jbocre: conlang

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Short form for constructed language, human languages which are not natural languages. Sometimes divided into three groups:

  • artlangs, those devised for artistic purposes -- either per se, or for use in fiction.
      • Really for artistic purposes? Its purpose seems to have been IAL, the "esthetic" side -- the musical version -- was partly practical (tone carries farther than words and is easier to pick out in a noisy environment) and partly either a bad joke or a misunderstanding of the claim that music is the universal language (which is clearly false even when rightly understood). pc
  • loglangs, more recently called engelangs (engineered languages), those devised according to some sort of objective principles; Lojban is one of these.
  • auxlangs - international auxiliary languages
    • a posteriori
    • a priori
      • Sona (except for some borrowed radicals)
      • ru'a lo me la'o ly. a priori .ly bangu ka'e se pilno fi lo nu satci cusku lo smuni be lo gismu

These categories are of course overlapping.