political and Government terminology

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Political Map

Here is a schema which is more descriptively precise than the customary binary model (more info at e.g. [1]:

Let] the political map turni ve skicu cartu be plotted on orthogonal axes of two variables, one of which measures a contimuum from extreme centralization jecta vlipa to extreme decentralization se gugde vlipa; the other measuring a contimuum from highly formalized social sanctions flalu jitro to highly informal social sanctions tcaci jitro.

Thus we have divided the political -spectrum into quadrants of broda cei jecyvli joi cactro, brode cei jecyvli joi flatro, brodi cei selgugvli joi cactro, and brodo cei selgugvli joi flatro.

At present there is little difference between the two American political parties in military, environmental or social policies, but one might imagine that the self-image trucmu senva of the Democratic Party includes (minority-protective) laws, and that of the Republicans - an emphasis more on traditional values e.g. custom.

Therefore the legitimized Left amounts to brode milxe and the legitimized Right broda milxe, while the other two quadrants are populated by the largely-imaginary "parties" of Libertarianism and Socialistic Anarchism.

Since the rhetoric which comprises political discourse at the present time contains little or no semantic content, it would be entirely fruitless to attempt to translate this into a language of default-unfigurative signifiers like Lojban. Rather, attitudinals should be used whenever possible. --mi'e maikl. -*.i .u'i .i mi'e cein.


  • Polities
    • Polity (jecta)
    • Country (gugde)
    • Union/Association of sovereign countries e.g. UN, EU (suzgugje'a)
    • Empire (balgu'e)
    • State/Province/Land/Canton in federal country (vipygu'e)
    • State/Province/Region as a first-level administrative division of country (gugypau)
    • County/District/Province as a second-level administrative division of country (gugypausle)
    • Commune/District/Parish/Township as a third-level administrative division of country (?)
  • Categories of states
    • Republic (gubyseltru)
    • Monarchy (nolseltru)
    • Constitutional Monarchy (vajraifla nolseltru)
    • Representative Democracy (ka'irseltru)
  • Government
    • Constitution (vajraifla)
    • Balance of Powers (vlipa si'upro)
    • Government (truci'e)
    • Capital, seat of government (trutca)
    • Executive Branch (zuktruci'e)
    • Legislative Branch (flatruci'e)
    • Judicial Branch (pairtruci'e)
    • Upper House/Senate/House of Lords (flazautrugri)
    • Lower House/House of Representatives/House of Commons (flacfatrugri)
    • Department/Ministry (trupau)
    • Agency/Bureau if subordinate to Department/Ministry (trupausle)
  • Rulers, Politicians and Administrators
    • Emperor (balnotru)
    • King/Queen (nolraitru)
    • King (noltrunau)
    • Queen (noltruni'u)
    • Baron/Count/Duke/Earl (noltronau)
    • Baroness/Countess/Duchess (noltroni'u)
    • President (gugja'a)
    • Premier/Prime Minister/Chief Minister/Chancellor (truralju)
    • Governor/Governor General/Viceroy as monarch's representative (vipnoltru)
    • Governor/Premier/Minister-President of federal State/Province (vipygu'e jatna or vipygu'e truralju)
    • Tyrant (kusyja'a)
    • Dictator/Despot (vliraitru)
    • Minister/Secretary (trupauja'a)
    • Senator/Lord (flazautrugri krati)
    • Representative/Member of Parliament (flacfatrugri krati)
  • Ideologies and Political parties
    • Party (trudjigri)
    • Ideology/Political Theory (trusi'o)
    • Representative Democracy (ka'irtrusi'o)
    • Conservatism (dzejdasratrusi'o)
    • Liberalism (vricykricrutrusi'o)
    • Socialism (fairpaltrusi'o)
    • Communism/Marxism/Marxism-Leninism (guntrusi'o)
    • Nationalism (natpamtrusi'o)
    • Facism (tsarainaitrusi'o)