abuse of the orthography

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  • Taking advantage of the rule that you don't have to pause after la and not even slowing down after la. feladjos. mi tavla sure looks like I'm adressing someone named Feladjos and telling him/her/it that I'm talking. But it actually means "I talk to Joe". NO. if feladjos. were a legal cmene, it would mean "feladjos. talks to me." Since it is not, then as the numbering after the fe-tagged sumti continues fi, fo, fu, rather than reverting to fa, it means that Joe talks about me.
    • The second part of your statement is right. fe la djos. mi tavla means "Joe talks about me". Whoops. But you are wrong in thinking an unlabeled vocative becomes the x1 - felydjos. mi tavla would address Felydjos and state that I talk.

i 8'u pa nan5 co kri3 je tavla

cu ca ve'u jgira bo cusku lo bravla

i mis0 bo sazri le slA ke cradi

i ti'e le nan5 le jecta cu bradi

    • The official parser will actually accept this, because it replaces digits by the corresponding 2-letter sequences as soon as it sees them, without regard to context.
      • Well, slA would have to be changed back to slabu. Anyway, that almost makes me want to get the official parser and try it out.
    • There is something obnoxiously cool about this. --mi'e mark. (Yeah, punk Lojban...)
  • Using nonstandard stress and nonstandard word grouping simultaneously to counteract each other. ilad. cukla ma le zar3

--rab.spir (uh-oh, do I really want to take credit for this?)