me RDF sestidi

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Revision as of 13:18, 17 February 2015 by Ramcinfo (talk | contribs)
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This proposal is now in a very rough draft state.

This is a proposal for encoding Lojban texts as a set of RDF triples (possibly quads). The primal intent behind this is to allow precise decomposition of Lojban structures into simple predicates. Other uses could arise in future.

This document presumes on reader working knowledge of following semantic web topics: RDF and Turle. (It is possible what named graphs and notations to represent them, e.g. Notation 3 and/or TriG, will be needed later). It should be noted that this conversion is not yet intended to be sematic web technology, though it is possible in future.

The examples of conversion will be given in two forms: Turtle (in this version) and simplified representation of RDF triples, with prefixes substituded for full URIs.

Example of conversion:

{mi djica lo nu tavla}


@prefix : <> .
@prefix g: <> .
@prefix c: <> .
@prefix cc: <> .
@prefix x: <> .
[                             # main bridi
 :sesumti-fa c:mi ;
 :bridi g:djica ;
 :sesumti-fe [                # zo'e of lo
   a c:zohe ;
   :sumti-fa [                # bridi of lo
     :bridi [                 # abstraction
       a c:nu ;
       cc:sucta [             # embedded bridi
         :bridi g:tavla ]]]] ;
 x:cuscu [
   :sesumti-fa <> ;
   :sesumti-fi <> ;
   :sesumti-fo <> ]] .

RDF triples:

_:b1 :sesumti-fa c:mi .
_:b1 :bridi g:djica .
_:b1 :sesumti-fe _:z1 .
_:z1 rdf:type c:zohe .
_:z1 :sumti-fa _:b2 .
_:b2 :bridi _:n1 .
_:n1 rdf:type c:nu .
_:n1 cc:sucta _:b3 .
_:b3 :bridi g:tavla .
_:b1 x:cuscu _:x1 .
_:x1 :sesumti-fa <> .
_:x1 :sesumti-fi <> .
_:x1 :sesumti-fo <>

Next actions:

1. Explain the example step by step.

2. Add scope operators to the example.

3. How RDF semantics interact with Lojban logic? E.g. it seems that [] is more like {da} than {zo'e}

4. Possibly use for x:cuscu (rename it x:xusra?).

5. Define resources in lojban (e.g. :bridi is {bridi fi zi'o} and :sesumti-FA is {se sumti be fi FA.bu}).

6. Named grapsh could be used for abstactions e.g. cc:sucta {[:bridi g:tavla ]}, but are superfluous now. May be they will be needed for when multiple statements will be introduced?