Category:BPFK Section
Revision as of 07:16, 4 February 2015 by Ionac poi na turni (talk | contribs) (Created page with "BPFK Section pages imported from the lojban Tiki. See the list of all pages on the Tiki at")
BPFK Section pages imported from the lojban Tiki. See the list of all pages on the Tiki at
Pages in category "BPFK Section"
The following 79 pages are in this category, out of 79 total.
- BPFK Section: Abstractors
- BPFK Section: Anaphoric Pro-sumti
- BPFK Section: Aristotelean Abstractors
- BPFK Section: Aspect
- BPFK Section: Attitudinal Modifiers
- BPFK Section: Attitudinal Specifiers
- BPFK Section: brivla Negators
- BPFK Section: Case sumtcita
- BPFK Section: Causation sumtcita
- BPFK Section: cmevla
- BPFK Section: Compass Spatial
- BPFK Section: Complement to causation sumtcita
- BPFK Section: Contact Spatial
- BPFK Section: Dictionary Preface
- BPFK Section: Digits
- BPFK Section: Digressives
- BPFK Section: Directional Spatial
- BPFK Section: Discursives
- BPFK Section: Distance
- BPFK Section: Epistemology sumtcita
- BPFK Section: Erasures
- BPFK Section: Evidentials
- BPFK Section: Formal Grammar
- BPFK Section: Formal Morphology
- BPFK Section: gadri
- BPFK Section: General Negators
- BPFK Section: gismu Issues
- BPFK Section: Grammatical Pro-sumti
- BPFK Section: Hesitation
- BPFK Section: Highlight Discursives
- BPFK Section: Indirect Referers
- BPFK Section: Inexact Numbers
- BPFK Section: Intensifiers
- BPFK Section: Intervals
- BPFK Section: Irrealis Attitudinals
- BPFK Section: lerfu
- BPFK Section: lerfu Forming cmavo
- BPFK Section: lerfu Shifts
- BPFK Section: Linkargs
- BPFK Section: Logical Connectives
- BPFK Section: Logical Variables
- BPFK Section: Mathematical Constants
- BPFK Section: MEX
- BPFK Section: MEX Operators
- BPFK Section: Miscellaneous Notes And To-Dos
- BPFK Section: Modal Aspects
- BPFK Section: New cmavo Proposals
- BPFK Section: Non-Contact Spatial
- BPFK Section: Non-logical Connectives
- BPFK Section: Nonce Connectives
- BPFK Section: Numeric selbri
- BPFK Section: Numeric Tense
- BPFK Section: Opinionated Gripes
- BPFK Section: Pedagogical Tags
- BPFK Section: PEG Morphology Algorithm
- BPFK Section: Personal Pro-sumti
- BPFK Section: Place Structure cmavo
- BPFK Section: Pro-bridi
- BPFK Section: Quantity sumtcita
- BPFK Section: Quotations
- BPFK Section: Realis Attitudinals
- BPFK Section: Reference Regulators
- BPFK Section: Relational sumtcita
- BPFK Section: Scope cmavo
- BPFK Section: sensory gismu
- BPFK Section: Subordinators
- BPFK Section: sumtcita Formants
- BPFK Section: Syntactic Numbers
- BPFK Section: Tense
- BPFK Section: Tense Interval
- BPFK Section: Tense sumtcita
- BPFK Section: Termsets
- BPFK Section: Text Structure cmavo
- BPFK Section: Text Structure Discursives
- BPFK Section: The Problem With comma
- BPFK Section: Typicals
- BPFK Section: Utterance Pro-sumti
- BPFK Section: Vocatives
- BPFK Section: ZOI