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posted 3697 days ago

.uo doi la .kmir. mi puza ba'o te dunda le sfaile ju'icu'i fa'o

I had already copied the zip file to my Dropbox account and local disk, and confirmed that the project file can be opened with a demo version of FontLab. So, you do not have to keep it public any longer if it is intended just for me this time. But it might be also appreciated to still keep it public because it seems helpful for others who are interested in ZLM. (Of course, the "incorrect propagation" risk might also exist.)

ta'o .i'esai the various fonts experiments looks inspiring. mu'o mi'e la .niftyg.

posted 3699 days ago

ki'e sai la .kmir. noi .ui curmi gi'e djusku so'ida mi fa'o

Your detailed advice is so helpful. Probably I need deeper study on font file format. Possibly I consult you again when some compromise seems needed. But I respect the correctness according to the documentation and will follow your additional instruction.

Creating a diacritical font seems more harder than expected, but still interesting and challenging to me. (Of course, it is likely that I create first a Latin-like font as an experimental study before a diacritic font.) By the way, I intend to create a ZLM version of Courier New (which is a monospaced font and maybe much familiar with jbopre), not an artistic type of font.

I am interested in how your attempt has been made. I appreciate if you share the working files with me.

.i'i mu'o mi'e .niftyg.

posted 3703 days ago

coi la .kmir. fa'o

I am trying to make my private version of Zbalermorna font for learning ZLM and font file making. If it becomes successful, would you allow me to publish unofficially my ZLM font file?

mi'e la'oi niftg mu'o