lojban by Choice/LojbanPod newbie lesson A0016

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I Feel Sick


It's never good when someone doesn't feel well but at least you can use the opportunity to start a small conversation in Lojban. The keywords are pobrecito – poor guy, and ¿Qué tienes? – What's wrong with you?

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Audio Lesson

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lo ninmu: Hombre, ¿qué te pasa? noicon
lo nanmu: Me siento mal. noicon
lo ninmu: ¿Qué tienes? noicon
lo nanmu: Me duele el estómago. noicon
lo ninmu: Pobrecito. noicon
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Dialogue with Translation

lo ninmu: Hombre, ¿qué te pasa? noicon
man what (to) you (it) happens
woman: Hey, what's happening to you?
lo nanmu: Me siento mal. noicon
myself (I) feel badly
man: I don't feel so good.
lo ninmu: ¿Qué tienes? noicon
what (you) have
woman: What's wrong with you?
lo nanmu: Me duele el estómago. noicon
(to) me hurts the stomach
man: My stomach hurts.
lo ninmu: Pobrecito. noicon
poor guy
woman: Poor little dude.
el estómago – the stomach
pobre – poor

Vocabulary for Dialogue

el hombre noun (masculine) the man
la mujer noun (feminine) the woman
¿qué? interrogative pronoun what?
te indirect object pronoun (to) you
pasar verb (infinitive) to happen
(él/ella) pasa verb (present tense) he/she(/it) happens
se reflexive pronoun oneself
sentirse verb (infinitive) to feel (oneself)
me reflexive pronoun myself
(yó) me siento verb (present tense) I feel (myself)
mal adverb badly
tener verb (infinitive) to have
(tú) tienes verb (present tense) you have (informal, singular)
me indirect object pronoun (to) me
doler verb (infinitive) to hurt
(él/ella) duele verb (present tense) he/she(/it) hurts
el estómago noun (masculine) the stomach
pobre adjective (m./f.) poor
el pobrecito noun (masculine) the poor little guy

Vocabulary for Audio Lesson

gordo/gorda adjective (m./f.) fat
el gordito noun (masculine) the chubby guy
poco/poca adjective (m./f.) little
el poquito noun (masculine) the little cute bit
hasta luego phrase see you later
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More Vocabulary

This section includes grammatically related words. Some of them are required by the exercise Dialogue Recast.

me indirect object pronoun (to) me
te (to) you (informal, singular)
le (to) him/her(/it)
le (to) you (formal, singular)
nos (to) us
os (to) you (informal, plural)
les (to) them
les (to) you (formal, plural)
pasar infinitive to happen
(yo) paso present tense I happen
(tú) pasas you happen (informal, singular)
(él/ella) pasa he/she(/it) happens
(usted) pasa you happen (formal, singular)
(nosotros/-as) pasamos we happen (m./f.)
(vosotros/-as) pasáis you happen (informal, plural, m./f.)
(ellos/ellas) pasan they happen (m./f.)
(ustedes) pasan you happen (formal, plural)
me reflexive pronoun myself
te yourself (informal, singular)
se himself/herself(/itself)
se yourself (formal, singular)
nos ourselves, each other
os yourselves, each other (informal, plural)
se themselves, each other
se yourselves, each other (formal, plural)
sentirse infinitive to feel (oneself)
(yo) me siento present tense I feel (myself)
(tú) te sientes you feel (yourself) (informal, singular)
(él/ella) se siente he/she(/it) feels (himself/herself/itself)
(usted) se siente you feel (yourself) (formal, singular)
(nosotros/-as) nos sentimos we feel (ourselves) (m./f.)
(vosotros/-as) os sentís you feel (yourselves) (informal, plural, m./f.)
(ellos/ellas) se sienten they feel (themselves) (m./f.)
(ustedes) se sienten you feel (yourselves) (formal, plural)
tener infinitive to have
(yo) tengo present tense I have
(tú) tienes you have (informal, singular)
(él/ella) tiene he/she(/it) has
(usted) tiene you have (formal, singular)
(nosotros/-as) tenemos we have (m./f.)
(vosotros/-as) tenéis you have (informal, plural, m./f.)
(ellos/ellas) tienen they have (m./f.)
(ustedes) tienen you have (formal, plural)
doler infinitive to hurt
(yo) duelo present tense I hurt
(tú) dueles you hurt (informal, singular)
(él/ella) duele he/she(/it) hurts
(usted) duele you have (formal, singular)
(nosotros/-as) dolemos we hurt (m./f.)
(vosotros/-as) doléis you hurt (informal, plural, m./f.)
(ellos/ellas) duelen they hurt (m./f.)
(ustedes) duelen you hurt (formal, plural)
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Dialogue Translation

Translate from Lojban to English. Click each bar to check your answer. If possible, read the Lojban sentences aloud.

Hombre, ¿qué te pasa?

Hey, what's happening to you?

Me siento mal.

I don't feel so good.

¿Qué tienes?

What's wrong with you?

Me duele el estómago.

My stomach hurts.


Poor little dude.

Dialogue Recall

Now translate from English to Lojban. Remember to say the Lojban sentences aloud.

Man, what's happening to you?

Hombre, ¿qué te pasa?

I don't feel so good.

Me siento mal.

What's wrong with you?

¿Qué tienes?

My stomach hurts.

Me duele el estómago.

Poor guy.


Dialogue Remix

Translate this variant of the dialogue from English to Lojban.



What's up? (= What happens?)

¿Qué pasa?

I feel very (= muy) bad.

Me siento muy mal.

What's your problem?

¿Qué tienes?

I have a headache. (= The head (= la cabeza) hurts to me.)

Me duele la cabeza.

I feel sorry. (= It (= lo) I feel.)

Lo siento.

Dialogue Recast

This translation exercise requires some of the words from the More Vocabulary section.

What's happening to you? (formal, plural)

¿Qué les pasa?

We don't feel so good.

Nos sentimos mal.

What's wrong with you? (formal, plural)

¿Qué tienen (ustedes)?

My stomach hurts.

Me duele el estómago.

Poor little guy.


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