ce ki tau jau

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The ce-ki-tau-jau (and occasionally joined by du) dialect of Lojban has certain CV'V cmavo swapped with similar CV cmavo, as those CV'V are (far) more useful than the CV.

In particular,

  • ce'u becomes ce
  • ke'a becomes ki
  • tu'a becomes tau
  • jo'u becomes jau (xorxes has proposed that joi should be used for jo'u; if that were the case, we wouldn't have to repurpose jau)
  • du'u becomes du

Due to the proliferation of fancylojban and the general idea of the type system, ce'u and tu'a become very important cmavo, for maintaining precision and type-correctness, respectively. As for ke'a, it sees far more use than ki, and becomes especially useful with the proposal for new voi. jo'u has increased in usefulness due to the introduction of plural logic by xorlo.

Other proposed swaps:

  • su'o becomes su
  • bu'u becomes bu or zai
  • ko'oi becomes koi

Some changes in the dialect are not mere swaps, but are instead geared towards repurposing little cmavo. One such change is to perhaps use lau to represent lo su'u go'i or la'e di'u. Both of those see far more usage in the corpus than lau with its current definition. Similarly, the very common combination of lo + NU could get po (terminator po'e) of selma'o PO, which directly turns bridi into sumti (equivalent to lo su'u). This cuts down Lojban's syllable count considerably.

Being a basic building block of predicate logic, the existential quantifier is a good candidate for a monosyllabic cmavo form. As for bu'u, it is the spatial equivalent of ca, which has one syllable less. Both tenses are equally important.

Swapping of rafsi has also been considered. For example, in standard Lojban the rafsi of te does not parallel those of the other members of SE (se, ve and xe), so it has been proposed to use the rafsi -tel- instead. Ditto for -nol-, to parallel -nal- and -tol-.