relative Clauses with Cmevla

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{CODE(wrap="1]]jbocre: 09:36 <selckiku> i wish someone would have a name with "noi" or "poi"

jbocre: 09:36 <tomoj> I like more complicated names as well

jbocre: 09:37 <selckiku> in theory we have that kind of name, but in practice we never have!

jbocre: 09:37 <selckiku> i think a nice name would be "la tirxu poi sipna", Sleeping Tiger

jbocre: 09:37 <tomoj> {la nu spoja be bu'u le tsani}

jbocre: 09:37 <selckiku> maybe i'll name someone in la mafro'i that

jbocre: 09:38 <tomoj> .i la mafro'i cu mo

jbocre: 09:38 <vensa> selckiku: in {la tirxu poi sipna}, the "sleeping" isn't a part of the name. is it?

jbocre: 09:38 <selckiku> vensa, yes, it is

jbocre: 09:38 <vensa> because it's {la}?

jbocre: 09:38 <selckiku> vensa, in "la tirxu ku poi sipna", the "ku" makes it not part of the name

jbocre: 09:38 <vensa> wwwwhhat?

jbocre: 09:38 <tomoj> which brings up an interesting problem

jbocre: 09:38 <vensa> didnt know that

jbocre: 09:38 <tomoj> say we want to translate "Doubting Thomas"

jbocre: 09:38 <vensa> selckiku: citation plz

jbocre: 09:39 <tomoj> just like "Sleeping Tiger"

jbocre: 09:39 <tomoj> you can't

jbocre: 09:39 <lindar> Well, if the grammar didn't (apparently) auto-terminate cmevla, my full name would be {la .lindar. noi banli je blanu blozeile'a ku'o ju'u gai

jbocre: 09:39 <tomoj> because a cmevla isn't terminated by {ku

jbocre: 09:39 <tomoj> or "Alexander the Great"

jbocre: 09:39 <vensa> tomoj: good point

jbocre: 09:39 <vensa> I recall seeing some proposed translation of Alexander the Great tho

jbocre: 09:40 <ctino> But if the gismu is at the end then you can terminate it with ku, no>?

jbocre: 09:40 <tomoj> wonder what it would be

jbocre: 09:40 <selckiku> vensa, here u go: it's in CLL somewher

jbocre: 09:40 <selckiku> CITATION ACCOMPLISHED

jbocre: 09:40 <vensa> ha

jbocre: 09:40 <tomoj> .i .u'i

jbocre: 09:40 <lindar> People don't study their terminators enough, so they don't know the nifty shit it can do.

jbocre: 09:40 <vensa> that seems troubling

jbocre: 09:41 <vensa> an "elidable terminator" should change the "Semantics" IMO

jbocre: 09:41 * ctino likes terminators. They're comforting, like hot chocolate

jbocre: 09:41 <selckiku> u can put the "poi" inside after the "la", that ought to do it

jbocre: 09:41 <selckiku> la poi -doubt- ku'o .tomas.

jbocre: 09:41 <vensa> whaaaat

jbocre: 09:41 <vensa> senpi BTW

jbocre: 09:41 <selckiku> o yeah, zo senpi

jbocre: 09:41 <vensa> gerna la poi senpi ku'o tomas

jbocre: 09:41 <lindar> Children, pay the fuck attention: {pa lo ci broda noi blanu ku'o ku} means that all three brodas are blue. {pa lo ci broda ku noi blanu ku'o} means that the one broda we're talking about is blue, but doesn't say anything about the other two.

jbocre: 09:41 <gerna> (0[[jbocre: {la <poi (1senpi VAU)1 ku'o> tomas} VAU]])0

jbocre: 09:42 <vensa> wow!

jbocre: 09:42 <tomoj> uhuhh

jbocre: 09:42 <tomoj> gerna la poi senpi tomas

jbocre: 09:42 <gerna> (0[[jbocre: {la <poi (1senpi VAU)1 KU'O> tomas} VAU]])0

jbocre: 09:42 <lindar> Wow, does that actually work?

jbocre: 09:42 * lindar didn't think to do that.

jbocre: 09:42 <tomoj> hehe

jbocre: 09:42 <tomoj> pay attention child

jbocre: 09:42 <vensa> lindar: thanks. I didnt pay attention to the details

jbocre: 09:42 <tomoj> we are all children here :)

jbocre: 09:43 <lindar> Bitchin'.

jbocre: 09:43 <vensa> so {noi} can attach either to selbri or sumti?

jbocre: 09:43 <lindar> No.

jbocre: 09:43 <lindar> Pretty sure it can't.

jbocre: 09:43 <lindar> gerna .i ko'a broda noi brode ku'o vau

jbocre: 09:43 <gerna> not grammatical: .i ko'a broda _noi_ ⚠ brode ku'o vau

jbocre: 09:43 <vensa> so whats it doing in ex1

jbocre: 09:43 <vensa> ?

jbocre: 09:43 <lindar> Nope.

jbocre: 09:43 <lindar> It's attaching to the inner quantifier.

jbocre: 09:43 <vensa> hmmm

jbocre: 09:44 <vensa> oh ok

jbocre: 09:44 <lindar> gerna pa lo ci broda noi brode ku'o ku

jbocre: 09:44 <gerna> (0[[jbocre: {<pa BOI> <lo (1[jbocre: {ci BOI} broda]] [[jbocre: noi {brode VAU} ku'o]])1 ku>} VAU])0

jbocre: 09:44 <lindar> gerna pa lo ci broda ku noi brode ku'o

jbocre: 09:44 <gerna> (0[[jbocre: {<(1pa BOI)1 (1lo [jbocre: {ci BOI} broda]] ku)1> <noi (1brode VAU)1 ku'o>} VAU])0

jbocre: 09:44 <vensa> lindar: do YOU hvae the link for this?

jbocre: 09:44 <lindar> No, I have the fucking grammar bot telling me I'm right.

jbocre: 09:44 <lindar> Observe. =D

jbocre: 09:44 <vensa> i c

jbocre: 09:44 <ctino> la poi banli .aleksandr.

jbocre: 09:45 <vensa> I still like to have references :)

jbocre: 09:45 <vensa> nm

jbocre: 09:45 * ctino is happy now

jbocre: 09:45 <vensa> the {la poi} thing is especially demanding a citation IMO

jbocre: 09:45 * vensa looks

jbocre: 09:45 <ctino> Jboski likes it.

jbocre: 09:46 <ctino> So it must be okay to do.

jbocre: 09:46 == lindar has changed nick to la_poi_banli_je_

jbocre: 09:46 <la_poi_banli_je_> Aww! character limit?

jbocre: 09:46 <selckiku> jboski has some weird ideas actually

jbocre: 09:46 == la_poi_banli_je_ has changed nick to lindar

jbocre: 09:46 <vensa> hehe

jbocre: 09:46 <selckiku> omg that name just made my whole irc text shift over

jbocre: 09:46 <Twey> ‘la banli me la .aleksandr.’ I would say

jbocre: 09:46 <lindar> selkik: use a better client =D

jbocre: 09:46 <lindar> Like irssi

jbocre: 09:47 <ctino> But that's so much longer, Twey D:

jbocre: 09:47 <tomoj>

jbocre: 09:47 <lindar> My client justifies to the left side of the name, not the right.

jbocre: 09:47 <Twey> gerna la poi banli aleksandr

jbocre: 09:47 <gerna> (0[[jbocre: {la <poi (1banli VAU)1 KU'O> aleksandr} VAU]])0

jbocre: 09:47 * lindar hates clients that do it the other way.

jbocre: 09:47 <tomoj>

jbocre: 09:47 <tomoj> "LA # relative-clauses CMENE ... #"

jbocre: 09:48 <vensa> Twey: y u need {me}?

jbocre: 09:49 <ctino> Now the question is: would that be "Alexander the Great", or "The great (in fashion) Alexander" ?

jbocre: 09:49 <ctino> I guess it's pretty much the same thing.

jbocre: 09:49 <vensa> it is IMO

jbocre: 09:49 <lindar> It doesn't say in the names chapter.

jbocre: 09:50 <lindar>

jbocre: 09:50 <Ledgebin> je

jbocre: 09:50 <Ledgebin> kenra?

jbocre: 09:50 <vensa>

jbocre: 09:50 <vensa> on the bottom

jbocre: 09:50 <ctino> What's with the freakin' cancer.

jbocre: 09:50 <vensa> but I have ye to find {la poi}

jbocre: 09:52 <Ledgebin> what does .uinai mean?

jbocre: 09:52 <Ledgebin> no?

jbocre: 09:52 <ctino> Unhappy.

jbocre: 09:52 <Ledgebin> aha ty

jbocre: 09:52 <ctino> No problem.

jbocre: 09:52 == tajys jbocre: [email protected] has quit jbocre: Quit: Leaving

jbocre: 09:52 <vensa> selckiku: do you remembet where you read the {la poi} stuff?

jbocre: 09:53 <tomoj> it's right there in the bnf

jbocre: 09:53 <selckiku> vensa, not really.. a zillion discussions about it i think

jbocre: 09:53 <ctino> Haha. I can imagine a little kid who's not getting what they want and screaming "nai nai nai nai NAI!" at the top of their lungs.

jbocre: 09:53 <selckiku> we go around in circles on the same tracks, i'm used to every stop

jbocre: 09:54 <lindar> Ledgebin: kenra means cancer... you are very strange for saying cancer over and over again.

jbocre: 09:54 <vensa> tomoj: the bnf is not self explanatory

jbocre: 09:54 * ctino agrees with lindar

jbocre: 09:54 <tomoj> no

jbocre: 09:54 <tomoj> it just proves that these sentences are grammatical

jbocre: 09:54 <vensa> true

jbocre: 09:54 == tajys jbocre: [email protected] has joined #lojban

jbocre: 09:54 <vensa> but it's not CLL :)

jbocre: 09:54 <tomoj> I see only one meaningful interpretation though

jbocre: 09:54 <vensa> I agree

jbocre: 09:55 <vensa> still, it dont hurt to ask

jbocre: 09:55 <tomoj> hmm

jbocre: 09:55 <tomoj> but can you say "Thomas (who incidentally was doubting), ..."

jbocre: 09:56 <tomoj> no {ku}

jbocre: 09:56 <Ledgebin> kenra?

jbocre: 09:56 <Ledgebin> vensa: hi

jbocre: 09:56 <Ledgebin> how do i do this

jbocre: 09:56 <Ledgebin> i cant understanding

jbocre: 09:57 <vensa> tomoj: isnt that what {la tomas noi senpi} means be default?

jbocre: 09:57 <Ledgebin> uhm

jbocre: 09:57 <selckiku> do na kakne lo nu do nu jimpe

jbocre: 09:57 <tomoj> who knows?

jbocre: 09:57 <tomoj> the CLL doesn't specify

jbocre: 09:57 <ctino> vensa: that looks correct to me.

jbocre: 09:57 <vensa> I thought that's what lindar implied

jbocre: 09:58 <Ledgebin> lnder

jbocre: 09:58 <tomoj> {la tomas noi senpi} could either be "'Thomas', who incidentally doubts", or "'Thomas who Incidentally Doubts'"

jbocre: 09:58 <Ledgebin> timojbo

jbocre: 09:58 <vensa> I think it's implied because of auto-cmevla-termination

jbocre: 09:58 <ctino> No.

jbocre: 09:59 <vensa> so, the correlation should hold

jbocre: 09:59 <ctino> Because the cmevla terminates...

jbocre: 09:59 <tomoj> right

jbocre: 09:59 <ctino> As vensa says.

jbocre: 09:59 <tomoj> that's a valid interpretation

jbocre: 09:59 <tomoj> but the CLL doesn't say this

jbocre: 09:59 <vensa> {lo broda ku noi brode} ~= {la cmevlas noi brode}

jbocre: 09:59 <tomoj> I think that's good though

jbocre: 09:59 <ctino> But jboski does.

jbocre: 09:59 <vensa> tomoj: another point for the BPFK to discuss

jbocre: 09:59 <tomoj> if you want the relative clause as part of the name, put it before the cmene

jbocre: 09:59 <Ledgebin> i mi na jimpe

jbocre: 09:59 <vensa> I'll put that in my discussion topics as well

jbocre: 09:59 <selckiku> theoretically, if the BPFK discussed points

[[jbocre: {CODE(wrap="1]][jbocre: 18:45]] <vensa> hi, in continuation to an earlier topic today, I think I found another way to "get around" the problem of adding NOI to a cmevla name.

jbocre: 18:46 <vensa> {la poi banli ku'o aleksander} was the first approach

jbocre: 18:46 <vensa> but you couldnt say the Alexander first

jbocre: 18:46 <vensa> but... how about {la me la aleksander noi banli}

jbocre: 18:47 <vensa> gerna la me la aleksander noi banli

jbocre: 18:47 <gerna> (0[[jbocre: {la <me (1[jbocre: la aleksander|la aleksander]] [[jbocre: noi {banli VAU} KU'O]])1 ME'U> KU} VAU])0

jbocre: 18:47 <vensa> seems like the {noi} still attaches INSIDE the {ku}.

jbocre: 18:47 <vensa> however, does it carry the same meaning?

jbocre: 18:48 == Zarutian jbocre: [email protected] has joined #lojban

jbocre: 18:48 == cirzgamanti` jbocre: [email protected] has quit jbocre: Ping timeout: 260 seconds

jbocre: 18:49 == cirzgamanti` jbocre: [email protected] has joined #lojban

jbocre: 18:53 <@xalbo> Interesting, weird, and complicated. But it looks like it works.

jbocre: 18:55 <vensa> yay!

jbocre: 18:55 <vensa> I guess Id use it just for styling

jbocre: 18:55 <vensa> but ki'e la xalbo

Note: it is also grammatical to say {la PA la .aleksander. noi banli} as per hapter 6 Section 9 whatisarelation, which gives as the name {la .aleksander. noi banli}, not {me la .aleksander. noi banli} (though a reasonable audience would probably ignore the {me} part of the name), and does not imply that there is something called {aleksander} (though, again, a reasonable audience would understand).