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An initial is empty or one of the following single consonants or clusters, in any case not followed by another consonant:


| |r |l |c|cr|cl|s|sr|sl| | | | |j|-|-|z|-|- |

|f|fr|fl|cf|cfr|cfl|sf|sfr|sfl| |v|vr|vl|jv|jvr|jvl|zv|zvr|zvl|

|p|pr|pl|cp|cpr|cpl|sp|spr|spl| |b|br|bl|jb|jbr|jbl|zb|zbr|zbl|

|k|kr|kl|ck|ckr|ckl|sk|skr|skl| |g|gr|gl|jg|jgr|jgl|zg|zgr|zgl|

|t|tr|-|ct|ctr|-|st|str|-| |d|dr|-|jd|jdr|-|zd|zdr|-|

|x|xr|xl|-|-|-|-|-|-| |-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|

|m|mr|ml|cm|cmr|cml|sm|smr|sml| | | | |jm|jmr|jml|zm|zmr|zml|

|n|-|-|cn|-|-|sn|-|-| | | | |-|-|-|-|-|-|

|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| |---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|

| | | |tc| | |ts| | | | | | |dj| | |dz| | |


There are in all 102 possible initials, including the empty one.

An initial-pair is an initial cluster that consist of exactly two consonants.

An affricate pair is one of tc, ts, dj, dz.

A consonant is a voiced consonant, an unvoiced consonant or a syllabic consonant.

A voiced consonant is one of b, d, g, j, v, z.

An unvoiced consonant is one of c, f, k, p, s, t, x.

A syllabic consonant is one of l, m, n, r.

l is zero or more jbocre: Morphology: special characters ommas and 'l' or 'L', not followed by h or l.

m is zero or more jbocre: Morphology: special characters ommas and 'm' or 'M', not followed by h or m or z.

n is zero or more jbocre: Morphology: special characters ommas and 'n' or 'N', not followed by h or n or an affricate.

r is zero or more jbocre: Morphology: special characters ommas and 'r' or 'R'.not followed by h or r.

f is zero or more jbocre: Morphology: special characters ommas and 'f' or 'F', not followed by h or f or any voiced consonant.

p is zero or more jbocre: Morphology: special characters ommas and 'p' or 'P', not followed by p or P or any voiced consonant.

t is zero or more jbocre: Morphology: special characters ommas and 't' or 'T', not followed by h or t or any voiced consonant.

k is zero or more jbocre: Morphology: special characters ommas and 'k' or 'K', not followed by h or k or x or any voiced consonant.

x is zero or more jbocre: Morphology: special characters ommas and 'x' or 'X', not followed by h or x or k or c or any voiced consonant.

c is zero or more jbocre: Morphology: special characters ommas and 'c' or 'C', not followed by h or c or s or x or any voiced consonant.

s is zero or more jbocre: Morphology: special characters ommas and 's' or 'S', not followed by h or s or c or any voiced consonant.

j is zero or more jbocre: Morphology: special characters ommas and 'j' or 'J', not followed by h or j or z or any unvoiced consonant.

z is zero or more jbocre: Morphology: special characters ommas and 'z' or 'Z', not followed by h or z or j or any unvoiced consonant.

b is zero or more jbocre: Morphology: special characters ommas and 'b' or 'B', not followed by h or b or any unvoiced consonant.

d is zero or more jbocre: Morphology: special characters ommas and 'd' or 'D', not followed by h or d or any unvoiced consonant.

g is zero or more jbocre: Morphology: special characters ommas and 'g' or 'G', not followed by h or g or any unvoiced consonant.

v is zero or more jbocre: Morphology: special characters ommas and 'v' or 'V', not followed by h or v or any unvoiced consonant.

h is zero or more jbocre: Morphology: special characters ommas and ' ' ' or 'h', followed by a jbocre: Morphology: syllables nucleus.