Talk:Proposal: loi lerfu tcita detri; the final word on the problem of dates and times?

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Extra functionalities

How do we specify the epoch in the calendar (specified by detri4)? For the Gregorian calendar, how do we specify "A.D."/"CE" vs. "B.C."/"BCE"?

It might also be helpful to note that "xo'e" can carry some of the burdens of not specifying digits.

It should be noted in this article that "de'i li('ei) ny renoreno" refers not to the whole year of 2020, but instead refers to a single specific date and - in fact - time (a point in time rather than an interval of positive length) which occurs in the year 2020 but we otherwise do not know when. You alluded to it, but this is an important and somewhat unnatural interpretation to an English speaker. This may be slightly contradicted by the proposal for "xy" (canonical-century label), which I would assume refers to the full span of one hundred years from 100(x-1)+q until 100x+q, where: for all x, q is either 0 or 1, according to the standard, and where x is the value specified by the user (id est: lo etmoi be me'o xy). Anyway, if we have that, then we probably should also be able to label canonical decades; we are currently in the either the two-hundred-first or two-hundred-second canonical decade of the Gregorian calendar, depending on whether canonical decades begin on 1 Jan. (at local or UTC midnight leading into 1 Jan.) of calendrical years with labels divisible by 10 versus congruent to 1 mod 10. I personally do not think that "detri" is the right word for this purpose, but if it is, then I do not understand this distinction being made when the canonical decade label is highly utile. (I would also request that we have some means of toggling between naming the canonical century or decade after the greatest multiple of 10^n which is less than or equal to the years in question versus the least multiple of 10^n which is greater than or equal to the years in question; for example, the 20th Century in the former refers to [2000+q, 2100+q) whereas, in the latter, it refers to [1900+q, 2000+q), where q is as previously defined).

I would be interested in knowing how this system interacts with other numeric bases. Most prominently, the year-in-(canonical-)century notion (where the year which is denoted by "19" would presumably refer to 2019 right now) could be interesting. Personally, I would assume that the notion of "century" would be modified to the canonical period of b^2 years for numerical base b (so that, in hexadecimal, the year which is denoted by "E3" would presumably mean the year 7E3 right now, which is 2019 when expressed in decimal).

(Btw, I am writing in decimal unless otherwise specified).

-- Krtisfranks (talk) 16:25, 7 January 2020 (UTC)