proga:LMW - Managing

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Revision as of 07:41, 23 August 2014 by Gleki (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Managing LMW. What extensions to patch== If you are in charge of LMW you should do the following: # Open LMW once in a while to see if there are new requests from users for...")
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Managing LMW. What extensions to patch

If you are in charge of LMW you should do the following:

  1. Open LMW once in a while to see if there are new requests from users for being registered. ConfirmAccount extension might be installed requiring every new user to fill in a short bio about them. So you have to manually let users in. Don't disable this feature otherwise spambots or vandals might come in. Don't use captcha as it has been cracked by
  2. Update LMW once in a while by running in the root of LMW folder
    cd extensions
    and then:
    cd .. ; git checkout master ; git pull ; cd extensions
    php ../maintenance/update.php
    to update all mysql tables.
    In case of fresh install run
    cd .. ; git clone ; cd extensions
    and then
    chgrp -R apache /home/gleki/public_html/mediawiki-1.19.2/ ; chmod -R g+rwX /home/gleki/public_html/mediawiki-1.19.2/
    replacing the paths acording to where you are moving LMW to.

Update extensions

once in a while. Ensure you are in /extensions folder of the root of your MediaWiki deployment directory.

Note that some of extensions require manual patches.

for ext in Babel cldr CleanChanges LocalisationUpdate Translate UniversalLanguageSelector
   if [ ! -d "$ext" ]
     git clone$ext.git
   cd $ext; git fetch --tags; git checkout 2014.07; cd ..
cd VisualEditor
git pull
git submodule update --init
cd ..


For it to work you might need to run

chmod a+x /home/gleki/public_html/mediawiki-1.19.2/extensions/Scribunto/engines/LuaStandalone/binaries/*/lua

chcon -t httpd_user_script_exec_t /home/gleki/public_html/mediawiki-1.19.2/extensions/Scribunto/engines/LuaStandalone/binaries/*/lua


Update only to version 1.22. Later versions have bugs.

git clone -b REL1_22

also needs the following patch:

vim WikiForum/WikiForum.php

Then comment out the following line:

//$wgHooks['SkinTemplateToolboxEnd'][] = 'WikiForumHooks::addNavigationLinkToToolbox';


As of Mediawiki 1.24alpha only SimpleTable version 1.2a (not later!) works.


If a user SomeName doesn't exist and when I create a page User:SomeName I can't edit it's code when SocialProfile is enabled. VisualEditor works okay, though.

But what you should do after each update of this extension is to comment out lines 95-97 of SocialProfile/UserProfile/UserProfile.php. After that, you should be able to edit the namespace like normal, and still have the ability for user profiles to appear on the user page.


You should apply this patch to ULS extension until it is included into the MediaWiki core.

If not done users after being registered and logged in will fall back to Lojban interface of LMW which is confusing.

Just run

cd .. ; git fetch refs/changes/75/120475/5 && git checkout FETCH_HEAD ; cd extensions

ConfirmAccount (currently not used in LMW)

Since the author hasn't updated the extension yet we have to use the following patch in extensions/ConfirmAccount/business/AccountRequestSubmission.php:

# Check if biography is long enough
$bioWordCount = preg_match_all("/\\p{L}[\\p{L}\\p{Mn}\\p{Pd}'\\x{2019}]*/u", $this->bio, $matches);
if ($bioWordCount < $wgAccountRequestMinWords) {