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From Lojban news...

Community news

17 January 2021

- la janbe publishes tabgapci, an original song.

20 September 2020

- la solpa'i publishes Ua langu, an original song.

13 January 2020

- The LFK is selected and begins meeting on Mattermost.

24 September 2018

- la gleki publishes a translation of How the enemy came to Thlunrana, a story by Lord Dunsany dedicating it to a new meeting of the LLG.

24 July 2018

- la evar usar published an English video introduction to Lojban.

15 May 2018

- la evar usar published The Magic Unsystem (makfa nalciste), the fifth episode of a Lojban-language worldbuilding video series. (English subtitles)

28 April 2018

- la evar usar published The Human Inhabitans (remna xabju), the fourth episode of a Lojban-language worldbuilding video series. (English subtitles)

30 March 2018

- la evar usar published The Rainforest Buffet (cavyricfoi gusta), the third episode of a Lojban-language worldbuilding video series. (English subtitles)

28 February 2018

- la evar usar published The Food Web (citka je cidja ciste), the second episode of a Lojban-language worldbuilding video series. (English subtitles)


30 January 2018

- la guskant published the first episode of mEntulimu, a series of short videos about Lojban.

20 January 2018

- la evar usar published The Lay of the Land (tcila co tumla), the first episode of a Lojban-language worldbuilding video series. (English subtitles)

14 September 2017

- la guskant published almapamla, a translation of the song Amapola] by Joseph Lacalle

04 January 2017

- la uakci published no da re roi fasnu, a translation of Polish poem Nic dwa razy by Wisława Szymborska into Lojban.

12 November 2016

- la guskant published lo vliraitru, a documentary film in Lojban.

06 November 2016

- la uakci published sorxaizu'e sei catlu, a translation of Polish poem Terrorysta, on patrzy by Wisława Szymborska into Lojban.

13 October 2016

- la lalxu published la melbi e le ractu, an original short story in Lojban.

1 June 2016

- la selpa'i published lu mi za'o citno li'u, an original short story in Lojban.

On the Internet


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Google Groups: lojban

Failed to load RSS feed from https://groups.google.com/forum/feed/lojban/msgs/rss.xml?num=3: There was a problem during the HTTP request: 404 Not Found

GoogleGroups: lojban-beginners

Failed to load RSS feed from https://groups.google.com/forum/feed/lojban-beginners/msgs/rss.xml?num=3: There was a problem during the HTTP request: 404 Not Found

GoogleGroups: bpfk-list

Failed to load RSS feed from https://groups.google.com/forum/feed/bpfk-list/msgs/rss.xml?num=3: There was a problem during the HTTP request: 404 Not Found