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== Mini-Lesson Exercises ==
We already have nine color gismu, RGB and CMY along with brown, white, black, and gray.

In the following exercises, the numbers on the exercises refer to
We also have violet (a tertiary color) and orange (also tertiary). My opinion is that if we have two tertiary colors (four if you count gray and brown) then we should have all six (or eight)

the section number where the key point of the exercise was
*xunre - red
*pelxu - yellow

*crino - green
*banlu - blue

*bunre - brown
*cicna - cyan

1.  a.  Look at the example sentence in the diagram for Section 1.  What
*narju - orange
*nukni - magenta

part of speech are "John" and "Sam"?  What part of speech is used to
*zirpu - violet
*xekri - black

describe the relationship between them?
*blabi - white
*grusi - gray

b.  In Lojban, what is the whole statement called?
I propose that we also add:

2.  Where can you find the place structure for a ''gismu'' given?

3.  a.  What English letter corresponds to the sound of the Lojban
*spring green(green-cyan)

Something for "tan" might also be useful. Sand, skin colors, environmental features, etc. --[[User:PlasticRaven|Plastic Raven]]

b.  Which Lojban vowel is never stressed?
To the gismu list. Attached (because for some reason it won't post correctly) is the original conversation on IRC between myself and Lindar.
Which syllable in the following words is stressed?
c. ''cmalu''
d.  ''brivla''
e.  ''bardymau''
f.  ''bardyma'i''
g.  ''mai''
4.  Translate the following into English:
a.  ''mi tavla do ti ma''
b.  ''do tavla mi ta tu''
c.  ''do tavla zo'e ma zo'e''
d.  ''do tavla ta zo'e ti''
e.  ''mi tavla zo'e zo'e zo'e''
f.  ''zo'e tavla zo'e mi zo'e''
g.  ''mi tavla ta do ti''
Translate the following into Lojban:
h.  Someone talks to me about you in some language.
i.  This person talks to that person about me in some language.
j.  Who is talking to you about me in this language?
k.  You talk to me about you in this language.
l.  Who is talking to whom about whom in what language?
5.  Rewrite the Lojban sentences given in section 4, as well as the ones
you wrote for section 4, ellipsizing as many "''zo'e''"s as you can
without changing the meaning of the sentences.  (Reminder: only
trailing "''zo'e''"s may be dropped in this way.)
6.  a.  Rewrite the sentence  "''mi tavla da ti ma''"  in four different forms
by changing the position of the ''selbri''.
b.  According to the principles given in section 6, how many different
forms can the sentence  "''mi tavla do''"  have?  Do not count any
variations made by adding "''zo'e''"s to the end of the sentence.
c.  How many forms can  "''mi klama ta ti ma do''" 
have?  The ''selbri'' here is "''klama''".
7.  Show the "''se''" forms of the following <em
''mi tavla do ti''          answer:  ''do se tavla mi ti''
''do klama ma ti zo'e''      answer:  ''ma se klama do ti zo'e''
a.  ''do tavla mi''
b.  ''ti tavla do ma''
c.  ''da klama ti ta zo'e mi''
d.  ''mi tavla mi''
e.  ''do catlu tu''
Show the "''te''" forms of the following ''bridi''.
''mi klama ta ti''          answer:  ''ti te klama ta mi''
''do tavla mi ma zo'e''      answer:  ''ma te tavla mi do zo'e''
''do mi ma zo'e tavla''      answer:  ''ma mi do zo'e te tavla''
(Don't be frightened by this one.  The ''selbri'' is in a different
position, which does not affect the order of the ''sumti''.  The "''te''"
simply switches the first and third ''sumti''.
f.  ''do klama mi ta zo'e''
g.  ''ti ta tu zo'e tavla''
h.  ''mi tavla zo'e do ti''
i.  ''da klama tu zo'e zo'e''
j.  ''mi tu klama ta zo'e do''
8.  Give a translation of the following ''selbri''.
''sutra cutci''      _s{SUB()}1{SUB}_ is a fast shoe
''cutra se tavla''  _s{SUB()}1{SUB}_ is a fast talked-to person/thing, talked to
by _s{SUB()}2{SUB}_ about subject
_s{SUB()}3{SUB}_ in language _s{SUB()}4{SUB}_
a.  ''cutci tavla''
b.  ''cutci te tavla''
c.  ''se tavla cutci''
d.  ''sutra cutci ve tavla''
Definition:  ''blanu''    _s{SUB()}1{SUB}_ is blue/is a blue thing.
e.  ''blanu cutci''
f.  ''sutra blanu''
g.  ''tavla blanu''
9.  Translate the following ''sumti''.
''le cutci''        the shoe
''le ve tavla''      the language (someone talks in)
''le sutra tavla''  the fast shoe
a.  ''le te tavla''
b.  ''le se tavla''
c.  ''le sutra''
d.  ''le cutci tavla''
e.  ''le blanu te tavla''
f.  ''le sutra cutci''
10.  In which of the following can the "''cu''" be dropped without changing the
a.  ''le sutra cutci cu tavla''
b.  ''mi cu sutra''
c.  ''mi do le cutci cu tavla''
d.  ''mi le cutci do cu tavla''
e.  ''mi do cu tavla le cutci''
11.  Translate the following common English names from Lojban to English.
a.  ''normen.''
b.  ''meris.''
c.  ''kar,l.''
d.  ''tcarlis.''
e.  ''ker,l.''
Transcribe these names into Lojban:
f.  Tom
g.  Ray
h.  Sylvia
i.  Marilyn
Which of the following are legal Lojban names?  Suggest a possible
change for each invalid name that would make it legal.
j.  ralf.
k.  alan.
l.  lora.
m.  mark.
n.  niks,n.
o.  konendoil.
Lojbanize the following names (these are more challenging)
p.  Carla
q.  Herblock
r.  Lana
s.  Billy
t.  D'Oyly Carte
u.  Poindexter
12.  Translate the following sentences:
a.  ''ko cutci''
b.  ''doi bab. ko kurji mi''
c.  ''ko se tavla mi''
d.  ''ko tavla ko le cutci la lojban.''
e.  ''ko kurji ti''
f.  ''mi ko do tavla''
g.  ''ko kurji mi''
h.  ''mi kurji ko''
i.  ''ko sutra kurji le cutci''
13.  (No exercises)
14.  Give the meanings of the following attitudinals:
a.  ''.iusai''
b.  ''.a'ocai''
c.  ''.uinai''
d.  ''.e'oru'e''
e.  ''.oicu'i''
f.  ''.a'o''
g.  ''.oi''
h.  ''.ua.oiru'e''
i.  ''.uinairu'e''
j.  ''.a'onaicai''
k.  ''.a'onai.uucai''
Translate the following sentences:
''.e'o ko sutra''                  Please, be fast!
''.uasai mi cutci''                Aha!  I'm a shoe!
''.a'o do mi tavla le cutci .iu''  (I hope) you are talking to me
about the shoe (I love the shoe!)
l.  ''.ui do tavla mi''
m.  ''.uacai le cutci cu tavla mi''
n.  ''ko .uu se tavla mi''
o.  ''.e'o ko sutra tavla mi le cutci''
p.  ''.e'ocai ko mi .uu kurji''
15.  Please answer in Lojban:
''xu do tavla      mi tavla''
''xu do kanro      go'i''
''xu do cutci      mi na cutci''
a.  ''xu do tavla mi''
b.  ''do le cutci xu cu kurji''
c.  ''xu le cutci cu sutra''
d.  ''xu mi sutra''
e.  ''do mi tavla le sutra cutci xu''
f.  ''xu do tavla mi la lojban. la lojban.''
g.  ''xu zo'e zo'e do te tavla la lojban.''
[mailto:[email protected] [email protected]] end your answers and comments. We do not have an answer key, unfortunately, but your answers and comments will assist in a forthcoming revision of this minilesson.

Revision as of 17:06, 4 November 2013

We already have nine color gismu, RGB and CMY along with brown, white, black, and gray.

We also have violet (a tertiary color) and orange (also tertiary). My opinion is that if we have two tertiary colors (four if you count gray and brown) then we should have all six (or eight)

  • xunre - red
  • pelxu - yellow
  • crino - green
  • banlu - blue
  • bunre - brown
  • cicna - cyan
  • narju - orange
  • nukni - magenta
  • zirpu - violet
  • xekri - black
  • blabi - white
  • grusi - gray

I propose that we also add:

  • azure(cyan-blue)
  • rose(magenta-red)
  • chartreuse(yellow-cyan)
  • spring green(green-cyan)

Something for "tan" might also be useful. Sand, skin colors, environmental features, etc. --Plastic Raven

To the gismu list. Attached (because for some reason it won't post correctly) is the original conversation on IRC between myself and Lindar.