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Toward a quantitative form of Lojban
ckinytadji selsku
- fy. fancu lo'i ni terzu'e lo'i ni selsnada .ije li ma'o fy.boi du'e du li mo'a How can we express "Too many goals means too few accomplishments" in a quantitative form?
- fancu le'i nu funca It depends on luck.
ckinytadji vlaselcmi
math terminology proposes some technical terms, but it's light on words that are useful in everyday life. I think there are plenty; I'm starting this list. mi'e jezrax (I think la xod added most of this.)
- selcmi, klesi (sets)
- superset - selkle
- set, subset - klesi
- proper subset - nalrolmeilei (from the jvoste)
- cmima x1 is a member of set x2 x1 may be a complete or incomplete list of members; x2 is normally marked by la'i/le'i/lo'i, defining the set in terms of its common property(ies), though it may be a complete enumeration of the membership;
- gripau x1 is a subset of set x2 girzu pagbu, set-part
- disjoint -
- overlapping (with non-empty intersection) -
Note: klesi is a set defined by a rule; selcmi is a set defined by its membership.
- fancu (functions)
- monotonically increasing - farstodi zenba
- monotonically decreasing - farstodi jdika
- bounded above - galseljimte
- bounded below - dziseljimte
- cuncmaci (statistics)
- statistically independent -
- correlated -
- fadytercu'o x1 = cunso3 (set) follows a Gaussian probability distribution with independent variable x2 = cunso
- Simple relationships (zbepi terki'i)
- du x1 is identical to x2, x3, x4, ...
- dunli x1 is equal/congruent to x2 in/on property/quality/dimension/quantity x3 same in quantity/quality (not necessarily in identity); 'analogy' may be expressed as the equivalence of two properties of similarity (ka x1 simsa x2) and (ka x3 simsa x4) (.ua zo du cu dunli jenai du zo dunli .i le si'o du kei cu du le si'o dunli fi ko le ka bu'a)
- mleca x1 is less than x2 in property/quantity x3 (ka/ni) by amount x4 also negative (= nonme'a);
- jdika x1 (experiencer) decreases/contracts/is reduced/diminished in property/quantity x2 by amount x3
- zmadu x1 is greater than x2 also positive (= nonmau);
- zenba x1 (experiencer) increases/is incremented/augmented in property/quantity x2 by amount x3
- dubjavme'a x1 is less than or equal to x2 du ja mleca, equal or less
- or nalmau x1 is not greater than x2
- dubjavmau x1 is greater than or equal to x2 du ja zmadu, equal or greater
- or nalme'a x1 is not less than x2
- tamdu'i x1 is similar to x2 tarmi dunli, shape-equal
- turdu'i x1 is isomorphic to x2 stura dunli, structure-equal
- pabdu'i x1 is proportional to x2 parbi dunli, ratio-equal
- na'ujbi x1 is approximately equal to namcu jibni, number-near
- lamji x1 is adjacent/beside/next to/in contact with x2 in property/sequence x3 in direction x4 also touching, contiguous, against;
- Assorted useful brivla (vrici selpli brivla)
- fancu x1 is a function/single-valued mapping from domain x2 to range x3 defined by expression/rule x4 (ru'a le fancu cu cmene le velfancu)
- manri x1 is a frame of reference/standard for observing/measuring/determining x2, with/by rules x3
- ckilu x1 (si'o) is a scale of units for measuring/observing/determining x2 (state)
- cimde x1 (property - ka) is a dimension of space/object x2 according to rules/model x3
- morna x1 is/reflects/represents a pattern of forms/events x2 arranged according to structure x3 [[x3 is a [model|model]] for x1 (= termontai, or the more abstract = termonsi'o);
- mokca x1 is a point/instant/moment 0-dimensional shape/form in/on/at time/place x2
- linji x1 is a line/among lines 1-dimensional shape/form defined by set of points x2. ray/vector (farli'i or porli'i)
- plita x1 is a plane 2-dimensional shape/form defined by points x2 (set); x1 is flat/smooth. also: x1 is even/planar/level; (x2 is a set of points at least sufficient to define the plane)
- canlu x1 is space/volume/region/room at-least-3-dimensional area occupied by x2. also occupy (= selca'u)
- Logical Inference (see logical induction & deduction)
- deduction: nibli, ja'o
- induction: sucta, su'a
- abduction: tolsucta, su'anai
ckinytadji nalca'ima'o
- JAhA + CAI a'axi NA: bridi truth value scalar
- xoi'e PU: exponential increasing
- do xoi'e lojbo certu You're learning Lojban at an exponential rate.
- Semantically, xoi'a/xoi'e belong in ZAhO, since they deal with change in truth over time. For example, co'a is change from categorically false to categorically true. xoi'a/xoi'e deal with rates of increase in degree of truth. However, there are several possible rates of increase, and there is also the possibility of decrease, so I think this domain of meaning requires some more comprehensive proposal than simply these two cmavo. --And Rosta