Talk:Stub: Lojban for Newbies. version 0.17 alpha/to be fixed/reply (2)

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Also, are you going to gloss translations, simply give colloquial English translations, or both? If the last, will both the gloss and the colloquial translation be italicized?

Blue box: "example of [a] note."

When giving the alphabet, I would note a few things: 1) It is common practice, but not necessary, to use the Latin alphabet as presented. This textbook will follow suit with this standard. 2) Although there is no official order to the Lojban version of the (Latin) alphabet [to my knowledge], the typically presented order is the one provided and certain Lojban mnemonics and patterns follow from this ordering. Also, any terms in the glossaries or dictionaries provided, and any section titles (including appendices) that are denoted alphabetically will follow this order [or the more expanded version of the alphabet that English uses?]. 3) The reader should note that a few letters are missing from the Lojbanic alphabet and some letters are added. These changes will be covered in more detail shortly. [I do recommend calling it the Lojbanic alphabet, which is presented as a Latin derivative. I can justify this suggestion if you desire.]

When you cover the vowels, put .ybu in the table. It is confusing otherwise and will be more useful that way for quick reference. You can still explain the vowels as you currently do after the table. 2 minutes ago via mobile · Like

Curtis W. Fraŋks RE Unambiguity, and Evidentials and Friends: I do not mean too much detail. You can just mention them in passing, as you did with the rest. They are important highlights of the language to me.