that out today xD}}
{{irci|selckiku|there's no meaning associated with "clsn".. that's a neat shape for a name}}
[[jbocre: 09:14]] <selckiku> it's not meaningless that camgusmis is named "camgusmis", i think about bright lights and fame every time i say it
{{irci|lindar|The FACT of the matter is that it is DEFINED as "The one named...".}}
{{irci|tomoj|also, jabberwocky<br/>a lojban translation of jabberwocky should use morphological selbri that aren't actual selbri}}
[[jbocre: 09:14]] <tomoj> right
{{irci|lindar|So '''la xalbo''' is unambiguously DEFINED as "The one named 'levitous-thing'.". That's what it means.}}
{{irci|tomoj|perhaps some morphological cmavo and fu'ivla too?}}
[[jbocre: 09:14]] <tomoj> it's only by suggestion
{{irci|lindar|You don't get to say, "Ah, no, I don't feel like doing that. I want my name to be a gismu, but I'm special, so it doesn't actually mean that for me.".}}
{{irci|vensa|lindar: all im saying is that it doesnt neccessarily mean that '''la xalbo''' is aware of the meaning of his name, or wether he chose it BECAUSE of its meaning}}
[[jbocre: 09:14]] <vensa> tomoj: I recall seeing that it does
{{irci|tomoj|sure you do}}
{{irci|lindar|la donri is "The one named 'Day'.".}}
[[jbocre: 09:14]] <tomoj> you can tell that their name looks like a rafsi chain and know that they did this on purpose
{{irci|vensa|of course he did in this case}}
{{irci|tomoj|we get to pick our own names}}
[[jbocre: 09:14]] <tomoj> but really the language is mute on the subject
{{irci|vensa|but it doesnt have to be}}
[[jbocre: 09:15]] <vensa> perhaps
{{irci|selckiku|the translation of jabberwocky we have is by xorxes right?}}
{{irci|lindar|YES IT DOES}}
[[jbocre: 09:15]] <vensa> but it is a PLAUSIBLE option
{{irci|tomoj|if I want to be named 'fatass', why can't I be?}}
[[jbocre: 09:15]] <selckiku> i tried to get everyone to call them "jvosmicmevla" but people are saying "jvocme" instead b/c they don't like clajvo, o well
{{irci|vensa|lindar: where?!}}
[[jbocre: 09:15]] <vensa> so would it only be PLAUSIBLE that {broca} chose his name according to the gismu of "pussy"
{{irci|selckiku|WHY ARE WE YELLING}}
{{irci|tomoj|take a chill pill}}
[[jbocre: 09:15]] <Twey> o.@
{{irci|vensa|lindar: the book doesnt tell us what to THINK}}
[[jbocre: 09:16]] <selckiku> it doesn't have denotative meaning, but it has some connotative meaning
{{irci|tomoj|there's some candy like tic-tacs called "chill", lol}}
[[jbocre: 09:16]] <tomoj> yeah
{{irci|ctino|I love tic-tacs.}}
{{irci|vensa|seems like any discussion involving me and lindar can never come to an end :)}}
[[jbocre: 09:16]] <vensa> whatever that means
{{irci|vensa|or is it just lindar and anybody? :P<br/>or me and anybody?}}
[[jbocre: 09:16]] <lindar> We're discussing two different things here.
{{irci|ctino|Lindar and anybody.}}
{{irci|tomoj|unstoppable force + immovable object}}
[[jbocre: 09:17]] <vensa> I'm putting this in the discussions section later :)
{{irci|Twey|ctino: What do you think of that lindar and vensa, eh, eh?}}
{{irci|vensa|I'm pretty stubborn myself :)<br/>tomoj u'isai}}
[[jbocre: 09:17]] <lindar> I was saying that if somebody names themselves $namethatisanundefinedgismu and then we define that gismu... then what?
{{irci|ctino|Twey: Entertaining.}}
{{irci|vensa|:)<br/>lindar is quite so I suspect he actually went to the books<br/>*quiet}}
[[jbocre: 09:17]] <vensa> selckiku: yes, but with english font
{{irci|ctino|Probably.<br/>I know I would have.}}
{{irci|vensa|when he comes back, all hell will break out}}
[[jbocre: 09:17]] <vensa> lindar: what difference is that from {lindar} that happens to be a rafsi chain?
{{irci|ctino|Haha.<br/>The quiet before the storm.}}
{{irci|vensa|what happens if I leave before he comes back? :P}}
[[jbocre: 09:17]] <tomoj> then there name acquires a selbri meaning, so what?
{{irci|vensa|.y<br/>shhhhh...  "i'm not here..."}}
[[jbocre: 09:17]] <vensa> maybe its on purpose, maybe not
{{irci|ctino|So what's the synopsis of this debate?}}
{{irci|vensa|we'll have to wait for lindar to return for that}}
[[jbocre: 09:17]] <@Broca> If someone calls themselves $namethatisundefinedgismu _in Lojban_, they're doing it wrong.
{{irci|ksion|vensa: That's mostly because is mutce certu loka fanza ;)}}
{{irci|vensa|it's not over till the british elf screams}}
[[jbocre: 09:17]] <tomoj> er, their
{{irci|ksion|vensa: lindar is*}}
[[jbocre: 09:17]] <selckiku> it's so multilingual in here!  next thing you know we'll actually be culturally neutral
{{irci|vensa|ksion: :)}}
[[jbocre: 09:17]] <lindar> vensa: Because THOSE names have incidental meaning.
{{irci|lindar|What's up now?}}
{{irci|ctino|I wanna know what the synopsis of your debate is.}}
[[jbocre: 09:17]] <tomoj> Broca: say {tomjo}
{{irci|lindar|btw: Not to be picky/whiney or anything, but I would appreciate the favour of you referring to be as a spivvak. {{=}}/<br/>*to me as<br/>Short version: If you have a brivla name, you picked it. It always has the meaning. You can't divorce a gismu from the meaning just because it's a name. That's like naming a kid "Hope" and then saying, "It's a really cool name, but I never looked it up to find out what it means.".}}
{{irci|ctino|Hm. Okay, thanks.}}
[[jbocre: 09:18]] <vensa> lindar: IMO a gismu name can be incidental as wel
{{irci|tomoj|certainly that's conceivable}}
[[jbocre: 09:18]] <vensa> as long as it's "la selbri"
[[jbocre: 09:18]] <lindar> If I name myself {donri} then I'm not going to be an asshole and say, "No, I'm not called 'Day', it's just 'donri' the letters.".
[[jbocre: 09:18]] <vensa> maybe I call myself {la ganxo} because I like the sound of it :)
[[jbocre: 09:18]] <lindar> Yeah, no.
[[jbocre: 09:18]] <lindar> Please adhere to a policy of non-gluteality.
[[jbocre: 09:19]] <tomoj> wait, yeah or no?
[[jbocre: 09:19]] <vensa> lindar: some people call their children English names, based solely on the sound, without even knowing the def sometimes
[[jbocre: 09:19]] <lindar> If my name was "Shite", it means "Shite".
[[jbocre: 09:19]] <vensa> ctino: he ivrit shelcha metzuyenet
[[jbocre: 09:19]] <ctino> selckiku: it's nice isn't it? lojban actually has more people from different cultures than I realized.
[[jbocre: 09:20]] <selckiku> someday there'll be thousands of jbopre, and all of the gismu will have been someone's name sometime
[[jbocre: 09:20]] <vensa> tomoj: I suspect the Yeah was cinical (lindarP) :)
[[jbocre: 09:20]] <lindar> If my name is "Rose", then it's fucking "Rose". If my name is "Blue" then my name is "Blue". If your name is {xalbo} then your name is actually {xalbo}. Do you see what I'm saying?
[[jbocre: 09:20]] <vensa> lindar: no
[[jbocre: 09:20]] <lindar> Words have definitions, regardless of whether or not they're also names.
[[jbocre: 09:20]] <selckiku> i think a lot about why la xalbo chose "xalbo" and what it means to him
[[jbocre: 09:20]] <lindar> You don't get to detach the meaning just because you like the -sound- of the name.
[[jbocre: 09:20]] <vensa> lindar: yes
[[jbocre: 09:20]] <selckiku> it's a very interesting choice of name
[[jbocre: 09:20]] <ctino> vensa: todah, haha.
[[jbocre: 09:21]] <lindar> Stop saying no and yes. There's no scale set. It's not a yes or no question.
[[jbocre: 09:21]] <vensa> lindar: but that doesnt mean the definition was intended by the name chooser. agreed?
[[jbocre: 09:21]] <lindar> >_> In this case, yes it fucking does.
[[jbocre: 09:21]] <vensa> what is "this case"?!
[[jbocre: 09:22]] <lindar> Ignore all of the old names like "john" and "mary" and shit that have a meaning but not in English. If you name your kid "Crystal", the kid's name is fucking "Crystal".
[[jbocre: 09:22]] <lindar> It's a word in English with a meaning.
[[jbocre: 09:22]] <vensa> lindar: someone can call their child "auburn" without knowing it's a color
[[jbocre: 09:22]] <vensa> yes it has a meaning
[[jbocre: 09:22]] <lindar> FUCK those people. They shouldn't be allowed to breed.
[[jbocre: 09:22]] <vensa> but some word's meaning are less clear
[[jbocre: 09:22]] <vensa> .u'isai
[[jbocre: 09:22]] <lindar> Bro, Lojban here.
[[jbocre: 09:23]] <lindar> The words are very clear.
[[jbocre: 09:23]] <vensa> all I'm saying is that meaning is not always transparent
[[jbocre: 09:23]] <selckiku> i remember when there was hardly anyone named a gismu
[[jbocre: 09:23]] <vensa> just like you can have nicknames who's original name isnt clear
[[jbocre: 09:23]] <lindar> Dude, your name in English is "Springtime".
[[jbocre: 09:23]] <selckiku> i used to wonder "why don't people choose gismu names?  all the gismu are available!"
[[jbocre: 09:23]] <lindar> Guess what it means?
[[jbocre: 09:23]] <vensa> e.g.: larry is short for lawrence. did you know that?
[[jbocre: 09:23]] <lindar> Yes.
[[jbocre: 09:23]] <ksion> coi la kucli
[[jbocre: 09:23]] <ctino> The only reason I use a gismu name is because my alias is Amber Shadow and I didn't want to lojbanize it :3
[[jbocre: 09:23]] <ksion> coi rodo .enai la lindar no'u se fanza u'i
[[jbocre: 09:24]] <selckiku> "kucli" is a nice gi'ucme
[[jbocre: 09:24]] <selckiku> i've always loved the word "kucli"
[[jbocre: 09:24]] <tomoj> so some names have associated meanings
[[jbocre: 09:24]] <lindar> In Lojban, {selckiku} ACTUALLY means means "lock".
[[jbocre: 09:24]] <tomoj> why does that mean we shouldn't be allowed to use names with no associated meaning?
[[jbocre: 09:24]] <vensa> lindar: are you disagreeing with me when it comes to lojban only? or in english as well?
[[jbocre: 09:24]] <tomoj> cmevla are just that way
[[jbocre: 09:24]] <selckiku> as does "stela", so my name is Lock Lock :D
[[jbocre: 09:24]] <tomoj> why not also selbri-shaped names?
[[jbocre: 09:24]] <vensa> yes! tomoj +1
[[jbocre: 09:25]] <lindar> >_>
[[jbocre: 09:25]] <ctino> selckiku: I figured that out today xD
[[jbocre: 09:25]] <selckiku> there's no meaning associated with "clsn".. that's a neat shape for a name
[[jbocre: 09:25]] <lindar> The FACT of the matter is that it is DEFINED as "The one named...".
[[jbocre: 09:25]] <tomoj> also, jabberwocky
[[jbocre: 09:25]] <tomoj> a lojban translation of jabberwocky should use morphological selbri that aren't actual selbri
[[jbocre: 09:25]] <lindar> So {la xalbo} is unambiguously DEFINED as "The one named 'levitous-thing'.". That's what it means.
[[jbocre: 09:26]] <tomoj> perhaps some morphological cmavo and fu'ivla too?
[[jbocre: 09:26]] <lindar> You don't get to say, "Ah, no, I don't feel like doing that. I want my name to be a gismu, but I'm special, so it doesn't actually mean that for me.".
[[jbocre: 09:26]] <vensa> lindar: all im saying is that it doesnt neccessarily mean that {la xalbo} is aware of the meaning of his name, or wether he chose it BECAUSE of its meaning
[[jbocre: 09:26]] <tomoj> sure you do
[[jbocre: 09:26]] <lindar> la donri is "The one named 'Day'.".
[[jbocre: 09:26]] <vensa> of course he did in this case
[[jbocre: 09:26]] <tomoj> we get to pick our own names
[[jbocre: 09:26]] <vensa> but it doesnt have to be
[[jbocre: 09:26]] <lindar> >_>
[[jbocre: 09:26]] <selckiku> the translation of jabberwocky we have is by xorxes right?
[[jbocre: 09:26]] <lindar> YES IT DOES
[[jbocre: 09:26]] <tomoj> if I want to be named 'fatass', why can't I be?
[[jbocre: 09:27]] <lindar> IT -DOES- HAVE TO BE
[[jbocre: 09:27]] <vensa> lindar: where?!
[[jbocre: 09:27]] <tomoj> jeebus
[[jbocre: 09:27]] <selckiku> WHY ARE WE YELLING
[[jbocre: 09:27]] <tomoj> take a chill pill
[[jbocre: 09:27]] <ctino> BECAUSE YELLING IS FUN
[[jbocre: 09:27]] <vensa> lindar: the book doesnt tell us what to THINK
[[jbocre: 09:27]] <ctino> u'i
[[jbocre: 09:27]] <tomoj> there's some candy like tic-tacs called "chill", lol
[[jbocre: 09:28]] <ctino> I love tic-tacs.
[[jbocre: 09:28]] <vensa> seems like any discussion involving me and lindar can never come to an end :)
[[jbocre: 09:28]] <ctino> Haha.
[[jbocre: 09:28]] <vensa> or is it just lindar and anybody? :P
[[jbocre: 09:29]] <vensa> or me and anybody?
[[jbocre: 09:29]] <ctino> Lindar and anybody.
[[jbocre: 09:29]] <tomoj> unstoppable force + immovable object
[[jbocre: 09:29]] <Twey> ctino: What do you think of that lindar and vensa, eh, eh?
[[jbocre: 09:29]] <vensa> I'm pretty stubborn myself :)
[[jbocre: 09:29]] <vensa> tomoj u'isai
[[jbocre: 09:29]] <ctino> Twey: Entertaining.
[[jbocre: 09:29]] <vensa> :)
[[jbocre: 09:30]] <vensa> lindar is quite so I suspect he actually went to the books
[[jbocre: 09:30]] <vensa> *quiet
[[jbocre: 09:30]] <ctino> Probably.
[[jbocre: 09:30]] <ctino> I know I would have.
[[jbocre: 09:30]] <vensa> when he comes back, all hell will break out
[[jbocre: 09:30]] <ctino> Haha.
[[jbocre: 09:30]] <ctino> The quiet before the storm.
[[jbocre: 09:30]] <vensa> what happens if I leave before he comes back? :P
[[jbocre: 09:30]] <ctino> >'''_>
[[jbocre: 09:30]] <vensa> .y
[[jbocre: 09:31]] <vensa> shhhhh...  "i'm not here..."
[[jbocre: 09:31]] <ctino> So what's the synopsis of this debate?
[[jbocre: 09:31]] <vensa> we'll have to wait for lindar to return for that
[[jbocre: 09:31]] <ksion> vensa: That's mostly because is mutce certu loka fanza ;)
[[jbocre: 09:31]] <vensa> it's not over till the british elf screams
[[jbocre: 09:32]] <ksion> vensa: lindar is*
[[jbocre: 09:32]] <ctino> xD
[[jbocre: 09:32]] <tomoj> wat
[[jbocre: 09:32]] <vensa> ksion: :)
[[jbocre: 09:33]] == zugz [[jbocre: ~zugz@]] has joined #lojban
[[jbocre: 09:33]] <lindar> What's up now?
[[jbocre: 09:33]] <ctino> I wanna know what the synopsis of your debate is.
[[jbocre: 09:33]] <lindar> btw: Not to be picky/whiney or anything, but I would appreciate the favour of you referring to be as a spivvak. =/
[[jbocre: 09:33]] <lindar> *to me as
[[jbocre: 09:35]] <lindar> Short version: If you have a brivla name, you picked it. It always has the meaning. You can't divorce a gismu from the meaning just because it's a name. That's like naming a kid "Hope" and then saying, "It's a really cool name, but I never looked it up to find out what it means.".
[[jbocre: 09:36]] <ctino> Hm. Okay, thanks.
[[jbocre: 09:36]] <tomoj> certainly that's conceivable{CODE}
(edited to remove some irrelevant chatter) - lindar

Latest revision as of 14:54, 24 December 2014

tomoj why shouldn't morphological gismu that aren't actually gismu be acceptable names?
like la tomjo

vensa tomoj: who said you cant?
I'm all for it
tomoj uhh
it is not orthodox
vensa tomoj: says who?
maybe nobody thought of it yet
I like it
lindar People have.
What if that name ends up getting used?
tomoj then you wind up with a probably interesting description-based name
vensa yep
selckiku i'll say it, i don't think that's a sensible thing to do
it slightly confuses me and it's new, so i'm opposed to it
tomoj me neither, now that I think about it
vensa just like what if your name ends up being a meaningful rafsi combination
selckiku: you opposed to new things in general?
tomoj the grammar says you can stick a selbri after LA
vensa or just things that confuse you ? :P
lindar Like what if Broca actually uses la broca, and then in a year suddenly we start a gismu broca that means "x1 is a puss/wimp that can't do x2 and licks giant sweaty balls x3 while being sodomised in orifice x4 by big sloppy dong x5.".
tomoj if *tomjo counts as a selbri, then I should be able to use it outside of names too
vensa tomoj: you CAN
it just want make SEMANTIC sense
.u'i lindar
lindar Then suddenly he's named "the pussy that can't do shit and licks giant sweaty balls while being sodomised by a big sloppy dong.".
That's my only issue, really.
selckiku i'm not really opposed to new things, i was kidding or something
but honestly that doesn't make much sense to me... description names are lojban words, not just random lojbanny shaped thingies
vensa lindar: <vensa> just like what if your name ends up being a meaningful rafsi combination
lindar Sure, something like that.
vensa lindar: so it can happen to cmevla too
lindar lindar is actually named Lindar, and finds the coincidence hilarious.
vensa valsi affix: lin
valsi no results.
vensa valsi affix: dar
valsi no results.
selckiku half of my name "mungodjelis" was jvocme so i made that lujvo, djelisri
tomoj it can't happen to cmevla
vensa valsi affix:dar
valsi linsi = x1 is a length of chain/links of material x2 with link properties x3.
darno = x1 is far/distant from x2 in property x3 (ka).
vensa "chain far"!
selckiku lindar, how'd u get a name like "Lindar" anyway? where's that from?
lindar Lord of the Rings. >_>
tomoj if it's a cmevla, any meaning you associate to it as a rafsi chain is not fixed by the language
vensa tomoj: y not. just showed you
selckiku jvocme are a tradition, though... they're not really quite meaningless
tomoj the language doesn't say that cmevla that look like rafsi components have anything to do with the meanings of the valsi for those rafsi
selckiku it's not meaningless that camgusmis is named "camgusmis", i think about bright lights and fame every time i say it
tomoj right
it's only by suggestion
vensa tomoj: I recall seeing that it does
tomoj you can tell that their name looks like a rafsi chain and know that they did this on purpose
but really the language is mute on the subject
vensa perhaps
but it is a PLAUSIBLE option
selckiku i tried to get everyone to call them "jvosmicmevla" but people are saying "jvocme" instead b/c they don't like clajvo, o well
vensa so would it only be PLAUSIBLE that broca chose his name according to the gismu of "pussy"
Twey o.@
selckiku it doesn't have denotative meaning, but it has some connotative meaning
tomoj yeah
vensa whatever that means
lindar We're discussing two different things here.
vensa I'm putting this in the discussions section later :)
lindar I was saying that if somebody names themselves $namethatisanundefinedgismu and then we define that gismu... then what?
vensa selckiku: yes, but with english font
lindar: what difference is that from lindar that happens to be a rafsi chain?
tomoj then there name acquires a selbri meaning, so what?
vensa maybe its on purpose, maybe not
Broca If someone calls themselves $namethatisundefinedgismu _in Lojban_, they're doing it wrong.
tomoj er, their
selckiku it's so multilingual in here! next thing you know we'll actually be culturally neutral
lindar vensa: Because THOSE names have incidental meaning.
tomoj Broca: say tomjo

vensa lindar: IMO a gismu name can be incidental as wel
as long as it's "la selbri"
lindar If I name myself donri then I'm not going to be an asshole and say, "No, I'm not called 'Day', it's just 'donri' the letters.".
vensa maybe I call myself la ganxo because I like the sound of it :)
lindar Yeah, no.
Please adhere to a policy of non-gluteality.
tomoj wait, yeah or no?
vensa lindar: some people call their children English names, based solely on the sound, without even knowing the def sometimes
lindar If my name was "Shite", it means "Shite".
vensa ctino: he ivrit shelcha metzuyenet
ctino selckiku: it's nice isn't it? lojban actually has more people from different cultures than I realized.
selckiku someday there'll be thousands of jbopre, and all of the gismu will have been someone's name sometime
vensa tomoj: I suspect the Yeah was cinical (lindarP) :)
lindar If my name is "Rose", then it's fucking "Rose". If my name is "Blue" then my name is "Blue". If your name is xalbo then your name is actually xalbo. Do you see what I'm saying?
vensa lindar: no
lindar Words have definitions, regardless of whether or not they're also names.
selckiku i think a lot about why la xalbo chose "xalbo" and what it means to him
lindar You don't get to detach the meaning just because you like the -sound- of the name.
vensa lindar: yes
selckiku it's a very interesting choice of name
ctino vensa: todah, haha.
lindar Stop saying no and yes. There's no scale set. It's not a yes or no question.
vensa lindar: but that doesnt mean the definition was intended by the name chooser. agreed?
lindar >_> In this case, yes it fucking does.
vensa what is "this case"?!
lindar Ignore all of the old names like "john" and "mary" and shit that have a meaning but not in English. If you name your kid "Crystal", the kid's name is fucking "Crystal".
It's a word in English with a meaning.
vensa lindar: someone can call their child "auburn" without knowing it's a color
yes it has a meaning
lindar FUCK those people. They shouldn't be allowed to breed.
vensa but some word's meaning are less clear
lindar Bro, Lojban here.
The words are very clear.
vensa all I'm saying is that meaning is not always transparent
selckiku i remember when there was hardly anyone named a gismu
vensa just like you can have nicknames who's original name isnt clear
lindar Dude, your name in English is "Springtime".
selckiku i used to wonder "why don't people choose gismu names? all the gismu are available!"
lindar Guess what it means?
vensa e.g.: larry is short for lawrence. did you know that?
lindar Yes.
ksion coi la kucli
ctino The only reason I use a gismu name is because my alias is Amber Shadow and I didn't want to lojbanize it :3
ksion coi rodo .enai la lindar no'u se fanza u'i
selckiku "kucli" is a nice gi'ucme
i've always loved the word "kucli"
tomoj so some names have associated meanings
lindar In Lojban, selckiku ACTUALLY means means "lock".
tomoj why does that mean we shouldn't be allowed to use names with no associated meaning?
vensa lindar: are you disagreeing with me when it comes to lojban only? or in english as well?
tomoj cmevla are just that way
selckiku as does "stela", so my name is Lock Lock :D
tomoj why not also selbri-shaped names?
vensa yes! tomoj +1
lindar >_>
ctino selckiku: I figured that out today xD
selckiku there's no meaning associated with "clsn".. that's a neat shape for a name
lindar The FACT of the matter is that it is DEFINED as "The one named...".
tomoj also, jabberwocky
a lojban translation of jabberwocky should use morphological selbri that aren't actual selbri
lindar So la xalbo is unambiguously DEFINED as "The one named 'levitous-thing'.". That's what it means.
tomoj perhaps some morphological cmavo and fu'ivla too?
lindar You don't get to say, "Ah, no, I don't feel like doing that. I want my name to be a gismu, but I'm special, so it doesn't actually mean that for me.".
vensa lindar: all im saying is that it doesnt neccessarily mean that la xalbo is aware of the meaning of his name, or wether he chose it BECAUSE of its meaning
tomoj sure you do
lindar la donri is "The one named 'Day'.".
vensa of course he did in this case
tomoj we get to pick our own names
vensa but it doesnt have to be
lindar >_>
selckiku the translation of jabberwocky we have is by xorxes right?
lindar YES IT DOES
tomoj if I want to be named 'fatass', why can't I be?
vensa lindar: where?!
tomoj jeebus
tomoj take a chill pill
vensa lindar: the book doesnt tell us what to THINK
ctino u'i
tomoj there's some candy like tic-tacs called "chill", lol
ctino I love tic-tacs.
vensa seems like any discussion involving me and lindar can never come to an end :)
ctino Haha.
vensa or is it just lindar and anybody? :P
or me and anybody?
ctino Lindar and anybody.
tomoj unstoppable force + immovable object
Twey ctino: What do you think of that lindar and vensa, eh, eh?
vensa I'm pretty stubborn myself :)
tomoj u'isai
ctino Twey: Entertaining.
vensa :)
lindar is quite so I suspect he actually went to the books
ctino Probably.
I know I would have.
vensa when he comes back, all hell will break out
ctino Haha.
The quiet before the storm.
vensa what happens if I leave before he comes back? :P
ctino >_>
vensa .y
shhhhh... "i'm not here..."
ctino So what's the synopsis of this debate?
vensa we'll have to wait for lindar to return for that
ksion vensa: That's mostly because is mutce certu loka fanza ;)
vensa it's not over till the british elf screams
ksion vensa: lindar is*
ctino xD
tomoj wat
vensa ksion: :)
lindar What's up now?
ctino I wanna know what the synopsis of your debate is.
lindar btw: Not to be picky/whiney or anything, but I would appreciate the favour of you referring to be as a spivvak. =/
*to me as
Short version: If you have a brivla name, you picked it. It always has the meaning. You can't divorce a gismu from the meaning just because it's a name. That's like naming a kid "Hope" and then saying, "It's a really cool name, but I never looked it up to find out what it means.".
ctino Hm. Okay, thanks.
tomoj certainly that's conceivable