Lojban etymology

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This directory contains various Lojban etymology files, some of which are in a format suitable for analysis by the GLOTTO software written by Jacques Guy. Includes:

  • http://www.lojban.org/publications/etymology/lojban.voc A list of Lojban gismu in no particular order; the other *.voc files contain the same words in each of the six Lojban source languages. Note that the source-language words are in Lojbanized spelling rather than conventional spelling, which makes them hard to recognize. Furthermore, conventional endings have been chopped off, and affricates ("tc", "dj", "ts", "dz") have generally been reduced to simple spirants ("c", "j", "s", "z" respectively), to prevent bogus mismatches. Thus, for example, the Spanish word "hijo" appears as "ix".
  • http://www.lojban.org/publications/etymology/lojban.icg The same data, but merged into a single file. The order of words in this file is the same as that in the *.voc files, but the words have been brought together. For each word, the languages are listed in the order Lojban-Chinese-English-Hindi-Spanish-Russian-Arabic. Each word is preceded by the letter "L" if it is Lojban or contributed (score > 0) to the Lojban gismu, or else by the first letter of its language name ("C", "E", "H", "S", "R", or "A") if it made no contribution (score = 0).
  • http://www.lojban.org/publications/etymology/etysample.txt Contains sample etymologies for a few gismu, and may be used to get the flavor of Lojban etymologizing.
  • http://www.lojban.org/publications/etymology/langstat.94 and http://www.lojban.org/publications/etymology/langstat.95 Reports on the numbers of speakers of various world languages, as of 1994 and 1995. Earlier versions of this data were used to make weighting decisions in gismu construction.
  • http://www.lojban.org/publications/etymology/eaton.zip Old Eaton data from an earlier stage of the Loglan Project. Primarily of historical interest, it was an attempt at covering all of the words in Helen Eaton's 1930's list of the most frequently used concepts in 4 European languages. A low priority project is to replace this work with updated Lojban words for each concept.

All of this data was drawn from the file finprims, which contains complete information (with transliterated/transcribed original-language forms) on the Lojban gismu (primitive roots).

The original-language representations exist only in hardcopy form, but Mublin has been able to reconstruct most of them, with only a few uncertain or missing etymologies. See Mublin's site (the site is offline, backup can be found here: [1]).

Contact [email protected] for further information.