jbovlaste import noralujv, no def, probably using old rafsi lang en

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{jvsv bacfendi} beyond+divide {jvsv batfendi} bite+divide

{jvsv badbadycrida} defend+defend+fairy {jvsv brabracrida} big+big+fairy

{jvsv badbi'o} defend+become {jvsv brabi'o} big+become

{jvsv badgai} defend+cover {jvsv bragai} big+cover

{jvsv badje'a} defend+polity {jvsv braje'a} big+polity

{jvsv badlai} defend+quantity {jvsv bralai} big+quantity

{jvsv badmau} defend+more {jvsv bramau} big+more

{jvsv badri'a} defend+cause {jvsv brari'a} big+cause

{jvsv badro'i} defend+rock {jvsv braro'i} big+rock

{jvsv badvau} defend+contain {jvsv bravau} big+contain

{jvsv badyde'i} defend+tooth {jvsv bradegji} big+finger

{jvsv badydzu} defend+walk {jvsv bradzu} big+walk

{jvsv badykruca} defend+intersect {jvsv brakruca} big+intersect

{jvsv badyplu} defend+island {jvsv braplu} big+island

{jvsv badysa'o} defend+slope {jvsv brasa'o} big+slope

{jvsv bakna'i} bovine+wing {jvsv baknakni} bovine+male

{jvsv baldakyxai} great+knife+injure {jvsv baldakyxa'i} great+knife+weapon

{jvsv balspe} great+married {jvsv bavyspe} future+married

{jvsv balvla} great+word {jvsv bavyvla} future+word

{jvsv bance'u} language+community {jvsv baucre} language+expert

{jvsv banskece'u} language+science+community {jvsv banskecre} language+science+expert

{jvsv barklo} out+local {jvsv ba'oklo} grow+local

{jvsv barselklo} out+2nd-place-of+local {jvsv ba'orselklo} grow+2nd-place-of+local

{jvsv barstu} out+site {jvsv ba'ostu} grow+site

{jvsv barstuna} out+east {jvsv ba'orstuna} grow+east

{jvsv baryri'a} out+cause {jvsv ba'onri'a} grow+cause

{jvsv batca'e} bite+shove {jvsv barca'e} out+shove

{jvsv batfle} bite+flow {jvsv barfle} out+flow

{jvsv batkalri} bite+open {jvsv barkalri} out+open

{jvsv batkla} bite+come {jvsv barkla} out+come

{jvsv batli'a} bite+leave {jvsv barli'a} out+leave

{jvsv batyterzga} bite+3rd-place-of+observe {jvsv barterzga} out+3rd-place-of+observe

{jvsv bavma'a} future+mountain {jvsv bavmamta} future+mother

{jvsv bebysna} foolish+sound {jvsv bebysa'i} foolish+stand

{jvsv befydai} abdomen+object {jvsv befsri} abdomen+ribbon

{jvsv beitca} carry+city {jvsv bejytcaci} transfer+custom

{jvsv bejytoi} transfer+try {jvsv bejyto'i} transfer+twist

{jvsv bendei} brain+full-day {jvsv jbedei} born+full-day

{jvsv bentutra} brain+territory {jvsv jbetutra} born+territory

{jvsv besysutra} son+fast {jvsv bensutra} brain+fast

{jvsv besyvau} son+contain {jvsv benvau} brain+contain

{jvsv biflu'a} breeze+route {jvsv bifkluza} breeze+loose

{jvsv bimpi'a} wall+crust {jvsv bimxra} wall+picture

{jvsv birtaupau} arm+phrase-compound+part {jvsv birtafpau} arm+garment+part

{jvsv bolga'axai} ball+rod+injure {jvsv bolga'axa'i} ball+rod+weapon

{jvsv bracau} big+without {jvsv ca'arcau} apparatus+without

{jvsv bradycni} enemy+emotion {jvsv bradyci'i} enemy+interesting

{jvsv braku'e} big+range {jvsv ca'arku'e} apparatus+range

{jvsv brape'a} big+spread {jvsv ca'arpe'a} apparatus+spread

{jvsv brezu'e} ready+act {jvsv besyzu'e} son+act

{jvsv brifi'i} predicate+invent {jvsv brifriti} predicate+offer

{jvsv buktraterjo'e} cloth+behave+3rd-place-of+joined {jvsv buktaiterjo'e} cloth+shape+3rd-place-of+joined

{jvsv burna'a} brown+year {jvsv burnanba} brown+bread

{jvsv ca'arbi'i} apparatus+between {jvsv ma'arbi'i} mountain+between

{jvsv ca'arfe'a} apparatus+crack {jvsv ma'arfe'a} mountain+crack

{jvsv ca'atru} apparatus+govern {jvsv ma'atru} mountain+govern

{jvsv cabma'a} now+mountain {jvsv cabmamta} now+mother

{jvsv camci'o} intense+young {jvsv caicni} intense+emotion

{jvsv camro'i} intense+rock {jvsv camtoi} intense+try

{jvsv cectci} and-(set)+tool {jvsv celtci} launcher+tool

{jvsv cemlei} community+class {jvsv crelei} expert+class

{jvsv cfabe'i} initiate+transfer {jvsv cfabei} initiate+carry

{jvsv cficku} flaw+book {jvsv fikcku} fiction+book

{jvsv cimdre} moist+heap {jvsv cimde'u} moist+dirt

{jvsv cimpi'a} moist+crust {jvsv cimxra} moist+picture

{jvsv cincta} sexual+look {jvsv cintycta} paint+look

{jvsv cinpu'a} sexual+pleasant {jvsv cintypu'a} paint+pleasant

{jvsv cistunta} summer+poke {jvsv cintunta} sexual+poke

{jvsv cisyselpli} summer+2nd-place-of+use {jvsv cinselpli} sexual+2nd-place-of+use

{jvsv citcro} young+pain {jvsv cnicro} emotion+pain

{jvsv citkansa} young+with {jvsv cnikansa} emotion+with

{jvsv citri'a} young+cause {jvsv cniri'a} emotion+cause

{jvsv citsei} young+apart {jvsv cnise'i} emotion+self

{jvsv citselkavbu} young+2nd-place-of+capture {jvsv cniselkavbu} emotion+2nd-place-of+capture

{jvsv citsni} young+sign {jvsv cnisni} emotion+sign

{jvsv citydu'e} young+excess {jvsv cnidu'e} emotion+excess

{jvsv cityja'o} young+show {jvsv cnija'o} emotion+show

{jvsv cmaca'a} small+apparatus {jvsv cmama'a} small+mountain

{jvsv cmaroi} small+time {jvsv cmaro'i} small+rock

{jvsv cmatrasni} small+behave+sign {jvsv cmataisni} small+shape+sign

{jvsv cmexra} name+picture {jvsv cmexai} name+injure

{jvsv cmocru} moan+let {jvsv cmoba'u} moan+utter

{jvsv cnimau} emotion+more {jvsv ci'izma} interesting+more

{jvsv cnimu'i} emotion+motive {jvsv ci'irmu'i} interesting+motive

{jvsv cniselkai} emotion+2nd-place-of+quality {jvsv ci'irselkai} interesting+2nd-place-of+quality

{jvsv crocni} pain+emotion {jvsv croci'i} pain+interesting

{jvsv crucna} let+shovel {jvsv ba'ucna} utter+shovel

{jvsv crudu'u} let+anguish {jvsv ba'urdu'u} utter+anguish

{jvsv crunoi} let+message {jvsv ba'urnoi} utter+message

{jvsv crusku} let+express {jvsv ba'usku} utter+express

{jvsv ctuci'u} teach+scale {jvsv ctutcidu} teach+read

{jvsv cu'urcrida} affair+fairy {jvsv curcrida} worm+fairy

{jvsv cumda'i} possible+hit {jvsv cumdai} possible+object

{jvsv curple} worm+paper {jvsv cruple} let+paper

{jvsv cutcau} chest+without {jvsv cu'urcau} affair+without

{jvsv cutyzu'e} chest+act {jvsv cu'urzu'e} affair+act

{jvsv dabyce'u} fight+community {jvsv da'acre} fight+expert

{jvsv dakcka} knife+bed {jvsv daklycka} sack+bed

{jvsv dankla} projectile+come {jvsv darkla} far+come

{jvsv danri'a} projectile+cause {jvsv daryri'a} far+cause

{jvsv danstuna} projectile+east {jvsv darstuna} far+east

{jvsv danxa'u} projectile+dwell {jvsv darxa'u} far+dwell

{jvsv danxai} projectile+injure {jvsv danxa'i} projectile+weapon

{jvsv danytcena} projectile+stretch {jvsv dartcena} far+stretch

{jvsv dapcu'u} curse+affair {jvsv dapcurnu} curse+worm

{jvsv degjai} finger+grasp {jvsv degja'i} finger+adorn

{jvsv depci'o} wait+young {jvsv depcni} wait+emotion

{jvsv di'ersa'e} radiate+stroke {jvsv di'esna} radiate+sound

{jvsv di'uplu} building+island {jvsv dijlu'a} building+route

{jvsv dimru'i} fate+spirit {jvsv di'anru'i} price+spirit

{jvsv djabe'i} food+transfer {jvsv djabei} food+carry

{jvsv djabe'ipre} food+transfer+person {jvsv djabeipre} food+carry+person

{jvsv donmi'esai} you+command+meal {jvsv donmijysai} you+middle+meal

{jvsv donmijba'i} you+middle+great {jvsv donmijbalvi} you+middle+future

{jvsv drasratse} correct+support+sit {jvsv drarajytse} correct+vertical+sit

{jvsv dresfe} heap+surface {jvsv dersfe} dirt+surface

{jvsv dritaisma} sad+shape+quiet {jvsv dritrasma} sad+behave+quiet

{jvsv dukcru} anguish+let {jvsv dukyba'u} anguish+utter

{jvsv dustra} excess+behave {jvsv dustai} excess+shape

{jvsv dzisa'e} low+stroke {jvsv dzisna} low+sound

{jvsv fagysisri'a} fire+seek+cause {jvsv fagystiri'a} fire+cease+cause

{jvsv falcu'i} fall+possible {jvsv falcru} fall+let

{jvsv fegycrugunta} angry+let+attack {jvsv fegba'ugunta} angry+utter+attack

{jvsv fintigni} invent+perform {jvsv frinytigni} fraction+perform

{jvsv fitfi'i} offer+invent {jvsv finfriti} invent+offer

{jvsv fitselsku} offer+2nd-place-of+express {jvsv finselsku} invent+2nd-place-of+express

{jvsv fomkencirla} foam+cancer+cheese {jvsv fomke'acirla} foam+cavity+cheese

{jvsv fonkasta'a} telephone+chaotic+talk {jvsv fonkanta'a} telephone+with+talk

{jvsv fracru} react+let {jvsv fraba'u} react+utter

{jvsv frecandre} fertile+sand+heap {jvsv frecande'u} fertile+sand+dirt

{jvsv gacki'e} gas+cushion {jvsv gairki'e} cover+cushion

{jvsv gacko'a} gas+corner {jvsv gairko'a} cover+corner

{jvsv gacri'a} gas+cause {jvsv gainri'a} cover+cause

{jvsv gairjai} cover+grasp {jvsv gairja'i} cover+adorn

{jvsv galxyjai} throat+grasp {jvsv galxyja'i} throat+adorn

{jvsv ganga'i} broad+modify {jvsv garga'i} rail+modify

{jvsv gangau} broad+do {jvsv gargau} rail+do

{jvsv gapydakcifnu} above+knife+infant {jvsv gacydaklycifnu} gas+sack+infant

{jvsv gapyvi'i} above+excrete {jvsv gacyvi'i} gas+excrete

{jvsv garcpare} rail+climb {jvsv gapcpare} above+climb

{jvsv gardzu} rail+walk {jvsv gapydzu} above+walk

{jvsv garkla} rail+come {jvsv gapkla} above+come

{jvsv garmu'e} rail+universe {jvsv gapmu'e} above+universe

{jvsv ge'atsi} grammar+seed {jvsv jgetsi} knot+seed

{jvsv geicru} happy+let {jvsv gerba'u} dog+utter

{jvsv gentinbe} grammar+obey {jvsv jgetinbe} knot+obey

{jvsv gercku} dog+book {jvsv gencku} grammar+book

{jvsv gersu'a} dog+structure {jvsv gensu'a} grammar+structure

{jvsv gersurfa'i} dog+relax+discover {jvsv genturfa'i} grammar+structure+discover

{jvsv gersurfi'a} dog+relax+fiction {jvsv genturcfi} grammar+structure+flaw

{jvsv gertro} dog+control {jvsv gletro} copulate+control

{jvsv gervlabi'o} dog+word+become {jvsv genvlabi'o} grammar+word+become

{jvsv gitko'i} guitar+cabbage {jvsv gitsko} guitar+cord

{jvsv glaroi} hot+time {jvsv glaro'i} hot+rock

{jvsv glecisma} copulate+smile {jvsv gekcisma} happy+smile

{jvsv glegau} copulate+do {jvsv geirgau} happy+do

{jvsv glemau} copulate+more {jvsv geizma} happy+more

{jvsv glepanpi} copulate+peace {jvsv gekpanpi} happy+peace

{jvsv gleri'a} copulate+cause {jvsv gekri'a} happy+cause

{jvsv glexe'o} copulate+kind {jvsv geirxe'o} happy+kind

{jvsv grebei} pass-through+carry {jvsv grebe'i} pass-through+transfer

{jvsv grecei} pass-through+god {jvsv grece'i} pass-through+tax

{jvsv gusybacybacka'u} llumine+beyond+beyond+quantum {jvsv i}

{jvsv ja'itra} adorn+behave {jvsv jairtai} grasp+shape

{jvsv ja'orselpi'odegykamfa'a} show+2nd-place-of+piano+finger+quality-of+direc {jvsv tion}

{jvsv jadba'u} adorn+utter {jvsv jairbandu} grasp+defend

{jvsv jadyxa'e} adorn+hand {jvsv jairxa'e} grasp+hand

{jvsv jaijme} grasp+gem {jvsv jadjme} adorn+gem

{jvsv jakmolsna} narrow+mouth+sound {jvsv jakmolsa'i} narrow+mouth+stand

{jvsv jalgauca'a} collide+do+apparatus {jvsv ja'urgauma'a} claw+do+mountain

{jvsv jangusmo'a} shoulder+illumine+pattern {jvsv jgagusmo'a} angle+illumine+pattern

{jvsv janrau} shoulder+unit {jvsv jgarau} angle+unit

{jvsv jauplu} water+island {jvsv jaclu'a} water+route

{jvsv jaurbe'i} water+transfer {jvsv jaurbei} water+carry

{jvsv jaurdreroi} water+heap+time {jvsv jaurde'uro'i} water+dirt+rock

{jvsv jaurgacri'a} water+gas+cause {jvsv jaurgairi'a} water+cover+cause

{jvsv jbetafxa'u} born+garment+dwell {jvsv jbetcaxa'u} born+city+dwell

{jvsv jbocru} Lojbanic+let {jvsv jboba'u} Lojbanic+utter

{jvsv jboselcru} Lojbanic+2nd-place-of+let {jvsv jboselba'u} Lojbanic+2nd-place-of+utter

{jvsv jbota'atcesnada} Lojbanic+talk+much+succeed {jvsv jbotavlicysnada} Lojbanic+talk+liter+succeed

{jvsv jditai} decide+shape {jvsv jditra} decide+behave

{jvsv je'icro} chase+pain {jvsv jesycro} needle+pain

{jvsv je'ispa} chase+plant {jvsv jesyspa} needle+plant

{jvsv jecpirzei} polity+picture+crime {jvsv jecyxaizei} polity+injure+crime

{jvsv jecyselxrazei} polity+2nd-place-of+picture+crime {jvsv jecyselxaizei} polity+2nd-place-of+injure+crime

{jvsv jgajukni} angle+spider {jvsv ja'urjukni} claw+spider

{jvsv jgici'i} pride+interesting {jvsv jgicki} pride+explain

{jvsv jgicu'u} pride+affair {jvsv jgicurnu} pride+worm

{jvsv jimdaxsa'e} metal+hit+stroke {jvsv jimdaxsna} metal+hit+sound

{jvsv jipso'a} ip+egg {jvsv t}

{jvsv jivyci'o} opine+young {jvsv ji'icni} opine+emotion

{jvsv judytai} attentive+shape {jvsv ju'itra} attentive+behave

{jvsv jvofi'i} affix-compound+invent {jvsv jvofriti} affix-compound+offer

{jvsv kackla} count+come {jvsv karcykla} car+come

{jvsv kacli'u} count+travel {jvsv karcyli'u} car+travel

{jvsv kacmu'u} count+move {jvsv karcymu'u} car+move

{jvsv kacplu} count+island {jvsv karcylu'a} car+route

{jvsv kakpybra} dig+big {jvsv kakpyca'a} dig+apparatus

{jvsv kalfoi} eye+field {jvsv canonical} form=kalfoi

{jvsv kamcectamne} quality-of+and-(set)+cousin {jvsv kamnyceltamne} committee+launcher+cousin

{jvsv kamdraci} quality-of+drama {jvsv kamnydraci} committee+drama

{jvsv kamfau} quality-of+event {jvsv kamnyfau} committee+event

{jvsv kamfrica} quality-of+differ {jvsv kamnyfrica} committee+differ

{jvsv kamgei} quality-of+happy {jvsv kamnygei} committee+happy

{jvsv kamji'e} quality-of+live {jvsv kamnyji'e} committee+live

{jvsv kamjikca} quality-of+socialize {jvsv kamnyjikca} committee+socialize

{jvsv kamka'o} quality-of+healthy {jvsv kamnyka'o} committee+healthy

{jvsv kamnei} quality-of+fond {jvsv kamnynei} committee+fond

{jvsv kamnunpe'i} quality-of+event-of+meet {jvsv kamnynunpe'i} committee+event-of+meet

{jvsv kampu'a} quality-of+pleasant {jvsv kamnypu'a} committee+pleasant

{jvsv kamsei} quality-of+apart {jvsv kamnyse'i} committee+self

{jvsv kamsnera'a} quality-of+dream+pertain {jvsv kamnysnera'a} committee+dream+pertain

{jvsv kamsucta} quality-of+abstract {jvsv kamnysucta} committee+abstract

{jvsv kamtolba'i} quality-of+opposite-of-+great {jvsv canonical} form=kamtolba'i

{jvsv kamvu'e} quality-of+virtue {jvsv kamnyvu'e} committee+virtue

{jvsv kamymi'o} quality-of+famous {jvsv kamnymi'o} committee+famous

{jvsv kangau} with+do {jvsv kacygau} count+do

{jvsv kankre} with+hair {jvsv kackre} count+hair

{jvsv kanri'a} with+cause {jvsv kacri'a} count+cause

{jvsv kaspo'e} chaotic+possess {jvsv kanpo'e} with+possess

{jvsv kasta'a} chaotic+talk {jvsv kanta'a} with+talk

{jvsv kastsela'i} chaotic+sit+adjacent {jvsv kanzutla'i} with+sit+adjacent

{jvsv kasybe'i} chaotic+transfer {jvsv kanbei} with+carry

{jvsv kesmu'e} outer-space+universe {jvsv kestce} outer-space+much

{jvsv kixycu'u} cry-out+affair {jvsv kixycurnu} cry-out+worm

{jvsv klapajytce} come+surprise+much {jvsv klapailitce} come+judge+liter

{jvsv klatoi} come+try {jvsv klato'i} come+twist

{jvsv kosycre} coat+expert {jvsv kosycreka} coat+shirt

{jvsv krudakyxai} curve+knife+injure {jvsv krudakyxa'i} curve+knife+weapon

{jvsv la'arja'i} fasten+adorn {jvsv la'arjai} fasten+grasp

{jvsv lacti'a} rely+weather {jvsv lactcica} rely+deceive

{jvsv ladba'u} milk+utter {jvsv laurba'u} loud+utter

{jvsv ladbi'o} milk+become {jvsv laurbi'o} loud+become

{jvsv ladmau} milk+more {jvsv lauzma} loud+more

{jvsv ladyckasu} milk+ridicule {jvsv laurckasu} loud+ridicule

{jvsv laitce} quantity+much {jvsv lairlitce} quantity+liter

{jvsv lambalde'i} adjacent+great+tooth {jvsv lambavdegji} adjacent+future+finger

{jvsv laucru} loud+let {jvsv laurba'u} loud+utter

{jvsv lazgle} family+copulate {jvsv lazgei} family+happy

{jvsv li'ebre} precede+ready {jvsv li'erbe'a} precede+son

{jvsv lidycru} lightning+let {jvsv lidba'u} lightning+utter

{jvsv linselni'a} chain+2nd-place-of+beneath {jvsv lijyselni'a} line+2nd-place-of+beneath

{jvsv linsu'a} chain+structure {jvsv lijysu'a} line+structure

{jvsv lisfi'i} story+invent {jvsv linfriti} chain+offer

{jvsv lisra'i} story+continue {jvsv linra'i} chain+continue

{jvsv lisyga'axai} story+rod+injure {jvsv linga'axa'i} chain+rod+weapon

{jvsv lisysu'a} story+structure {jvsv linsu'a} chain+structure

{jvsv lisytadji} story+method {jvsv lintadji} chain+method

{jvsv loidre} floor+heap {jvsv lolde'u} floor+dirt

{jvsv lolnalcruboida'i} floor+other-than-+let+ball+hit {jvsv lolnalba'uboidai} floor+other-than-+utter+ball+object

{jvsv lolroiboi} floor+time+ball {jvsv lolro'iboi} floor+rock+ball

{jvsv lolzbaroiboi} floor+make+time+ball {jvsv lolzbaro'iboi} floor+make+rock+ball

{jvsv lujypludi'u} complicated+island+building {jvsv lujlu'adi'u} complicated+route+building

{jvsv lurta'a} lunar+talk {jvsv xluta'a} influence+talk

{jvsv mafce'u} magic+community {jvsv mafcre} magic+expert

{jvsv mafmu'efi'a} magic+universe+fiction {jvsv mafmu'ecfi} magic+universe+flaw

{jvsv mafmu'examfi'a} magic+universe+funny+fiction {jvsv mafmu'examcfi} magic+universe+funny+flaw

{jvsv mairpi'a} material+crust {jvsv maixra} material+picture

{jvsv malbre} derogative+ready {jvsv malbe'a} derogative+son

{jvsv malge'uro'i} derogative+dog+rock {jvsv malgletoi} derogative+copulate+try

{jvsv malkamba'i} derogative+quality-of+great {jvsv malkamnyba'i} derogative+committee+great

{jvsv matso'e} fit+soya {jvsv matryso'e} motor+soya

{jvsv maugle} more+copulate {jvsv zmagei} more+happy

{jvsv mebrai} brow+superlative {jvsv mlerai} beautiful+superlative

{jvsv menbra} mind+big {jvsv menca'a} mind+apparatus

{jvsv mi'acru} laugh+let {jvsv minba'u} add+utter

{jvsv mi'arbe'i} laugh+transfer {jvsv minbei} add+carry

{jvsv mi'arci'a} laugh+write {jvsv minci'a} add+write

{jvsv mi'ecte} command+night {jvsv mijycte} middle+night

{jvsv mi'edje} command+full-day {jvsv mijdei} middle+full-day

{jvsv midydeisa'i} command+full-day+stand {jvsv mijdeisai} middle+full-day+meal

{jvsv midydo'i} command+daytime {jvsv mijdo'i} middle+daytime

{jvsv midydorsai} command+daytime+meal {jvsv mijdorsai} middle+daytime+meal

{jvsv midyxelso} command+Greek {jvsv mijyxelso} middle+Greek

{jvsv minseldu'a} add+2nd-place-of+give {jvsv midyseldu'a} command+2nd-place-of+give

{jvsv minsku} add+express {jvsv mi'esku} command+express

{jvsv mirsa'e} reflect+stroke {jvsv mirsna} reflect+sound

{jvsv mlixra} mild+picture {jvsv mlixai} mild+injure

{jvsv molbragau} mouth+big+do {jvsv molca'agau} mouth+apparatus+do

{jvsv momri'a} -th+cause {jvsv mrori'a} dead+cause

{jvsv momrikra'u} -th+cause+trouble {jvsv mrorikra'u} dead+cause+trouble

{jvsv mordrata} Moroccan+other {jvsv mondrata} pattern+other

{jvsv morfu'i} Moroccan+copy {jvsv monfu'i} pattern+copy

{jvsv mormuprai} Moroccan+example+superlative {jvsv monmuprai} pattern+example+superlative

{jvsv morsti} Moroccan+cease {jvsv monsti} pattern+cease

{jvsv mudypeisilka} wood+think+silk {jvsv mudypexsilka} wood+paste+silk

{jvsv mujgle} universe+copulate {jvsv tcegei} much+happy

{jvsv mujyta'i} universe+tired {jvsv tceta'i} much+tired

{jvsv mulbe'i} complete+transfer {jvsv mulbei} complete+carry

{jvsv mutci'i} immaterial+interesting {jvsv tceci'i} much+interesting

{jvsv mutcla} immaterial+long {jvsv tcecla} much+long

{jvsv mutcli} immaterial+learn {jvsv tcecli} much+learn

{jvsv mutcne} immaterial+vary {jvsv tcecne} much+vary

{jvsv mutcni} immaterial+emotion {jvsv tceci'i} much+interesting

{jvsv mutfri} immaterial+experience {jvsv tcefri} much+experience

{jvsv mutselspaji} immaterial+2nd-place-of+surprise {jvsv tceselspaji} much+2nd-place-of+surprise

{jvsv mutsnosli} immaterial+slow+oscillate {jvsv tcesnosli} much+slow+oscillate

{jvsv na'azba} year+make {jvsv nabzba} bread+make

{jvsv na'ucto} number+100 {jvsv na'acto} year+100

{jvsv na'usni} number+sign {jvsv na'asni} year+sign

{jvsv nairtercfi} nation+3rd-place-of+flaw {jvsv nairterfi'a} nation+3rd-place-of+fiction

{jvsv nalgaixra} other-than-+cover+picture {jvsv nalgaixai} other-than-+cover+injure

{jvsv nalmatma'e} other-than-+fit+vehicle {jvsv nalmatryma'e} other-than-+motor+vehicle

{jvsv nalmu'e} other-than-+universe {jvsv naltce} other-than-+much

{jvsv nalselcni} other-than-+2nd-place-of+emotion {jvsv nalselci'i} other-than-+2nd-place-of+interesting

{jvsv nanka'a} south+cut {jvsv navyka'a} 1E-9+cut

{jvsv nartercni} not-true+3rd-place-of+emotion {jvsv narterci'i} not-true+3rd-place-of+interesting

{jvsv nercre} in+expert {jvsv nercreka} in+shirt

{jvsv nilgla} degree-of+hot {jvsv ni'egla} furniture+hot

{jvsv nilje'u} degree-of+true {jvsv ni'erje'u} furniture+true

{jvsv nince'u} new+community {jvsv nincre} new+expert

{jvsv ninda'iba'u} new+hit+utter {jvsv ninda'ibandu} new+hit+defend

{jvsv ninsla} new+celebrate {jvsv ninsau} new+old

{jvsv nipydaisro} sticky+object+store {jvsv nipsrisro} sticky+ribbon+store

{jvsv noicre} message+expert {jvsv notcreka} message+shirt

{jvsv nolce'u} noble+community {jvsv nolcre} noble+expert

{jvsv nolcemcmi} noble+community+member {jvsv nolcrecmi} noble+expert+member

{jvsv nolraitrubre} noble+superlative+govern+ready {jvsv nolraitrube'a} noble+superlative+govern+son

{jvsv nuncnicro} event-of+emotion+pain {jvsv nunci'icro} event-of+interesting+pain

{jvsv nungle} event-of+copulate {jvsv nungei} event-of+happy

{jvsv nungumsaldansu} event-of+jointly+slide+dance {jvsv nungumsladansu} event-of+jointly+celebrate+dance

{jvsv nunlazgle} event-of+family+copulate {jvsv nunlazgei} event-of+family+happy

{jvsv nunmoi} event-of+-th {jvsv nunmro} event-of+dead

{jvsv nunmoiri'i} event-of+-th+rite {jvsv nunmrori'i} event-of+dead+rite

{jvsv nunpa'i} event-of+love {jvsv nunpanzi} event-of+offspring

{jvsv nunpemcku} event-of+poem+book {jvsv nunpencku} event-of+meet+book

{jvsv nunpijypa'i} event-of+wise+love {jvsv nunpijypanzi} event-of+wise+offspring

{jvsv nunsaldansu} event-of+slide+dance {jvsv nunsladansu} event-of+celebrate+dance

{jvsv nuntolpa'a} event-of+opposite-of-+hope {jvsv canonical} form=nuntolpa'a

{jvsv nunxuksne} event-of+turkey+dream {jvsv nunxumsne} event-of+chemical+dream

{jvsv nunzgaju'e} event-of+observe+net {jvsv nunzgajurme} event-of+observe+germ

{jvsv nurki'a} secure+cry-out {jvsv nuzyki'a} news+cry-out

{jvsv pajgunta} surprise+attack {jvsv pairgunta} judge+attack

{jvsv pajle'a} surprise+take {jvsv pairle'a} judge+take

{jvsv pajvu'e} surprise+virtue {jvsv pairvu'e} judge+virtue

{jvsv panbauvla} odor+language+word {jvsv sanbauvla} Spanish+language+word

{jvsv pange'u} odor+dog {jvsv sange'u} Spanish+dog

{jvsv pankai} odor+quality {jvsv sankai} Spanish+quality

{jvsv patlu'i} protest+wash {jvsv paltylu'i} plate+wash

{jvsv patsku} protest+express {jvsv paltysku} plate+express

{jvsv pavde'i} 1+tooth {jvsv pavdegji} 1+finger

{jvsv pe'itse} meet+sit {jvsv peitse} think+sit

{jvsv pemdjuxa'a} poem+help+letter {jvsv penydjuxa'a} meet+help+letter

{jvsv pemfincaspemci} poem+invent+ridicule+poem {jvsv penfrinycaspemci} meet+fraction+ridicule+poem

{jvsv pemgri} poem+group {jvsv pengri} meet+group

{jvsv pencauji'i} meet+without+opine {jvsv peircauji'i} think+without+opine

{jvsv pencu'u} meet+affair {jvsv peircurnu} think+worm

{jvsv penselra'u} meet+2nd-place-of+trouble {jvsv peirselra'u} think+2nd-place-of+trouble

{jvsv pensi'u} meet+mutual {jvsv peirsnidu} think+second

{jvsv penti'i} meet+suggest {jvsv pesti'i} think+suggest

{jvsv pexselkre} paste+2nd-place-of+hair {jvsv pelselkre} yellow+2nd-place-of+hair

{jvsv pexyjdu} paste+jelly {jvsv peljdu} yellow+jelly

{jvsv pezybatci} leaf+bite {jvsv pevbatci} jbovlaste import: figurative: lang en+bite

{jvsv pezyckafi} leaf+coffee {jvsv pevyckafi} jbovlaste import: figurative: lang en+coffee

{jvsv pezycuvgau} leaf+pure+do {jvsv pevycuvgau} jbovlaste import: figurative: lang en+pure+do

{jvsv pezyjicla} leaf+stir {jvsv pevjicla} jbovlaste import: figurative: lang en+stir

{jvsv pezyzda} leaf+nest {jvsv pevzda} jbovlaste import: figurative: lang en+nest

{jvsv pijvritai} wise+brave+shape {jvsv pijvritra} wise+brave+behave

{jvsv pijypenla'u} wise+meet+lake {jvsv pijypeilarcu} wise+think+art

{jvsv pijyta'u} wise+garment {jvsv pijytca} wise+city

{jvsv pilkarni} crust+journal {jvsv xrakarni} picture+journal

{jvsv plokarlycre} fold+collar+expert {jvsv plokarlycreka} fold+collar+shirt

{jvsv plufa'o} island+end {jvsv lutfa'o} route+end

{jvsv pluke'a} island+cavity {jvsv lutke'a} route+cavity

{jvsv pluku'a} island+room {jvsv lutku'a} route+room

{jvsv pormi'a} sequence+laugh {jvsv porjmina} sequence+add

{jvsv pretra} person+behave {jvsv pretai} person+shape

{jvsv rajraipre} vertical+superlative+person {jvsv ra'inraipre} continue+superlative+person

{jvsv rajyta'a} vertical+talk {jvsv ra'irta'a} continue+talk

{jvsv rakyje'a} scratch+polity {jvsv raksyje'a} Iraqi+polity

{jvsv ralta'u} principal+garment {jvsv raltca} principal+city

{jvsv ramcri} myth+lose {jvsv pamcri} love+lose

{jvsv ramnabmi} myth+problem {jvsv pamnabmi} love+problem

{jvsv rampemyzba} myth+poem+make {jvsv pampemyzba} love+poem+make

{jvsv ramta'a} myth+talk {jvsv pamta'a} love+talk

{jvsv rancimdre} soft+moist+heap {jvsv rancimde'u} soft+moist+dirt

{jvsv recyjupcarbra} meat+cook+turn+big {jvsv recyjupcarca'a} meat+cook+turn+apparatus

{jvsv refpau} recur+part {jvsv canonical} form=refpau

{jvsv relcisrampre} 2+summer+myth+person {jvsv relcinpampre} 2+sexual+love+person

{jvsv relcisygerpre} 2+summer+dog+person {jvsv relcinglepre} 2+sexual+copulate+person

{jvsv relmoicte} 2+-th+night {jvsv relmrocte} 2+dead+night

{jvsv remsi'u} human+mutual {jvsv remsnidu} human+second

{jvsv remtemzazytugjoljmi} human+time+state-abstract+agree+together-with+u {jvsv n}

{jvsv remtra} human+behave {jvsv remtai} human+shape

{jvsv ri'irpi'a} rite+crust {jvsv ri'ixra} rite+picture

{jvsv risfoi} rice+field {jvsv risnyfoi} heart+field

{jvsv ritnacterjvi} British+number+3rd-place-of+compete {jvsv ritna'aterjvi} British+year+3rd-place-of+compete

{jvsv roispi} time+piece {jvsv rokspi} rock+piece

{jvsv rosfi'a} prose+fiction {jvsv ro'acfi} prose+flaw

{jvsv rumroi} melt+time {jvsv rumro'i} melt+rock

{jvsv ruspre} gray+person {jvsv rukpre} Russian+person

{jvsv rusta'u} gray+garment {jvsv ruktca} Russian+city

{jvsv rustau} gray+phrase-compound {jvsv rusta'u} gray+garment

{jvsv sa'akla} sing+come {jvsv tapkla} step+come

{jvsv sa'isla} stand+celebrate {jvsv saisla} meal+celebrate

{jvsv sacmi'e} honest+command {jvsv sa'urmi'e} necessary+command

{jvsv sacri'a} honest+cause {jvsv sa'unri'a} necessary+cause

{jvsv sairki'e} meal+cushion {jvsv sraki'e} support+cushion

{jvsv salcti} slide+eat {jvsv slacti} celebrate+eat

{jvsv saldei} slide+full-day {jvsv sladei} celebrate+full-day

{jvsv salgei} slide+happy {jvsv slagei} celebrate+happy

{jvsv salpemci} slide+poem {jvsv slapemci} celebrate+poem

{jvsv salsa'a} slide+sing {jvsv slasa'a} celebrate+sing

{jvsv salsilbra} slide+whistle+big {jvsv salsilca'a} slide+whistle+apparatus

{jvsv samjulta'a} computer+clock+talk {jvsv samju'eta'a} computer+net+talk

{jvsv sanbau} Spanish+language {jvsv snabau} sound+language

{jvsv sancau} Spanish+without {jvsv snacau} sound+without

{jvsv sanga'e} Spanish+sense {jvsv snaga'e} sound+sense

{jvsv sange'a} Spanish+grammar {jvsv snage'a} sound+grammar

{jvsv sanselminra} Spanish+2nd-place-of+reflect {jvsv snaselminra} sound+2nd-place-of+reflect

{jvsv sanselmirgau} Spanish+2nd-place-of+reflect+do {jvsv snaselmirgau} sound+2nd-place-of+reflect+do

{jvsv sanselmiryri'a} Spanish+2nd-place-of+reflect+cause {jvsv snaselmiryri'a} sound+2nd-place-of+reflect+cause

{jvsv sanze'a} Spanish+increase {jvsv snaze'a} sound+increase

{jvsv saptutklu} simple+territory+culture {jvsv saptciklu} simple+tool+culture

{jvsv sasysilka} grass+silk {jvsv lasysilka} plastic+silk

{jvsv sauflo} old+field {jvsv sasfoi} grass+field

{jvsv saurtu'a} old+land {jvsv sastu'a} grass+land

{jvsv sefsti} serve+cease {jvsv sfesti} surface+cease

{jvsv seikri} apart+believe {jvsv se'ikri} self+believe

{jvsv seiski} apart+describe {jvsv se'iski} self+describe

{jvsv seisku} apart+express {jvsv se'isku} self+express

{jvsv seisni} apart+sign {jvsv se'isni} self+sign

{jvsv seixru} apart+return {jvsv se'ixru} self+return

{jvsv seizga} apart+observe {jvsv se'izga} self+observe

{jvsv selfinjbu} 2nd-place-of+invent+table {jvsv selfityjbu} 2nd-place-of+offer+table

{jvsv selgleki'u} 2nd-place-of+copulate+reason {jvsv selgeiki'u} 2nd-place-of+happy+reason

{jvsv selglemu'i} 2nd-place-of+copulate+motive {jvsv selgeimu'i} 2nd-place-of+happy+motive

{jvsv selgleni'i} 2nd-place-of+copulate+necessitate {jvsv selgeini'i} 2nd-place-of+happy+necessitate

{jvsv selgleri'a} 2nd-place-of+copulate+cause {jvsv selgeiri'a} 2nd-place-of+happy+cause

{jvsv seljupna'a} 2nd-place-of+cook+year {jvsv seljupnanba} 2nd-place-of+cook+bread

{jvsv selkarcybadgacpo'aca'a} +apparatu {jvsv 2nd-place-of+car+defend+gas+explode}

{jvsv selmi'a} 2nd-place-of+laugh {jvsv seljmina} 2nd-place-of+add

{jvsv selmirsa'e} 2nd-place-of+reflect+stroke {jvsv selmirsna} 2nd-place-of+reflect+sound

{jvsv selmirsna} 2nd-place-of+reflect+sound {jvsv selmifsa'i} 2nd-place-of+code+stand

{jvsv selsanri'a} 2nd-place-of+Spanish+cause {jvsv selsnari'a} 2nd-place-of+sound+cause

{jvsv selskure'i} 2nd-place-of+express+survive {jvsv selskubre} 2nd-place-of+express+ready

{jvsv selteptce} 2nd-place-of+fear+much {jvsv selteplitce} 2nd-place-of+fear+liter

{jvsv selti'ipemci} 2nd-place-of+suggest+poem {jvsv seldjupemci} 2nd-place-of+help+poem

{jvsv selviskakri'a} 2nd-place-of+see+weep+cause {jvsv selviska'eri'a} 2nd-place-of+see+able+cause

{jvsv sepci'o} apart+young {jvsv seicni} apart+emotion

{jvsv sepcu'u} apart+affair {jvsv sezycurnu} self+worm

{jvsv sepkarni} apart+journal {jvsv sezykarni} self+journal

{jvsv sepkemxaumaupai} apart+type-of+good+more+judge {jvsv sezykemxaumaupai} self+type-of+good+more+judge

{jvsv sepxaumaupai} apart+good+more+judge {jvsv sezyxaumaupai} self+good+more+judge

{jvsv sepxu'a} apart+assert {jvsv sezyxu'a} self+assert

{jvsv sersri} stairs+ribbon {jvsv serlisri} stairs+story

{jvsv sezycu'u} self+affair {jvsv sezycurnu} self+worm

{jvsv sezymipri} self+secret {jvsv sepmipri} apart+secret

{jvsv si'arfi'i} esteem+invent {jvsv si'arfriti} esteem+offer

{jvsv sibda'i} idea+hit {jvsv sibdai} idea+object

{jvsv sicycrida} west+fairy {jvsv sincycrida} snake+fairy

{jvsv sidnoi} suggest+message {jvsv djunoi} help+message

{jvsv silbra} whistle+big {jvsv silca'a} whistle+apparatus

{jvsv simxanjai} mutual+hand+grasp {jvsv simxanja'i} mutual+hand+adorn

{jvsv sismo'i} seek+remember {jvsv stimo'i} cease+remember

{jvsv sivyci'o} private+young {jvsv sivycni} private+emotion

{jvsv skecfi} science+flaw {jvsv skefi'a} science+fiction

{jvsv skibau} describe+language {jvsv daskybau} pocket+language

{jvsv skiro'a} describe+prose {jvsv daskyro'a} pocket+prose

{jvsv skutoi} express+try {jvsv skuto'i} express+twist

{jvsv slacitcu'e} celebrate+young+school {jvsv saurcitcu'e} old+young+school

{jvsv slada'i} celebrate+hit {jvsv saurdai} old+object

{jvsv sladi'e} celebrate+radiate {jvsv saurdi'e} old+radiate

{jvsv slamidju} celebrate+middle {jvsv saurmidju} old+middle

{jvsv slasutsabdja} celebrate+fast+provide+food {jvsv saursutsabdja} old+fast+provide+food

{jvsv slefli} cell+fail {jvsv se'ufli} serve+fail

{jvsv slesa'a} cell+sing {jvsv sefsa'a} serve+sing

{jvsv smabra} quiet+big {jvsv smaca'a} quiet+apparatus

{jvsv smaci'o} quiet+young {jvsv smacni} quiet+emotion

{jvsv smacru} quiet+let {jvsv smaba'u} quiet+utter

{jvsv snacfa} sound+initiate {jvsv sa'icfa} stand+initiate

{jvsv snaji'e} sound+live {jvsv sa'irji'e} stand+live

{jvsv snecu'u} dream+affair {jvsv snecurnu} dream+worm

{jvsv sombra} sow+big {jvsv somca'a} sow+apparatus

{jvsv sormei} many-(of)+-some {jvsv sormre} many-(of)+measure

{jvsv spicru} piece+let {jvsv spiba'u} piece+utter

{jvsv spipi'a} piece+crust {jvsv spixra} piece+picture

{jvsv spofi'i} destroy+invent {jvsv spofriti} destroy+offer

{jvsv sraca'a} support+apparatus {jvsv rajma'a} vertical+mountain

{jvsv srake'a} support+cavity {jvsv rajyke'a} vertical+cavity

{jvsv srakevloi} support+cavity+floor {jvsv rajykevloi} vertical+cavity+floor

{jvsv sramudri} support+wood {jvsv rajymudri} vertical+wood

{jvsv srasirdra} support+straight+correct {jvsv rajysirdra} vertical+straight+correct

{jvsv srato'agri} support+tone+group {jvsv rajyto'agri} vertical+tone+group

{jvsv sratu'a} support+land {jvsv rajytu'a} vertical+land

{jvsv sratu'u} support+tube {jvsv rajytu'u} vertical+tube

{jvsv sricku} ribbon+book {jvsv lisycku} story+book

{jvsv sriku'a} ribbon+room {jvsv lisku'a} story+room

{jvsv srinuntoi} ribbon+event-of+try {jvsv lisnuntoi} story+event-of+try

{jvsv sritigni} ribbon+perform {jvsv listigni} story+perform

{jvsv sudysau} dry+old {jvsv sudysrasu} dry+grass

{jvsv sukcniri'a} sudden+emotion+cause {jvsv sukci'iri'a} sudden+interesting+cause

{jvsv survre} relax+reclining {jvsv turvre} structure+reclining

{jvsv sutro'i} fast+rock {jvsv sutytoi} fast+try

{jvsv ta'acru} talk+let {jvsv tavba'u} talk+utter

{jvsv ta'uvro} garment+door {jvsv tcavro} city+door

{jvsv ta'uvru} garment+noise {jvsv tcavru} city+noise

{jvsv tafkarni} garment+journal {jvsv tcakarni} city+journal

{jvsv taftru} garment+govern {jvsv tcatru} city+govern

{jvsv tafxa'u} garment+dwell {jvsv tcaxa'u} city+dwell

{jvsv tagysa'e} snug+stroke {jvsv tagysna} snug+sound

{jvsv taifre} shape+fertile {jvsv trafre} behave+fertile

{jvsv tajnau} thumb+man {jvsv rairnau} superlative+man

{jvsv tanju'a} sky+sentence {jvsv taurju'a} phrase-compound+sentence

{jvsv tanselpli} sky+2nd-place-of+use {jvsv taurselpli} phrase-compound+2nd-place-of+use

{jvsv tansu'a} sky+structure {jvsv taursu'a} phrase-compound+structure

{jvsv tapri'a} step+cause {jvsv ta'inri'a} tired+cause

{jvsv tapri'agau} step+cause+do {jvsv ta'inri'agau} tired+cause+do

{jvsv tapygau} step+do {jvsv ta'irgau} tired+do

{jvsv tatmo'a} breast+pattern {jvsv tramo'a} behave+pattern

{jvsv tatxersku} breast+regret+express {jvsv traxersku} behave+regret+express

{jvsv taurfi'i} phrase-compound+invent {jvsv tafyfriti} garment+offer

{jvsv taurgunma} phrase-compound+jointly {jvsv tafygunma} garment+jointly

{jvsv taurlumpu'o} phrase-compound+wash+powder {jvsv taflumpu'o} garment+wash+powder

{jvsv tcacru} city+let {jvsv cacyba'u} custom+utter

{jvsv tcaju'o} city+know {jvsv cacyju'o} custom+know

{jvsv tcecu'a} much+choose {jvsv licycu'a} liter+choose

{jvsv tcefauclu} much+event+full {jvsv licfauclu} liter+event+full

{jvsv tcelau} much+loud {jvsv liclau} liter+loud

{jvsv tcema'u} much+mature {jvsv licma'u} liter+mature

{jvsv tceseltcila} much+2nd-place-of+detail {jvsv licyseltcila} liter+2nd-place-of+detail

{jvsv tceta'a} much+talk {jvsv licta'a} liter+talk

{jvsv tcetce} much+much {jvsv licylitce} liter+liter

{jvsv tcezau} much+approve {jvsv licyzau} liter+approve

{jvsv tciterja'i} tool+3rd-place-of+adorn {jvsv tciterjai} tool+3rd-place-of+grasp

{jvsv terbajli'a} 3rd-place-of+run+leave {jvsv terbaljyli'a} 3rd-place-of+bulb+leave

{jvsv terja'i} 3rd-place-of+adorn {jvsv terjai} 3rd-place-of+grasp

{jvsv terpi'a} 3rd-place-of+crust {jvsv terxra} 3rd-place-of+picture

{jvsv tersri} 3rd-place-of+ribbon {jvsv terlisri} 3rd-place-of+story

{jvsv tersuzrelterbri} 3rd-place-of+at-least-(some)+2+3rd-place-of+pre {jvsv dicate}

{jvsv tertai} 3rd-place-of+shape {jvsv tertra} 3rd-place-of+behave

{jvsv ti'otra} shadow+behave {jvsv ti'ortai} shadow+shape

{jvsv tidyci'i} read+interesting {jvsv ti'icki} suggest+explain

{jvsv titna'a} sweet+year {jvsv titnanba} sweet+bread

{jvsv tivbra} television+big {jvsv tivyca'a} television+apparatus

{jvsv toirze'a} try+increase {jvsv canonical} form=toirze'a

{jvsv tolbigri'a} opposite-of-+obliged+cause {jvsv canonical} form=tolbigri'a

{jvsv tolce'u} opposite-of-+community {jvsv tolcre} opposite-of-+expert

{jvsv tolci'i} opposite-of-+interesting {jvsv canonical} form=tolci'i

{jvsv tolcre} opposite-of-+expert {jvsv canonical} form=tolcre

{jvsv toljmi} opposite-of-+understand {jvsv canonical} form=tolgu'a

{jvsv tolju'i} opposite-of-+attentive {jvsv canonical} form=toljmi

{jvsv toljuxre} opposite-of-+clumsy {jvsv canonical} form=tolju'i

{jvsv tolnanda'i} opposite-of-+south+hit {jvsv tolnavdai} opposite-of-+1E-9+object

{jvsv tolninda'i} opposite-of-+new+hit {jvsv tolnindai} opposite-of-+new+object

{jvsv tolpajvu'e} opposite-of-+surprise+virtue {jvsv canonical} form=tolpajvu'e

{jvsv tolsa'u} opposite-of-+necessary {jvsv canonical} form=tolsa'u

{jvsv tolselsmu} opposite-of-+2nd-place-of+meaning {jvsv canonical} form=tolselsmu

{jvsv tolsma} opposite-of-+quiet {jvsv canonical} form=tolsma

{jvsv tordakyxai} short+knife+injure {jvsv tordakyxa'i} short+knife+weapon

{jvsv torga'axai} short+rod+injure {jvsv torga'axa'i} short+rod+weapon

{jvsv traju'o} behave+know {jvsv tamju'o} shape+know

{jvsv tratadji} behave+method {jvsv tamtadji} shape+method

{jvsv tulga'u} swallow+high {jvsv tupyga'u} leg+high

{jvsv tulgapru} swallow+above {jvsv tupygapru} leg+above

{jvsv turske} structure+science {jvsv tutske} territory+science

{jvsv turtu'a} structure+land {jvsv tutytu'a} territory+land

{jvsv va'ucru} breathe+let {jvsv vaxyba'u} breathe+utter

{jvsv vaicru} important+let {jvsv vajba'u} important+utter

{jvsv varski} air+describe {jvsv vardaski} air+pocket

{jvsv vastau} contain+phrase-compound {jvsv vasta'u} contain+garment

{jvsv velci'i} 4th-place-of+interesting {jvsv velcki} 4th-place-of+explain

{jvsv velplu} 4th-place-of+island {jvsv velylu'a} 4th-place-of+route

{jvsv venci'i} sell+interesting {jvsv vencki} sell+explain

{jvsv vidnyveibra} video+record+big {jvsv vidnyveica'a} video+record+apparatus

{jvsv virkla} virus+come {jvsv vrikla} brave+come

{jvsv viskakri'a} see+weep+cause {jvsv viska'eri'a} see+able+cause

{jvsv visnarkakri'a} see+not-true+weep+cause {jvsv visnarka'eri'a} see+not-true+able+cause

{jvsv vresaiki'e} reclining+meal+cushion {jvsv vresraki'e} reclining+support+cushion

{jvsv vroge'u} door+dog {jvsv vrogle} door+copulate

{jvsv vrubra} noise+big {jvsv vruca'a} noise+apparatus

{jvsv xacfi'a} weapon+fiction {jvsv xarcfi} imaginary+flaw

{jvsv xacpre} weapon+person {jvsv xarpre} imaginary+person

{jvsv xadbadyxau} body+defend+good {jvsv xadbraxau} body+big+good

{jvsv xadyxra} body+picture {jvsv xadyxai} body+injure

{jvsv xagro'i} good+rock {jvsv xaurtoi} good+try

{jvsv xairgu'e} injure+country {jvsv xacygu'e} weapon+country

{jvsv xandakyxai} hand+knife+injure {jvsv xandakyxa'i} hand+knife+weapon

{jvsv xarfi'a} imaginary+fiction {jvsv xa'acfi} letter+flaw

{jvsv xarfiknei} imaginary+fiction+fond {jvsv xa'arfi'onei} letter+African+fond

{jvsv xargai} imaginary+cover {jvsv xa'argai} letter+cover

{jvsv xarvau} imaginary+contain {jvsv xa'arvau} letter+contain

{jvsv xaslycru} donkey+let {jvsv xaslyba'u} donkey+utter

{jvsv xelgu'e} 5th-place-of+country {jvsv xesygu'e} Greek+country

{jvsv xelxei} 5th-place-of+hate {jvsv xesxei} Greek+hate

{jvsv xernuncru} regret+event-of+let {jvsv xernunba'u} regret+event-of+utter

{jvsv xerselfi'i} regret+2nd-place-of+invent {jvsv xerselfriti} regret+2nd-place-of+offer

{jvsv xilkemtitna'a} wheel+type-of+sweet+year {jvsv xilkemtitnanba} wheel+type-of+sweet+bread

{jvsv xiltitna'a} wheel+sweet+year {jvsv xiltitnanba} wheel+sweet+bread

{jvsv xramu'e} picture+universe {jvsv xaitce} injure+much

{jvsv xrubei} return+carry {jvsv xrube'i} return+transfer

{jvsv xuksne} turkey+dream {jvsv xumsne} chemical+dream

{jvsv zanbre} favorable+ready {jvsv zanbe'a} favorable+son

{jvsv zantai} favorable+shape {jvsv zantra} favorable+behave

{jvsv zbatoi} make+try {jvsv zbato'i} make+twist

{jvsv zeixra} crime+picture {jvsv zerxai} crime+injure

{jvsv zgidribra} music+sad+big {jvsv zgidrica'a} music+sad+apparatus

{jvsv zilsri} nonexistent-it+ribbon {jvsv zdilisri} amusing+story

{jvsv ziryroi} purple+time {jvsv ziryro'i} purple+rock

{jvsv zmaslarai} more+celebrate+superlative {jvsv zmasaurai} more+old+superlative

{jvsv zmitai} automatic+shape {jvsv zmitra} automatic+behave

{jvsv zumtu'a} activity-of+land {jvsv zmutu'a} maize+land

{jvsv zunsnale'u} interfere+sound+letteral {jvsv zunsa'ile'u} interfere+stand+letteral