BPFK Section: Utterance Pro-sumti

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Proposed Definitions And Examples

cmavo: da'e (KOhA2)

Proposed Definition

A pro-sumti for an utterance that will appear in the text much later than the current utterance.

See Also

  • {da'u}
  • {de'e}
  • {di'e}
  • {la'e}

Proposed Keywords

  • much later utterance

Usage Examples

mi cusku da'e do ca le bavlamdei .ije la'e da'e jenca
"I will say (a sentence that will be said) to you tomorrow, and it (the meaning of that sentence) is shocking."
da'e poi se cusku mi cu melbi
"It (a sentence in the future) that I'm going to say is beautiful."


The utterance that this cmavo refers to is text. Using this cmavo alone refers to the words and rhetoric of the utterance. In constrast, prefixing this cmavo with {la'e} refers to what the text means.

The "much later" part of the definition is defined to be in contrast with {de'e}, which refers to a utterance coming soon in the future. In other words, this cmavo refers to an utterance that will appear later than the utterance referred to by {de'e}.



cmavo: da'u (KOhA2)

Proposed Definition

A pro-sumti for an utterance that appeared in the text much earlier than the current utterance.

See Also

  • {de'a}
  • {de'u}
  • {di'u}
  • {la'e}

Proposed Keywords

  • much earlier utterance

Usage Examples

do cusku da'u mi ca le prulamdei .ije la'e da'u jenca
"You said (a sentence that was said) to me yesterday, and it (the meaning of that sentence) is shocking."
da'e poi se cusku mi cu melbi
"It (a sentence in the past) that I said is beautiful."


The utterance that this cmavo refers to is text. Using this cmavo alone refers to the words and rhetoric of the utterance. In constrast, prefixing this cmavo with {la'e} refers to what the text means.

The "much earlier" part of the definition is defined to be in contrast with {de'u}, which refers to a recent utterance said in the near past. In other words, this cmavo refers to an utterance that appeared earlier than the utterance referred to by {de'e}.



cmavo: de'e (KOhA2)

Proposed Definition

A pro-sumti for an utterance that will appear in the text soon, after the current utterance.

See Also

  • {da'u}
  • {da'e}
  • {di'e}
  • {la'e}

Proposed Keywords

  • later utterance

Usage Examples

la'e de'e jenca
"It (the meaning of a sentence that will be said soon) is shocking."
de'e poi se cusku mi cu melbi
"It (a sentence that will be said soon) that I (will) say is beautiful."


The utterance that this cmavo refers to is text. Using this cmavo alone refers to the words and rhetoric of the utterance. In constrast, prefixing this cmavo with {la'e} refers to what the text means.

The "soon" part of the definition is defined to be in contrast with {da'e}, which refers to a utterance coming very far in the future. In other words, this cmavo refers to an utterance that will appear in the future but still earlier than the utterance referred to by {da'e}.



cmavo: de'u (KOhA2)

Proposed Definition

A pro-sumti for an utterance that appeared in the text recently, before the current utterance.

See Also

  • {de'e}
  • {da'u}
  • {di'u}
  • {la'e}

Proposed Keywords

  • earlier utterance

Usage Examples

la'e de'u jenca
"It (the meaning of a recently said sentence) is shocking."
de'u poi se cusku mi cu melbi
"It (a sentence that was recently said) that I said is beautiful."


The utterance that this cmavo refers to is text. Using this cmavo alone refers to the words and rhetoric of the utterance. In constrast, prefixing this cmavo with {la'e} refers to what the text means.

The "recently" part of the definition is defined to be in contrast with {da'u}, which refers to a utterance coming very far in the past. In other words, this cmavo refers to an utterance that appeared in the past but still later than the utterance referred to by {da'u}.



cmavo: dei (KOhA2)

Proposed Definition

A pro-sumti for the very utterance that this word appears in.

See Also

  • {di'e}
  • {di'u}
  • {la'e}

Proposed Keywords

  • this utterance

Usage Examples

le dei bangu
"Its (this sentence's) language"
do tcidu dei
"You read it (this sentence)."
xu dei drani lo ka lojbo
"Is it (this very sentence) correct Lojban?"


The utterance that this cmavo refers to is text. Using this cmavo alone refers to the words and rhetoric of the utterance. In constrast, prefixing this cmavo with {la'e} refers to what the text means.



cmavo: di'e (KOhA2)

Proposed Definition

A pro-sumti for the next utterance, which comes right after the current utterance.

See Also

  • {di'u}
  • {dei}
  • {de'e}
  • {da'e}
  • {la'e}

Proposed Keywords

  • next utterance

Usage Examples

la ba'e .djan. cusku di'e .i mi djica la .lojban.
"It was John who said this (the following sentence): I like Lojban."
di'e na drani .i lo ninmu klama .i lu lo ninmu cu klama li'u drani
"This (the following sentence) is incorrect. The woman runner. 'The woman runs' is correct."


The utterance that this cmavo refers to is text. Using this cmavo alone refers to the words and rhetoric of the utterance. In constrast, prefixing this cmavo with {la'e} refers to what the text means.



cmavo: di'u (KOhA2)

Proposed Definition

A pro-sumti for the previous utterance, which came right before the current utterance.

See Also

  • {di'u}
  • {dei}
  • {de'e}
  • {da'e}
  • {la'e}

Proposed Keywords

  • previous utterance

Usage Examples

do na nelci lo mlatu .i di'u jitfa jufra
"You don't like cats. That (the previous sentence) is a false sentence."
levi litki cu skari claxu .i la'e di'u nibli lo du'u ra tolckape
"This liquid is colorless. That (the meaning of the previous sentence) means that it's safe."


The utterance that this cmavo refers to is text. Using this cmavo alone refers to the words and rhetoric of the utterance. In constrast, prefixing this cmavo with {la'e} refers to what the text means.



cmavo: do'i (KOhA2)

Proposed Definition

A pro-sumti for any utterance, past or future.

See Also

  • {dei}
  • {de'u}
  • {di'u}
  • {la'e}

Proposed Keywords

  • some utterance

Usage Examples

do'i noi le mi cukta se ciska la .menelek.
"That (some sentence), which is from my book, was written by Menelek.
gyny joi mi cusku do'i
G.N. and I say that (some sentence).


The utterance that this cmavo refers to is text. Using this cmavo alone refers to the words and rhetoric of the utterance. In constrast, prefixing this cmavo with {la'e} refers to what the text means.

