pronunciation guide in Greek: Difference between revisions

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m (Gleki moved page jbocre: Pronunciation guide in Greek to Pronunciation guide in Greek without leaving a redirect: Text replace - "jbocre: ([A-Z])" to "$1")
m (Conversion script moved page Pronunciation guide in Greek to pronunciation guide in Greek: Converting page titles to lowercase)

Latest revision as of 08:29, 30 June 2014

Please fill in examples where there is a question mark.

' [[bl. shme�wsh pio k�tw]]

a all

e xete

i spti

o mws, omologw'

u tou ourano�

y -

ai ner��da, ahd�ni

au �out, kaoutso�k

ei kla�ei, fe�gbol�n

oi mp��, s��

ia gia

ie g�ros

ii uge�a

io gios, poios

iu gioub�tsi, tou giou

ua ou�ou

ue -

ui -

uo -

uu -

b mp�rmpas, mp�nio (xwr�s to m)

c -

d �ntras, nt�nw (xwr�s to n)

f f�los

g gkars�ni (xwr�s to "uperwik�" n mprost� tou)

j -

k kak�s

l loulo�di

m m�na

n ner�

p pip�ri

r w'ra, trianta, rol��

s qa sw'sw

t pat�ras

v b�zw

x xw'ma, �xw

z zw'nh

Sto fq�ggo tou lozbaniko� gr�mmatos c den antistoixe� kan�na fw'nhma ths koinh's neoellhnikh's glw'ssas; ako�getai �mws sthn kupriakh' profor� l�jewn �pws ta siokol�ta, sieftali�.

H pio sunh'qhs profor� tou lozbaniko� gr�mmatos '' (ap�strofos) e�nai auth' tou aggliko� h' h' ths dase�as sthn arxa�a ellhnikh' glw'ssa; epitr�petai �mws epish'mws kai h profor� q �pws stis l�jeis q�natos, sunq�tw, mamo�q. (Gia par�deigma, h lozbanikh' l�jh {ka'e} mpore� na prof�retai sa na h'tan h ellhnikh' l�jh k�qe.)