CLL PEG Errata
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This page contains errata for the Complete Lojban Language resulting from the 4th Grammar Baseline proposal, which makes the PEG grammar the official grammar.
While this page documents differences between the CLL and PEG grammar, it will be worded as if the CLL is in error. As this document evolves a tagging system will be creating to disambiguate the cases in which the PEG grammar is in error from the cases in which the CLL is in error.
For errata relating to the current edition of the CLL, see CLL, aka Reference Grammar, Errata. For suggestions for the 2nd edition of the CLL, see Suggestions for CLL, second edition.
Chapter 2
- Section 18 contains a list of Lojban names for grammatical terms. If the PEG grammar introduces other grammatical terms (e.g., any of those in gerna tecyvla), this section should be updated to include them.
Chapter 4
- Section 6, example 6.15 and 6.17 use the word |.a| in the Lojban, but gloss it to the letteral A. This is because the example, using zei, does not permit something like |cy. zei .abu| to be interpreted as a "c type-of a lujvo." This has been corrected in the PEG grammar, and the example should be modified to use .abu, just as the gloss does.
Chapter 14
- Section 14, example 14.4, discusses a situation in which the elidable terminator 'ku' is required. This specific example is no longer valid, as the 'ku' can be elided without ambiguity in PEG.
Chapter 17
- Section 4 claims that "ba'e" may not have "bu" attached. The "Marking Words" section of Magic Words document clarifies this, and permits "ba'e bu" to mean "the ba'e letter." "ba'e" should be removed from the list of cmavo not permitted in front of BU.
Chapter 19
- Section 10 does not properly describe the way ZOI works, by failing to articulate that the token stream is divided into words before looking for delimiters. This issue is extensively discussed at BPFK Section: ZOI, and the CLL needs to be updated to reflect the way the PEG works.
- Section 10 states, on zoi syntax: "Its syntax is .zoi X. text .X., where X is a Lojban word (called the delimiting word) which is separated from the quoted text by pauses, and which is not found in the written text or spoken phoneme stream." In the PEG grammar, zoi-open and zoi-close are any-word, rather than any-lojban-word, permitting non-Lojban words to be used as delimiters.
- Section 13 should be reviewed obsolete parts completely rewritten. This section in large part describes limitations of the YACC parser. As well, it needs to substantially expanded to include more examples.
- Example 13.3 uses the phrase "zo si si si" as a self-erasing example. Magic Words now defines "zo si" to be a single word, grammatically, shortening this phrase to "zo si si".
- Example 13.5 uses four "si" to erase a zoi phrase. Magic Words now defines ZOI-clause to be a single word, only requiring a single si to erase it.
- Example 13.6 uses two "si" to erase a zo phrase. Magic words now defines ZO-clause to be a single word, only requiring a single si to erase it.
- Section 15 should mention that fa'o can be used as a zoi delimiter, as I believe it enumerates every other case in which fa'o may appear in the grammar and not indicate the end of text.
- Section 15 should mention that fa'o can be quoted by zoi, as it mentions zo and lo'u ... le'u.
- Section 16 needs to be carefully checked against Magic Words and updated accordingly. More detail to follow.
Chapter 21
This chapter needs to be completely rewritten to provide an overview of the PEG morphology and grammar.