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Well, the last I checked I was about 6'0'' (you look and see that he's maybe 1/2'' shorter than that) and my red hair got in the way a little when choosing my natural colours. The Trumps being formal portraits have me in a shirt, either blue or cream as was clean at the time, but I prefer to leave formality when I can. Even on my shadow, where many people do go for formality as de digeur, I stay the exception. Of course, I have been around since their renaissance...
{BOX(title="L'activité de la communauté;" width="27%" float="right" class="community-activity]]

You never forget the day you first walk Pattern, or even any of the successive times... But the first time is special. You know that she can wipe you out with a single mistake, and I didn't have the past experience of having already walked it. But Pattern is amazingly beautiful, and the more I learn, the more I feel her influence in all things, in all shadows. You know, some of my siblings don't believe me when I say that I still remember my first walk through Pattern, about, what, 250 years ago? I've spent a bit of time in other timestreams of course! But then, did I believe [[jbocre: kormuj/corwin ather]] , when he made the same claim? Of course, I have to go a little further back now, to explain where I asked Pattern to take me, and my delight when she delivered me there.
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It was a bit of a lonely upbringing, not having siblings around. Father was a bit overprotective, and never took me into Shadow as often or as far as I would have liked. I see he was very busy now, but I was upset, very upset. I made sure that my younger brothers and sisters wouldn't have to suffer with such trivial babysitters that couldn't even follow a Shadow trail! Oh the trouble I got into the first time I took [[jbocre: kormuj/r|raijatn]] away without telling Dad first! I say trivial, some taught me some very interesting things. The most interesting related to Pattern, of course, and my Maths teacher realised this. He saw that spark, that "cmacypre" in me, so he said. He taught me Proof when some of my siblings were struggling with times tables. Such beauty! And the moment when a proof just clicks! It is just like going through a veil of Pattern. Some siblings understood this, some didn't. It isn't necessary to know to succeed at the walk.
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So I devoured books, where there was knowledge at my level. Most kids Dad brought from Shadow were too boring to me. The most gifted were of some interest, but not as tutors. These were my first students. I'm trying to work out exactly when I started teaching so I can celebrate my 300 years of teaching properly. Think the university will get me a clock? My siblings were different. I saw them differently as we were from the same place; we are kin.
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So, having spent a lot of time learning and teaching there was really only one sort of Shadow I'd want to go to. It was a beautiful centre of learning, and I entered in her Renaissance. She is close to pattern, but not so close that she doesn't change. She's rather industrialised now, but learning is prized above all, and universities dominate. I easily got into their most prestigious university. I mainly studied mathematics, but a healthy interest in all things was encouraged. I was delighted with my progress with paint on canvas. I was nothing compared to [[jbocre: kormuj/fiona untie Fiona]] , but none of us were. I even went thorough a phase of making gifts of paintings on my birthday. I'd travel through shadow to get just the right pigments, materials, and paints with interesting properties. It's a challenge sometimes finding something special for my relatives, but worth the effort I find.

Such great friends I had in those days, when so much was new to me. My graduation was almost as wonderful as completing Pattern. So was graduating my PhD. Father came to both, and I can't recall another time I've seen such pride. I easily gained a teaching position, and did some amazing research. I've developed somewhat since then, but my early work is especially beautiful to me.
{img attId="713" thumb="y" height="40%" imalign="right" align="right" stylebox="border" desc="Cours de Lojban lors de la Logfest 2010, Troy, Michigan, USA. Photo Axis."}Le Lojban est une langue construite, conçue initialement pour éliminer une grande partie de l'ambiguité des communications humaines. Il a été rendu célèbre par un article de [[Scientific American article cientific American|Scientific American article cientific American]] et cité dans [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Moon_Is_a_Harsh_Mistress#Influence he Moon Is a Harsh Mistress] de Robert A. Heinlein. Le Lojban a été construit depuis plus de 50 ans par un grand nombre de collaborateurs et de supporteurs.

About this time Raijatn was born. Here I promised that he wouldn't suffer with the lousy babysitters I had. Okay, at times he was more interested in his hunting tutor than my studies, but he came along well. I did go hunting with him once, but I wouldn't like to do it again. It's not elegant, it's not beautiful. You know how long it took him to regrow that finger when he needed some kicks? Why does nobody want an easy life? Me neither, come to think of it...
Le Lojban dispose d'un certain nombre de caractéristiques particulières :

Yes, I've explored mysteries I shouldn't have. Brought siblings along for help too. But I did it all to better understand Pattern. These are secrets Dad shouldn't keep to himself.
* Le Lojban est destiné à être utilisé pour '''communiquer''' entre des individus mais également, dans le futur, pour communiquer avec des ordinateurs.
* Le Lojban est '''culturellement neutre'''

You ask about my relationships in my 3 centuries? It is a rather painful topic for me to touch on. I have loved so many people in Shadow, mostly in my shadow, [[jbocre: kormuj/c|ckule]] the locals call it. Beautiful people all of them, and nearly all are now dead. They get a good long life, being that close to Home, but not as long as us. Women, yes there were a few. Mostly my students. A little naughty of me, but I was too good a researcher and teacher for them to say anything. And we were discrete until they were no longer my students. Incidentally, I was strictly monogomous. They were looked after to the end, and I love them still. Sometimes my friends and collegues (same thing mostly) got between my loves, or vice versa. As all my loves have been of shadow, I haven't fathered any children. It would be unfair to them to not have their mother.
* Le Lojban a une '''grammaire non-ambigue''', fondée sur les '''principes de la logique'''.
* Le Lojban a une '''orthographe phonétique''', et une association non-ambigue entre les sons et les mots

Dear friend, I wish I had the time to tell you more, but there's work to be done! The adventures I've had with my siblings when they were growing up. Some I've grown away from since, but they are all special to me. Us mathematicians have legendaralialy bad memories, but I never miss a birthday. Oh, or if I could share some of the many things I've learned. Ckule holds experts in every concievable field, and I've studied with the best in all. Sometimes they even rival Dad's own library!
* Le Lojban est '''simple''' comparé aux langues naturelles; il est facile à apprendre.
* Les '''1300 mots de base''' du Lojban peuvent être facilement combinés pour créer un vocabulaire de '''plusieurs millions de mots'''.

Anyway, I must hurry to class now. Please do meet me in the cafe for a tea afterwards. Or if you're interested in graph theory I'm sure we could find you a seat? Okay then, see you later!
* Le Lojban est régulier; les règles de la langue sont '''sans exception'''.
* Le Lojban tente de supprimer les restrictions pour favoriser une pensée et une communication créative et claire.
* Le Lojban a de '''nombreux usages''' : créatifs, scientifiques, théoriques et pratiques.
Vous êtes intéressé ?  Regardez et écoutez un [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NtEtnpdm7kI xemple of Lojban parlé].  Vous pouvez aussi lire cette page  [[a lojban. mo?no_bl=y �crite en Lojban]].
[[Learning pprenez le Lojban maintenant|Learning pprenez le Lojban maintenant]] (en Anglais) ou lisez [[Lojban Introductory Brochure a brochure d'introduction|Lojban Introductory Brochure a brochure d'introduction]] (en Anglais) pour une description plus détaillée.
=== The Logical Language Group ===
Ce site est le site officiel du [[The L|Logical Language Group]] (LLG), l'organisation à but non-lucratif qui gère le développement du Lojban depuis 1987.
Ce site, dans le cadre de l'engagement du LLG, représente la communauté du Lojban à l'extérieur du LLG. Certains contenus de ce site ne sont pas officiellement validés par le LLG, mais ce qui est officiel y est clairement précisé.
=== Actualités ===
*{ALINK(pagename=>What's New?,aname=>5February2011)}5 Février 2011 {ALINK}Dans le but de favoriser l'essor du Lojban dans la communauté francophone, la page d'accueil en  [http://www.lojban.org/tiki/%E0%A4%B2%E0%A5%8B%E0%A4%9C%E0%A5%8D%E0%A4%AC%E0%A4%BE%E0%A4%A8&no_bl=y rançais] a été ajoutée sur ce site. {ALINK(pagename=>What's New?,aname=>5February2011)}  Plus... {ALINK}
*{ALINK(pagename=>What's New?,aname=>20January2011)}20 Janvier 2011 {ALINK}Dans le but de favoriser l'essor du Lojban en Inde, des pages d'accueil en  [http://www.lojban.org/tiki/%E0%A4%B2%E0%A5%8B%E0%A4%9C%E0%A5%8D%E0%A4%AC%E0%A4%BE%E0%A4%A8&no_bl=y indi] et en  [http://www.lojban.org/tiki/%E0%B2%B2%E0%B3%8A%E0%B2%9C%E0%B3%8D%E0%B2%AC%E0%B2%BE%E0%B2%A8%E0%B3%8D&no_bl=y annada] ont été ajoutées sur ce site. {ALINK(pagename=>What's New?,aname=>20January2011)}  Plus... {ALINK}
*{ALINK(pagename=>What's New?,aname=>6January2011)}6 Janvier 2011 {ALINK}Les quatre leçons ont été traduites en Polonais et sont disponibles sur [https://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=12wcGRHA08yMlJoGPjFw1z4kQq-HNi0_dpGIJ2cu3VFM oogleDocs]. {ALINK(pagename=>What's New?,aname=>6January2011)}  Plus... {ALINK}
*{ALINK(pagename=>What's New?,aname=>18December2010)}18 Décembre 2010 {ALINK} Êtes-vous prêt pour votre première lecture ? Avez-vous déjà expérimenté et voulez-vous présenter une histoire en Lojban à vos enfants ? Dans ces deux cas, nous vous proposons une nouvelle traduction par [[ailto:rdentato@gmail.com emo Dentato]] de [http://www.lojban.org/tiki/tiki-download_wiki_attachment.php?attId=784 f I had a Pet Dinosaur] écrit par Gil Robles. {ALINK(pagename=>What's New?,aname=>18December2010)}  Plus... {ALINK}
[[What's New? lus d'actualités, plus d'informations...]]

Latest revision as of 08:21, 30 June 2014

{BOX(title="L'activité de la communauté;" width="27%" float="right" class="community-activity]]

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{img attId="713" thumb="y" height="40%" imalign="right" align="right" stylebox="border" desc="Cours de Lojban lors de la Logfest 2010, Troy, Michigan, USA. Photo Axis."}Le Lojban est une langue construite, conçue initialement pour éliminer une grande partie de l'ambiguité des communications humaines. Il a été rendu célèbre par un article de Scientific American article cientific American et cité dans he Moon Is a Harsh Mistress de Robert A. Heinlein. Le Lojban a été construit depuis plus de 50 ans par un grand nombre de collaborateurs et de supporteurs.

Le Lojban dispose d'un certain nombre de caractéristiques particulières :

  • Le Lojban est destiné à être utilisé pour communiquer entre des individus mais également, dans le futur, pour communiquer avec des ordinateurs.
  • Le Lojban est culturellement neutre
  • Le Lojban a une grammaire non-ambigue, fondée sur les principes de la logique.
  • Le Lojban a une orthographe phonétique, et une association non-ambigue entre les sons et les mots
  • Le Lojban est simple comparé aux langues naturelles; il est facile à apprendre.
  • Les 1300 mots de base du Lojban peuvent être facilement combinés pour créer un vocabulaire de plusieurs millions de mots.
  • Le Lojban est régulier; les règles de la langue sont sans exception.
  • Le Lojban tente de supprimer les restrictions pour favoriser une pensée et une communication créative et claire.
  • Le Lojban a de nombreux usages : créatifs, scientifiques, théoriques et pratiques.

Vous êtes intéressé ? Regardez et écoutez un xemple of Lojban parlé. Vous pouvez aussi lire cette page [[a lojban. mo?no_bl=y �crite en Lojban]].

Learning pprenez le Lojban maintenant (en Anglais) ou lisez Lojban Introductory Brochure a brochure d'introduction (en Anglais) pour une description plus détaillée.

The Logical Language Group

Ce site est le site officiel du Logical Language Group (LLG), l'organisation à but non-lucratif qui gère le développement du Lojban depuis 1987.

Ce site, dans le cadre de l'engagement du LLG, représente la communauté du Lojban à l'extérieur du LLG. Certains contenus de ce site ne sont pas officiellement validés par le LLG, mais ce qui est officiel y est clairement précisé.


  • {ALINK(pagename=>What's New?,aname=>5February2011)}5 Février 2011 {ALINK}Dans le but de favoriser l'essor du Lojban dans la communauté francophone, la page d'accueil en rançais a été ajoutée sur ce site. {ALINK(pagename=>What's New?,aname=>5February2011)} Plus... {ALINK}
  • {ALINK(pagename=>What's New?,aname=>20January2011)}20 Janvier 2011 {ALINK}Dans le but de favoriser l'essor du Lojban en Inde, des pages d'accueil en indi et en annada ont été ajoutées sur ce site. {ALINK(pagename=>What's New?,aname=>20January2011)} Plus... {ALINK}
  • {ALINK(pagename=>What's New?,aname=>6January2011)}6 Janvier 2011 {ALINK}Les quatre leçons ont été traduites en Polonais et sont disponibles sur oogleDocs. {ALINK(pagename=>What's New?,aname=>6January2011)} Plus... {ALINK}
  • {ALINK(pagename=>What's New?,aname=>18December2010)}18 Décembre 2010 {ALINK} Êtes-vous prêt pour votre première lecture ? Avez-vous déjà expérimenté et voulez-vous présenter une histoire en Lojban à vos enfants ? Dans ces deux cas, nous vous proposons une nouvelle traduction par ailto:rdentato@gmail.com emo Dentato de f I had a Pet Dinosaur écrit par Gil Robles. {ALINK(pagename=>What's New?,aname=>18December2010)} Plus... {ALINK}

What's New? lus d'actualités, plus d'informations...