
From Lojban
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{img attId="942" width="20%" thumb="y" imalign="right" align="right" stylebox="border" desc="Lojban 25th Anniversary celebration, 2013, Fairfax, Virginia, USA."}Lojban is a carefully constructed spoken language designed in the hope of removing a large portion of the ambiguity from human communication. It was made well-known by a ((Scientific American article)) and references in fiction Lojban has been built over five decades by dozens of workers and hundreds of supporters.

Lojban has a number of features which make it unique:

  • Lojban is designed to be used by people in communication with each other, and possibly in the future with computers.
  • Lojban is designed to be culturally neutral.
  • Lojban has an unambiguous grammar, which is based on the principles of logic.
  • Lojban has phonemic spelling, and unambiguous resolution of sounds into words.
  • Lojban is simple compared to natural languages; it is easy to learn.
  • Lojban's 1300 root words can be easily combined to form a vocabulary of millions of words.
  • Lojban is regular; the rules of the language are without exception.
  • Lojban attempts to remove restrictions on creative and clear thought and communication.
  • Lojban has a variety of uses, ranging from the creative to the scientific, from the theoretical to the practical.

Interested? See and hear an of spoken Lojban. You can also see this page [la lojban. mo?no_bl=y|written in Lojban].

((Learning|Learn Lojban now)) or read the [Lojban Introductory Brochure] for a more detailed description of Lojban.

The Logical Language Group

This site is the official repository of materials from ((The Logical Language Group)) (LLG), the non-profit corporation which has led Lojban development since 1987.

As part of the LLG's commitment to the community, this site attempts to reflect a cross section of the Lojban community outside of the LLG. Some of the material on this site isn't officially sanctioned, but what is official is explicitly stated.


((What's New?|More news, more details...))


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