new soi
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A new use for the cmavo soi, as proposed by la selpa'i
cmavo: soi (SOI)Proposed Definitionbridi relative clause. Restricts or gives additional information about the containing bridi. Contains a {ke'a}, whose antecedent is the containing bridi ({lo su'u no'a}). Corresponds loosely to adverbs in natural languages. Proposed Grammarterm <- ... / SOI_clause free* subsentence SEhU_elidible / ... SOI_clause <- SOI_pre SOI_post SOI_pre <- pre_clause SOI spaces? SOI_post <- post_clause SOI <- &cmavo ( s o i ) &post_word See Also:
Gloss Word
Notesbroda soi ke'a brode == lo su'u broda cu fasnu gi'e brode Both the main bridi and the soi bridi are asserted. soi terms always have top-scope, meaning they scope over any quantifiers, negations or tenses that precede them. When multiple soi are used in the same bridi, they are understood to have equal scope. ImpactThe old soi vo'a usage for "vice versa" becomes invalidated in favor of a more useful and flexible cmavo that has applications in a wide range of situations as shown in the examples. |