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Astronomy (kesyske)
- Cosmology (mu'erkraske)
- Stellar Evolution (puvytarga'i)
- Space-Time (caljvetei)
- Accretion Disk (jajycukla)
- Star (tarci)
- Red Giants (xunre ke barda tarci)
- Black Hole (cimnyterjunta)
- White Dwarf (nonlivla tarci)
- I chose that lujvo because a white dwarf is a normal star which is no longer (IIRC) undergoing nuclear fusion or fission. All the energy being radiated away is left overs. (They're all cooling off over the millennia.)
- Neutron Star (nulka'u tarci)
- Stars and Planets
- Galaxy (tarso'imei)
- Constellation (sostartai)
- Globular Cluster (tarboi)
- Solar System (tarci'e)
- Star (tarci)
- Planet (plini)
- Moon (mluni)
- Dwarf Planet (plinyjdika)
- Asteroid, Planetoid" (plinycma)
- 1st planet, default Mercury (pavyplini)
- 2nd planet, default Venus (relplini)
- 3rd planet, default Earth (cibyplini)
- 4th planet, default Mars (vonplini)
- 5th planet, default Jupiter (mumplini)
- 6th planet, default Saturn (xavyplini)
- 7th planet, default Uranus (zelplini)
- 8th planet, default Neptune (bivplini)
- Interstellar Space (tarbinca'u)
- Space Exploration (nu ninsisli'u lo kensa)
- Extrasolar Planets (norsolri plini)
- nalsolklo?
- Parallax (zgamuvjga x1 is the parallax of x2 as seen by x3 who moves to x4 from x5)
- ju'oru'e ro terzgamuvjga cu klama fo le linji .iseni'ibo le velzgamuvjga cu velkla ju linji .i ji'a le 5mei tergismu cu tolsarcu
- Right Ascension: (sunsicyjudri)
- Declination: (bernanjudri)
- Names of constellations
- la bercribe: Ursa Minor
- la snanu kuctai: Southern Cross (noi sinxa le snanu xadbu be le terdi be'o .e ra'u le sralo)
--> Objects/stuff in The Universe
--> Objects in the SolarSystem
- Phases of the moon (le se jgaja'o be le lunra)
- co'arze'a
- cinla zenba
- xabze'a
- rotsu zenba
- co'urze'a
- culno
- co'arjdika
- rotsu jdika
- xabjdika
- cinla jdika
- co'urjdika
- kunti