BPFK Section: brivla Negators
cmavo: na (NA)
Proposed Definition
Contradictory negator. Negates the bridi in which it appears. It has scope over quantifiers that follow.
Proposed Tag
See Also
- {ja'a}
- {na'e}
- {nai}
Proposed Keywords
- not
Usage Examples
- ko nelci lo nalci gi'e na kelci lo kalci
- "Be fond of wings and don't play with feces."
- time tense and NA interactions need to be made more clear.
- confusion on the scope of NA.
- na go'i issue.
cmavo: ja'a (NA)
Proposed Definition
Bridi affirmer. Affirms the bridi in which it appears.
Proposed Tag
See Also
- {na}
Proposed Keywords
- really
Usage Examples
- .i ju'o cu'i lo finpe ja'a nitcu lo relselxi'u
- "Maybe a fish does need a bicycle."
cmavo: na'e (NAhE)
Proposed Definition
Contrary negator. Converts a tanru-unit into another tanru-unit with a complementary meaning, such that they can't both be true at the same time. With BO, it converts a sumti into another sumti whose referent is the complement of the unconverted sumti.
Proposed Tag
See Also
- {je'a}
- {to'e}
- {no'e}
- {na}
- {nai}
Proposed Keywords
- non-
Usage Examples
- salci fa ro na'ebo le mlatu
- "It's a party for everyone but the cat."
- ma na'e vofli cipni
- "What's a non-flying bird?"
- NAhEs can also be used with tags and operators, and NAhE BO with operands.
- na'e bo "sumti" | lo drata be "sumti"
cmavo: je'a (NAhE)
Proposed Definition
Converts a tanru-unit into another tanru-unit with the same meaning. With BO, it converts a sumti into another sumti whose referent is the same as the referent of the unconverted sumti.
Proposed Tag
See Also
- {na'e}
- {to'e}
- {no'e}
Proposed Keywords
Usage Examples
- ta je'a titla nanba
- "That's indeed sweet bread."
- NAhEs can also be used with tags and operators, and NAhE BO with operands.
- je'a bo "sumti" | lo mintu be "sumti"
cmavo: to'e (NAhE)
Proposed Definition
Converts a tanru-unit into another tanru-unit with opposite meaning. With BO, it converts a sumti into another sumti whose referent is opposite of the referent of the unconverted sumti.
Proposed Tag
See Also
- {na'e}
- {je'a}
- {no'e}
Proposed Keywords
- opposite
- un-
Usage Eaxmples
- mi to'e cirko lo sfani lo mi stasu
- "I found a fly in my soup."
- NAhEs can also be used with tags and operators, and NAhE BO with operands.
- to'e bo "sumti" | lo dukti be "sumti"
cmavo: no'e (NAhE)
Proposed Definition
Converts a tanru-unit into another tanru-unit with neutral meaning between the original meaning and its opposite. With BO, it converts a sumti into another sumti whose referent is neutral between the referent of the unconverted sumti and its opposite.
Proposed Tag
See Also
- {na'e}
- {to'e}
- {je'a}
Proposed Keywords
- neutral
Usage Examples
- xu lo do cmene cu pu na pe'a jinsa lo no'e lerfu
- "Was your name not 'clean' of not-really-letters?"
- NAhEs can also be used with tags and operators, and NAhE BO with operands.
- no'e bo "sumti" | lo nutli be lo te dukti be "sumti" bei to'e "sumti"
General Section Issues
- scope of na here I (xorxes) am sketching an argument for restricting the scope of NA to be just over those bridi operators that follow it. The traditional interpretation is that it has scope over all other bridi operators, including those that precede it in the bridi. Also: Reduced logical form
- NA with connectives/termsets.
- na go'i issue by guskant.